Why, then, make compulsory militarism foundational in our national life?
The language of Bible symbols, on the other hand, is not subject to the law of change, as we shall see; it is not based on arbitrary arrangement or mere convenience, but its foundational principles exist in the very nature of things.
When these foundational points have been acquired, the trill, scales, arpeggios, chords, octaves and double notes follow in due course.
After one has rested, or had a vacation, some foundational exercises and finger movements may be necessary, to limber up the muscles and regain control and quickness.
As for a book to start with, I often use the one by Damm, though any foundational work may be employed, so long as correct principles are taught.
As I said before, technic is such an individual matter, that after the first period of foundational training, one who has the desire to become an artist, must work out things for himself.
Sex was felt from the first to be part, and a foundational part, of the great order of the world and of human nature; and therefore to separate it from Religion was unthinkable and a kind of contradiction in terms.
Formerly, agriculture was the one important foundational industry, and from the feebleness of the transport system the vital connections and the unity it supplied was local rather than national or international.
This Navigation policy gave a strong foundational support to the whole protective policy.
Still more significant is the increased mechanical efficiency in the foundational industries.
The series of studies of everyday caring may best be understood as general foundational human science, rather than as nursing science per se.
The result of it has been to retard the development of biology to its rightful place as one of the most foundationaland catholic of all educational fields.
There are courses that are foundationaland that must therefore be governed by an eclectic aim.
Just how far will specialization be carried, in what sequence will the foundational subjects and the specialties be taken up, and to what extent will other more general subjects not directly contributing to a technical end be admitted?