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Example sentences for "greater amount"

  • It would appear that worms have to swallow a greater amount of earth on poor than on rich land, in order to obtain sufficient nutriment.

  • Thus the drainage from the overlying clay is directed to certain points, where a greater amount of calcareous matter is dissolved than elsewhere.

  • If this had not occurred a greater amount of mould would have accumulated over the ruins than that now present.

  • For he who steals a little steals with the same wish as he who steals much, but with less power, and he who takes up a greater amount, not having deposited it, is wholly unjust.

  • Now A includes a greater amount of utility in the same value, seeing that the utility of a product includes what nature has put there, as well as what labour has put there; whilst value includes only what labour has put there.

  • We pay more for wheat, because the production of it costs a greater amount of human labour.

  • In recompensing the producer of A for his labour only, it receives into the bargain a greater amount of natural utility than it has given.

  • These towns effect an Exchange as often as they can obtain a greater amount of enjoyments by that means than by direct production.

  • Is your object to effect a more intimate association between labour, capital, and talent, insuring thereby to the members of the human family a greater amount of material enjoyment--enjoyment more equally distributed?

  • Or, can we hope to secure a greater amount of social happiness by violating liberty and property, by interfering with and regulating labour, by disturbing exchanges, and shifting responsibility?

  • The general opinion is that a greater amount of the silver coin is to be found with these smaller merchants than at the larger shops, and in that opinion I quite concur.

  • The fishing here is the only thing a man has to depend upon, and sometimes, when it turns out bad year, he perhaps has taken a greater amount of supply from the shop for his family than usual.

  • The result, as far as my observations extends, is that a greater amount of work is usually accomplished with black than with white soldiers.

  • A greater amount at once increased the sick list.

  • The statements unanimously agree that the black will do a greater amount of work than the white soldier because he labors more constantly.

  • Next in order comes the introduction of new articles of food, containing a greater amount of sustenance, like the potato, or more productive species or varieties of the same plant, such as the Swedish turnip.

  • It is habitually assumed that whenever there is a greater amount of money in the country, or in existence, a rise of prices must necessarily follow.

  • Its various parts are taken up by different minds, and thus receive a greater amount of attention than could possibly be bestowed on them if each investigator aimed at the mastery of the whole.

  • An Englishman of average education at the present day would naturally demand a greater amount of evidence to prove that this occurrence took place, than would have satisfied an Israelite in the age succeeding that of Joshua.

  • Conversely the waves of water, impinging upon the flat face of the oar-blade, will impart a greater amount of motion to it than when impinging upon the edge.

  • A greater amount of blood and mucus in the stool with tenesmus would more properly be called dysenteric, but the same case may present at one time diarrhoeal, at another dysenteric, symptoms.

  • The weight of the evacuations varies from five ounces to forty pounds in twenty-four hours; this increase does not depend upon the greater quantity of water only, but the solid constituents are in greater amount.

  • The heat-forming constituents of these substances constitute not only the chief part of their bulk, but they are also capable of evolving a greater amount of heat than any other of the respiratory elements.

  • There is a gradual expansion as it ascends, and consequently a gradual cooling, because a given amount of heat is being constantly distributed over a greater amount of space.

  • It is probable, however, that these receive a greater amount of wear than do the main bearings, inasmuch as the former obtain the direct impact of the force of each explosion.

  • There can, of course, no greater amount of fresh charge enter the cylinder than is drawn into the crank case.

  • Few inventions also have exerted a greater influence--though the influence of the typewriter has been auxiliary, rather than dominant; it has merely enabled a greater amount of business to be transacted than could be transacted before.

  • It is more than doubtful if a greater amount of money has been expended on any other invention, if a greater number of experiments have been made, or if more mental and physical energy has been expended.

  • We need a greater amount of clothing while asleep, than during the day; as not only the action of the body, but that of the brain, during sleep, is suspended.

  • Furs contain a greater amount of air in their meshes, than any other article, and they absorb no moisture; consequently, as an article of dress, they are best adapted to those who are exposed to great vicissitudes of heat and cold.

  • The third kind of bathing is that of the shower-bath, which provides a greater amount of affusion than the former, combined with a greater shock to the nervous system.

  • The walls of the right ventricle, being thinner than the left, are more distensible, and thus this cavity will contain a greater amount of blood.

  • For hogs and chickens it makes much less difference, and the absence of the chaff gives a greater amount of nutritive matter to the ton, so that wheat is worth more at the same ton price.

  • Expanding production, understood as the creation of a greater amount of surplus value, need not therefore necessarily imply expanding reproduction in the capitalist meaning of the term.

  • Conversely, capital may, within limits, yield a greater surplus value in consequence of a higher degree of exploitation such as is brought about by wage-cutting and the like, without actually producing a greater amount of goods.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greater amount" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another connection; bring down; cannot remember; deep river; extensive plain; four degrees; good times; greater degree; greater depth; greater detail; greater evil; greater importance; greater number; greater part; greater pleasure; greater portion; greater proportion; greater quantity; greater things; greater value; only tell; parliamentary republic; proper time; remember them; their respective; twas time