Observe that it is colorless and either transparent or translucent, and when poured from one vessel to another is glairy and more or less adhesive.
In this disease the breathing becomes very painful, as the secretion of glairy serum is suspended, and the dry and inflamed surfaces rub harshly upon each other.
It secretes the synovia, or joint oil, a thick and glairy fluid, like the white of a raw egg, which thoroughly lubricates the inner surfaces of the joints.
Both eyes closed; the mouth lolled open and a glairy froth began to trickle down.
An automatic in each hand, Stern scrambled to theglairy summit of the fortification.
Persons whose Stomachs contain much glairy viscid Matter suppose, they may be cured by Purges, which seem indeed at first to relieve them: but this proves a very slight and deceitful Relief.
Worms are sometimes voided, and glairy hairy Humours, resembling Pieces or Peelings of Guts, and sometimes Clots of Blood.
They contain a thick glairy fluid, which differs from saliva in containing a considerable quantity of mucin and albumin, while it is free from any amylolytic ferment or sulpho-cyanide of potassium.
The cyst is filled with a glairy mucoid fluid, and may contain one or more unerupted teeth (Fig.
They are of a bluish colour, and contain a glairy fluid.
When deeply placed, they are lined by cylindrical or ciliated epithelium and contain a glairy mucoid fluid.
It becomes softened as the result of congestion, and the glands are more active, secreting a thick glairy mucus.
Soon he has a hacking cough, worse in the morning, with a scanty, glairy sputum.
A glairy mucus, or yellow fluid, moistens the nostrils, and if the ear be applied to the head, the breathing will be discovered to be accompanied with an unusual sound.
A thick purulent discharge, or one of a glairy nature, is often present in the male throughout the attack, and nearly always during recovery.
These last, however, soon begin to swell, and a thick glairy discharge of simple mucus drains from them in small quantities.
There was no loss of semen, but after the paroxysms a small quantity of glairy mucus escaped from the meatus.
The glairy fluid of colloid carcinoma oozes from the cut surface of the tumor, bathes it, and is to be found in the intestine.
The vomited matter may consist of food, of glairy mucus more or less tinged with bile, of colorless liquid, or of a fluid resembling a mixture of bran and water.
The presence of these abnormal growths teases the rectum and brings on tenesmus and frequent desire to go to stool; the feces are flattened, and with them escapes a quantity of glairy red mucus which has been compared to thin currant-jelly.
Nausea is felt on rising; then with much straining and distress a littleglairy mucus and a teaspoonful of bile are brought up; after which, it may be, a little food can be taken.
The cyst is generally of considerable thickness, the fluid glairy and albuminous.
Great risk attends interference with bursæ of large size near joints or cysts containing serous or glairy fluid in any situation.
The incited action of the bloodvessels is followed by increased discharge, which is less glairy and albuminous, partaking more of the serous character.
It is often made up also partly of cysts containing serosity, or glairy albuminous fluid.
They form rapidly, but seldom attain any very considerable size; and may be found to contain, along with glairy fluid, a mixture of pus, or curdy matter.
The generative organs are wasted and inactive, or so weakened as to secrete but a ropy, thin and glairy fluid, having few or none of the characteristics of Vital Fluid.
And by the side of each man the dust was stiffened into a red cake with a glairy pool in the middle of it, fed from the raw wound; and where two men lay together their pools had joined and overflowed in a thin red stream.
From the hole in the man's head, through the soaked bandages, it still dripped, dripped with a light sound; it had made a glairy pool on the floor of the ambulance.
Should this fit of coughing fail in doing so, a quantity of glairy fluid is poured out from small glands in the windpipe, and this fluid enveloping the solid particles tends to prevent them from doing further mischief.
The secretion of catarrh is white and glairy and resembles the discharge of leucorrhœa or whites.
The secretion is very scant at first, but becomes more abundant as the disease progresses, its character also changes from a white, glairy mucus to a creamy, muco-purulent or yellowish discharge.
Every passage contains glairy mucus formed into lumps resembling granules of boiled starch, streaked with blood and associated with a creamy looking substance which is purulent matter.
In the course of time, the nature of the secretion will be greatly changed, from a white glairy discharge into a grayish opaque secretion; this will be tinged greenish some days and be of a muco-purulent aspect.
When the catarrh is severe the nutriment that the child takes into the stomach is immediately rejected or it may vomit glairy or greenish mucus from an empty stomach.
And, while we are about it, you know that old Ingres turns me sick with his glairy painting.
They all repeated the word in tones of conviction--that word which they usually cast at the very worst smudges, at the pale, cold, glairypainting of daubers.
Within twenty-four or forty-eight hours this glairy liquid is abundant, bathing and macerating the body of the perished insect.
The cough is attended by a copious secretion of glairy mucus, which is brought up at the latter part of the paroxysm.
It varies, however, in color and consistency from a white, glairy mucus to a yellow or greenish, purulent, fetid matter.
The glands of the cervical membrane secrete a glairy mucus, resembling the white, or albuminous part of an egg.
Another symptom is enlargement of the vulva, with redness of its lining membrane, and the escape of glairy mucus.
It is also usually associated with the specific glairy discharge from the nose, the nasal ulcers and nodules, and the enlarged painless, nodular, and indolent submaxillary lymphatic glands.
The matters vomited consist of the ingesta colored with bile, of glairy mucus tinged with bile, or of green bile, sometimes in considerable quantity.