An example that may most move this auditorie to followe Christ; since this man was rich and a ruler of the people, whereas the most of them that followed Christ had nothing to loose; 3.
This readines must euery christian haue in this case to beare the crosse ãd to followe Christe as Christes disciple.
Wherefore he embarked himselfe very earely in the morning and commanded them to followe him that were desirous to inhabite there, to the intent that they might like the beter of the place.
Contrariwise, euill angels are hurtfull and enemies vnto men, they followe them euery where, to the ende they may withdrawe them from true worshipping of God, and from faith in his onely sonne Iesu Christ, vnto sundry other things.
Com, damsalls, followe mee where I shall leade: I have a cross wyfe at home I tell you that, But one that I presume will not bee jealous Of too such harmeles sowles.
Thou that goest sydewayes lyke a crabb, gapst on mee lyke an oyster, Followe thy flat nose and smell them there, in th'out part of this cloyster.
How well thy power can shun that which I followe with obedience.
I'l followeand coold wish Boath cloyster and whole villadge weare a fyre Only to dry my clothes by.
He was healed of his infirmitie and the rest of the Friers which were sicke did followe the father Warden's cure and took of the Self same powder once or twice and as ofte as thei had neede of for to heale them.
The William being incumbred with ice, and perceiuing that shee did litle good, tooke in all her sailes, and made her selfe fast to a piece of ice, and about foure in the afternoone she set saile to followe vs.
Hast thou already forgotten that a Gentleman for that only cause is esteemed aboue al other, whose glorious facts ought to shine before the brightnesse of those that force theymselues to followe vertue?
The more I followe the example of mighty Personages in thinges that be good, the more notorious and wonderful shall I make my selfe in their rare and noble deedes.
Is this thy maner towards them which franckly followe thy tract, and pleasauntly subdue themselues to thy trayterous follies?
But touching your owne persone, I haue nothing to saye, but that herein you doe followe the common sort of men, that be sutors to Ladies, willing to please their fansies.
See howe fortune and loue are content to be blinde, closing vp the eyes of them, that followe their trace, and subdue themselues to their edictes, and vnstable dispositions.
And so accusing himselfe, he determined to followe after her, accompanied onelye with twoo pages.
Hee thancked her for her good will and made her a direct aunsweare, that hee was determined no more to followe the counsaile of any Phisition.
When he was retired a good space from the place wher they fought, loking back, he sawe them followe some distance one from an other, and as one of them approched, he let driue at him with great violence.
And certainly if you would followe her minde herein, you shall do very well: for the case standeth thus, you may make your auaunte that you be prouided of so faire a wife, and with so beautifull a frende as any gentleman in Valentia.
Juste as I was wythe Ælla to be bleste, Shappe foullie thos hathe snatched hym awaie.
I followe the plough-tayle, Wythe a longe jubb[63] of ale.
Whose example yf they practise, or imitate sutch commendable life as becommeth their estates, then glory will followe their deedes, as the shadowe doeth the body.
If they brought forth daughters, they norished and trayned them vp in armes, and other manlik exercises, and to ride great Horse: they taught them to run at Base, and to followe the Chace.
Come, I will followe hym: when Charles dothe flye From honor, where shall goodnes hope to lye?
Why, if that were the ende Of's vysytatyon, then it needs must followe That thys prevayld not with hym.
He shall not outlive mydnyght: here Ile lye, And thoughe I followe nexte thys lorde shall dye.
Nothinge so: Pray leave thys angrye moode and followe me; Ile add a torment to hys mysserye.
The viceroy incontinent did gather together people necessarie and in great haste to followe him.
The captaine made haste, dispatched himselfe, and departed vnto the port appointed, and within a fewe dayes after the father Costodio and his company, with the souldier his friend, did followe them.
And looking backe, whether this fearefull Dragon did still followe mee or no, the light was cleane gone.
For which cause, my collour red and blushing, with reuerent admiration, being grieued at my basenesse, I setled my selfe to followe her.
Lastly, in suche order and sorte, as aforesaide, the tables beeing taken away, I hung downe my heade, because that I might not followe after the last iunckates which I had lost by minding of her that ministred.
Item, that they would notfollowe the crosse in procession, nor be confessed to a priest.
The which their constancie, in the like cause, the Lord grant wee may imitate and followe unto the ende: whether it bee death or life, to glorifie the name of Christ.
Ye Duke wel understoode those wordes and cheryshed ye Greyhounde, who wolde never after followe Kynge Richarde, but continued to follow at all tymes ye Duke of Lancastre.
The duke understood well those words, and cheryshed the grayhounde, who would never after followe kynge Richarde, but followed the duke of Lancastre.
The grayhounde acknowledgeth you here this daye as Kynge of England, as ye shall be, and I shal be deposed; the grayhounde hath this knowledge naturally: therefore take hyme to you, he wyll followe you and forsake me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "followe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.