My daughters have been neglected in that branch of education, and with my sixty years of experience, I must also admit that I amincompetent to aid either you or my daughters in the selection of a man.
Everyone laughed loudly at Lord Blayney's folly in imagining that so obviously incompetent an animal could run against the beautiful little racer Sancho; only Lord Blayney himself seemed stupidly surprised at his own failure.
A large number of persons seem to be of opinion that the State is bound no less to take care of the general public, than to see that it is protected against incompetent persons, against quacks and medical impostors in general.
Such are the methods of Biology--methods which are obviously identical with those of all other sciences, and therefore wholly incompetent to form the ground of any distinction between it and them.
The captain had a superstitious fear of his hold: he became wildly gesticulatory and expository and incompetent at the bare thought of it.
I've never had a chance to correct my early impression of him, and he still remains an almost dreadful memory, a sort of caricature of incompetent simplicity.
Lauzun, an incompetent commander, was sent over to take their place, accompanied by about seven thousand French infantry.
I should be rather surprised to hear any one assert that the parliament of Paris was incompetent to try Christina for the murder of Monaldeschi.
He was a veritable malleus stultorum in dealing alike with the futilities of incompetent aristocrats and the homely puerilities of Martin Tupper and Poet Close.
Here the state becomes divided against itself--there is one state of the rich and another of the poor--and the poor will be divided into the merely incompetent and the actively dangerous or predatory.
Anyone incompetent enough to get captured deserves their attentions, and it saves me the bother of reprimands.
It was a shame to lose him, but worth it to watch Cortin work on her first victim, whether she turned out to be the incomparable expert he expected if she had the nerve, or the total incompetent he expected if she didn't.
There is the Duke, who is the most incompetent man in England; there is Monk, who is the most unfit; and there is Gresham, who is the most unpopular.
No life is so charming as camp life, but incompetent servants are a great drawback.
Those physicians in Oriental lands were very incompetent for their work, and very exorbitant in their demands.
Let not incompetent elocutionists or the barbarisms of custom give you tones or enunciations at war with those that God implanted.
Tsz-lu, after once hearing him upon some subject, and feeling himself as yetincompetent to carry into practice what he had heard, used to be apprehensive only lest he should hear the subject revived.
A very incompetent special commissioner, Bobadilla, was sent with extraordinary powers to set matters right, and he sent Columbus home in chains, to the indignation of the king and queen.
But France herself was on the verge of a division into three, between the incompetent Henry III.
The Atheling's young son was a feeble, incompetent person, and wholly a foreigner; only the most romantic and senseless citizen could dream of making him Lord of England in such a time as that.
On the next day incompetent persons attempted to extract the kernel from the left side, but only caused pain and hemorrhage.
As Ideas are wholly incompetent to explain the process of thought, the next inquiry will be, whether words are capable of affording the adequate solution.
In Pennsylvania there were several German schools even before the arrival of Muhlenberg; as a rule, however, the teachers were incompetent or immoral, or both.
He seemed to himselfincompetent and useless, a predestined failure.
In proportion as her concepts, hopes, and aims remain material she will be as incompetent as any other body with the same handicaps and limitations.
Our whole world-condition shows us to be racially incompetent, and able to produce no more than incompetent leaders.
Many of their members were not only incompetent to the duties of their profession, being without the least tincture of liberal culture, but fixed a deep stain on it by the careless laxity of their morals.