It is pretended that he found means to gain much by his bankruptcy, but this seems doubtful.
Nevertheless he found means to appear to retain his self-possession, and I saw, for the first time, that Courts are not long in affliction or occupied with sadness.
Luxembourg, who watched his motions with a curious eye, found means to attack him in his retreat so suddenly that his rear was surprised and defeated, though the French were at last obliged to retire.
The king of England, though disappointed in his scheme upon Courtray, found means to make some advantage of his superiority in number.
And though orders were given to connive thenceforwards at all conventicles, he found means, under a variety of pretences, to elude the execution of them.
It was during the time of his distressed condition, that he found means to hear the great Italian artist, by actually selling his last shirt, with the produce of which he joined the crowd in the saloon of the French Opera.
It was to this slave Mr. Lithgow attributed his surviving so long in such a wretched situation; for he found means to convey some of these fruits to him twice every week.
Nevertheless, a christian lady, named Lucina, found means to remove it from the sewer, and bury it in the catacombs, or repositories of the dead.
However, their indefatigable chief, always fertile in expedients, found means to preserve them from actual starvation, till Edward withdrew his troops, for the purpose of resuming his march of subjugation throughout the kingdom.
It was through him that the Opposition found means to inflict a deadly blow upon the minister.
He then tried his hand likewise at description, in which he found means to repay all Amelia's panegyric in kind.
According to one, he was put to death by the Persians in prison; according to another, he found means to escape and again took refuge with Evagoras in Cyprus, in which island he afterwards died of sickness.
Faithful to his engagement of forgetting past offences and serving with zeal, he found means to gain over a Persian grandee named Spithridates, who had received some offence from Pharnabazus.
Fortified places were treated with some respect, before a power which nothing can withstand had found means to destroy them by dreadful showers of bombs, and by destructive batteries of hundreds of pieces of cannon.
This sullen and frigid being I found means, however, to propitiate by frequent commendations of frugality, and perpetual care to avoid expense.
He found means to sooth them into a permission to continue the same course three days longer, and on the evening of the third day descried land.
After three or four years, he found means to repeat the same experiment, and like the raven from the ark, he returned not again.
After this he found means of obtaining them on the express condition, that he would not lend them to any of his fellow prisoners.
The prison wall was not finished, and he found means of secreting himself, breaking off his fetters, and effecting his escape.
He found means, however, to open a secret and confidential communication with them, and resolved to hold out to them dazzling but indistinct hopes of pecuniary advantage from the regions of Fotheringham.
Though upwards of sixty, he found means so effectually to disguise his age, that he would have passed for barely forty.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "found means" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.