Ted was now straddling the prostrate bully, who was breathing heavily, his body heaving as his lungs tried to get back into commission.
Carl sat in the chair watching his prisoner, and soon saw Farley's chestheaving regularly and heard his deep breathing as he slept.
I stopped heaving in the cable, lowered the dinghy, and pulled ashore myself, jolly glad to get some exercise.
Ellis heaving the lead every few seconds, to warn us of shoaling water.
Scud walked slowly down the heaving gangway that connected the rocks with the float.
Here and there in the heaving mist on the river we saw the feeble glimmer of a lanthorn that had survived through the night and still served to mark the spot where a boat was moored.
The train has hardly come to a stand when from every direction the mass of outsiders is heaving up around it.
They're heaving down logs and brushwood, sir," whispers Costigan.
He leant over the gangway and watched the heaving of the sea.
It was Aunt Jemima who came flying upstairs, her eyes popping from her head, her plump hands flattened against her big, heaving bosom, her breath gone in the effort to tell her dreadful news before she should drop dead.
The delay in heavingthe ship to, I attributed to the scene I had witnessed the night before; and in this I was confirmed by the testimony of the officers.
Then, seeing the heaving bogies of the trucks, he leaned over the side of his own car and watched the metal wheels.
A moving target isn't too easy to hit from a launch when she's heaving and rolling.
And it was upon the latter, upon the bottom of thisheaving ocean, that Sadie Partington's eyes were directed.
And as he was heaving massy rocks to stay them from reaching the haven, he grazed his ankle on a pointed crag; and the ichor gushed forth like melted lead; and not long thereafter did he stand towering on the jutting cliff.
The thing to do for her," thought Marise, as she patted the thin heaving shoulders, "is to give her something to work at.
Yes," replied the old man, heaving up the monosyllable from his chest with a hoarse, broken sigh.
I'd rather the world should think the men gave us the ballot willingly, and that it should never be known that we beat them out of it," she said, heaving a sigh of relief.
This was due to the fact that so much of the time walking was a matter of carefully balancing himself against the strange unsteadiness, the heaving and rolling of the ground beneath him.
It is then an affair of an hour or more to get her off the bank by laying out kedge anchors, andheaving upon the hawsers with the steam winches.
We trod delicately among and around them, sounding and observing; heaving to where space permitted, and sometimes using the dinghy.
He was in the highest and most mischievous humour, raining banter on Davies and mock sympathy on me, laughing at our huge compass, heaving the lead himself, startling us with imaginary soundings, and doubting if his men were sober.
Griffith hovered over him, gazing worriedly at the big heaving shoulders.
Look long at these recumbent forms and you will see the heaving of their breasts.
I trust that you never may," she cried, with a heaving breast.
It washeaving and swirling about the reef, but along the shore it rippled in gently enough.
All around appeared mountains of heaving water, each succeeding sea threatening to swallow up the labouring ship.
A moaning sound swept o'er the heaving ocean, Toss'd hoarsely on from angry crest to crest, Like groans from a great soul in its unrest, Stirring the ranks of men to fierce commotion.
I get floating spots in front of my eyes and a sort of heaving sensation, and everything kind of goes black.
With a sense of putting his shoulder to some heavy weight and heaving at it, he sought to lift the conversation to a higher plane.