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Example sentences for "founde"

Lexicographically close words:
found; foundacion; foundation; foundational; foundations; founded; founden; founder; foundered; founderies
  1. The winde blewe very much with great fogge, we lacking Water and wood bare within an Island where wee founde great store of wood and water, there were three or foure goodly sounds.

  2. It is reported by Xenophon, that Hanno, King of Carthage, ranged with his armie in that region, and founde there, certaine women of incredible swiftenesse and perniscitie of foote.

  3. Whan helayn had the crosse of Ihesu criste / and saw she had not the nayles / Thenne he dyd dygge in therthe so longe / that he founde them shynyng as golde/.

  4. Every one doeth holde that this crosse which Helene founde is yet at Ierusalem, and none doeth doute thereof.

  5. To be short, yf a man woulde gather together all that hath bene founde of this crosse, there would be inough to fraighte a great ship.

  6. I know that it is holden for a certaintie that it was founde of Heline the mother of Constantine the Romaine Emperour.

  7. Of these sort are those monsters, halfe like men, and halfe like beastes, whiche men say are founde in woods, and oftentimes haue appeared vnto men.

  8. For he prooueth out of many Authors, that there are founde Monsters in the Sea, hauing shapes and countenaunces somewhat like vnto men.

  9. This polling, and also his haires scattered abroad, were founde when it was day.

  10. Furthermore, the Heathen thought the Soules should stray continually abroade before they founde rest, vnlesse the bodies from which they were seuered, were rightly buried in the earth.

  11. All these things are founde more at large in the Papists bookes whiche are written of the consecration of suche things, and are publikely extant.

  12. Tell me I pray thée, whether the laboring husbandman, or the idle man, who alwayes spent his time in inuenting pernitious mischiefes, first founde out those cruel instruments of warre which they call gunnes?

  13. Of the whiche partes mencyon shall be made herafter in euery kynde of oracions / for they are nat founde generally in euery oracion / but some haue moo partes / and some lesse.

  14. For he must haue wyt to deserne & iuge whe- ther tho thynges that he hath founde in his mynde be conuenient to the purpose or nat.

  15. The places out of whome are founde argumentes for the prouynge or impro- uynge of compounde Themes / are these folowynge.

  16. But here a wonder, I fortie yere saue twayne, Proceeded in age, founde my first youth agayne.

  17. As I late turned olde bookes to and fro, One litle treatise I founde among the mo Because that in youth I did compile the same, Egloges of youth I did call it by name.

  18. Were founde for youthe by sad and wyse counsayle Far from theyr faders of this condicion.

  19. O farewell griefe, and welcome joye, Ten thousand times therefore; 50 For nowe I have founde mine owne true love, Whom I thought I should never see more.

  20. Fast then pricked king Arthure 125 Ore hille, and dale, and downe: And soone he founde the barone's bowre: And soone the grimme baroune.

  21. I gat me a thre foted stole in hand, & he had but ones layd his littell finger on me, he shulde not haue founde me lame.

  22. London "sette up bylles in divers places that if any man of the cyte had founde the purse and woulde brynge it agayn to him he shulde have welle for his laboure.

  23. Sidenote: Year uncertain] Right trusty and wel beloved frend, I grete you wel, thankyng you hertely for the gentilnes and good wylle I have founde in you at alle tymes.

  24. Ther is founde more of other thyngges be the same verdite touchyng other matieris, whiche he will not certifie yet.

  25. In Eden: “Pauiloghon, where they founde blacke men lyke vnto the Saraſins.

  26. Everye white will have its blacke, And everye sweete its sowre: This founde the Ladye Christabelle In an untimely howre.

  27. Then he tooke up the bloudy hand, That was so large of bone, And on it he founde five ringes of gold, Of knightes that had be slone.

  28. Our lady is the trewest woman That ever yet founde I me.

  29. By dere worthy god," said Robyn, "To seche all England thorowe, Yet founde I never to my pay A moche better borowe.

  30. The kyng opened the letter anone, Hymselfe he red it th[r]o, And founde how these thre outlawes had slaine Thre hundred men and mo.

  31. And when they came to mery Caerlell, In a fayre mornyng tyde, They founde the gates shut them untyll, Round about on every syde.

  32. When she came to the forest, Under the grene wode tre, Founde she there Robyn Hode, 75 And all his fayre meyne.

  33. He dyde him streyt to Bernysdale, Under the grene wode tre, 230 And he founde there Robyn Hode, And all his mery meyne.

  34. By dere worthy god," sayd Robyn, "To seche all England thorowe, Yet founde I never to my pay A moch better borowe.

  35. At this Co{r}te yt was agreed That whereas a Teñte in Tower streate belonginge to this house ys founde [to] be concealled Landes.

  36. Mariage is not the cause: Nature in her firste molde hath so framed all, wherefore doe you ascribe that to mariage, that is founde faultée in Nature.

  37. What nobilitee is founde in them, when thei builde nothyng, to their aunce- tours woorke of nobilitée.

  38. Mais ce qu'on n'y trouvera But that which cannot be founden Declaire en cestui Declared in this Pourra on trouver ailleurs Shall be founde somwhere els En aultres livres.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "founde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.