About every twenty-eight days, one of the follicles swells, becomes filled with liquid, pushes or is pushed to the surface of the ovary, there to rupture and expel into the abdominal cavity the tiny ripe ovum.
No one has asserted more loudly the importance of the interstitial cells that fill in the spaces between the tubules of the testes in the male, and the follicles of the ovary in females.
The lymphatic follicles of the intestine known by the name of Payer, or Peyer, were then the latest anatomical and physiological novelty, and were chosen, on theoretical grounds, as the seat of fermentation or febrile action in agues.
A fever with relapses, and a fever with sloughing of the follicles and lymph glands of the intestine, were not the only novelties in the first thirty or forty years of the 19th century.
Other glands terminate under the skin in the hair follicles, which follicles or hair sockets contain or enclose the hair roots.
These glands terminating in the hair folliclessecrete an oily substance, which bathes and lubricates as well as nourishes the hair.
Bumpsterhausen's blue follicles would not stir an inch out of his encephalo digital region.
When hair-bearing areas are affected, epilation may occur without destroying the hair follicles and the hairs are reproduced, but if the reaction is excessive permanent alopecia may result.
Hairs and nails may be completely regenerated if a sufficient amount of the hair follicles or of the nail matrix has escaped destruction.
Ten females collected in the period from June 2 to 8, after they had ovulated, all had follicles falling in at least one of these size groups, and eight had follicles falling in two or more of the groups.
Ovaries ordinarily weighed most in October, March, and April, when most females contained enlarged follicles, and least in August and September when the supply of enlarged follicles was usually exhausted (Figs.
The seasonal occurrence of enlarged ovarian follicles in females of T.
For each month, as the percentage of total females that contained two or more follicles having diameters greater than 15 mm.
Large follicles remaining after ovulation represent, in many instances, eggs that will be laid later in the same season.
The enlarged follicles remaining on the ovaries after ovulation (excluding those smaller than six mm.
The number of large follicles present after the first set of ovulations (mean, 3.
Atresia of corpora lutea began when eggs were laid, was completed by mid-August, and was coincident with atresia of large follicles that did not undergo ovulation.
Enlarged follicles represent future clutches but whether the enlarged follicles will be ovulated in the same season or in a later season is questionable.
Further evidence for multiple clutches was the absence of enlarged ovarianfollicles in some females obtained in September.
In females having enlarged follicles of more than one of the size groups, there were several follicles in each of two groups and no follicles, or only one follicle, in the remaining group.
If the patient dies within the week, the follicles on the membrane present a thickened appearance, and are raised above it, whilst they are seen to be filled with a yellowish, cheesy-looking substance.
In Aphrophora the follicles of each testis are free, forming a dense cluster, each follicle being connected with the vas deferens by a short duct.
The very young follicles are spherical, the older ones ovoid in form.
The testes, unlike those of most of the Coleoptera, consist of many freefollicles similar to those of the Orthoptera.
Borellus found atrophy of all the dentalfollicles in a woman of sixty who never had possessed any teeth.
It might be interesting in this connection to note that Oudet found in a fetus at term all the dental follicles in a process of suppuration, leaving no doubt that, if the fetus had been born viable, it would have been edentulous.
Connected with the sides of the follicles are the oil, or sebaceous, glands (Figs.
Attached to the inner ends of the follicles are small, involuntary muscles whose contractions cause the roughened condition of the skin that occurs on exposure to cold.
The follicles are found only in the skin and mucous membrane.
Follicles are also supplied with veins and organic nerves.
Follicles of this size possibly are retained until the following year or some may undergo regression; some of the included follicles may not be representative of the succeeding egg complement.
These turtles collected in April and May have ovarian follicles not exceeding three millimeters in diameter.
The number and range in size of only the largest group of follicles is listed; in some instances the size of follicles formed a graded series, and the designation of a group was arbitrary.
The average number of follicles of the most enlarged groups is 9.
The other guadalupensis whose measurements are given above have oviducts that do not exceed four millimeters in width, and ovarian follicles that do not exceed two millimeters in diameter.
Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas, in mid-July, is immature; the ovaries are compact having the largest follicles 2.
Females are regarded as sexually mature when they have oviducal eggs or corpora lutea or ovarian follicles exceeding 15 millimeters in diameter.
The number of eggs includes those in both oviducts, and the number of ovarian follicles those in both ovaries.
Presumably the corpora lutea indicate clutches deposited earlier in the current season, and the enlarged follicles represent clutches to be deposited in the current season.
In other cases it is quite possible that follicles with two ova should rather be regarded as two follicles not separated by a septum of stroma.
In the innermost layer many of the follicleswith the enclosed ova have advanced considerably in development and are formed of columnar cells.
In a few cases the follicles are completed, and are then formed of very flattened spindle-shaped (in section) cells.
In this difference between the early and late formedfollicles Mammals agree with Elasmobranchii.
The isolated follicles at this stage are formed by ingrowths of connective tissue cutting off fully formed follicles from a nest.
In the still intact nests the formation of the follicles out of the cells of the germinal epithelium may be followed with great advantage.
In the later formed follicles the cells are always flat and spindle-shaped in section.
The previous inequality in the cells of the follicles is no longer present.
By stage Q the rudimentary follicles are more distinctly marked, but still without a lumen, and a connective-tissue sheath indistinctly separated from the surrounding tissue has been formed.
The cells of the follicle, though less columnar than was the case at an earlier period, are more so than in the case of follicles formed in the succeeding stages.
In the innermost layer of the germinal epithelium the outlines of the original large nests are still visible, but many of the follicles have been cut off by ingrowths of stroma.
Alexander Schultz[384] states that in Torpedo, the eggs are at first enclosed in a simple epithelium, but that in follicles of .
Follicles of this kind with more than one ovum are not very uncommon.
This fluid sticks in the mouths of the follicles forming spots.
They lodge in the pores or follicles of the tonsils and set up an active inflammation.
The tonsils swell up and the follicles exude a thick fluid which looks like curdled cream.
In a girl five years of age, fifteen follicles were counted in the ovaries.
The important matter is, not whether follicles have already matured in the ovary, but what influence such a process has exercised upon the mental life of the child.
Certainly the majority of the primitive follicles come to nothing.
The true corpora lutea arise from folliclesin which the ova have become mature and from which they have escaped through the surface of the ovary.
The follicles of these hairs extend down into the derma, and from the upper end of the follicle, i.
The result was to show that the minute feathers were not a prolongation of the tips or edges of the scales, but arose from follicles between the scales.
The spawning of Fishes, usually annual, corresponds to ovulation in Mammals, and in the ovary after spawning the numerous collapsed follicles containing the follicular cells may be seen in all stages of absorption.
These degenerate follicles have been termed spurious corpora lutea, or atretic vesicles.
The Ovaries diminish in size, the Graafian follicles cease to form and develop; the Fallopian Tubes atrophy; and there occur other physical, mental, and emotional changes in the woman.
Many follicles are produced, but many do not produce ova, and so gradually atrophy.
These Graafian follicles are the receptacles or sacs which contain the ova, or eggs, which constitute the female reproductive germ.
The bulk of the entire organ consists of connective tissue, in which lie imbedded the Graafian follicles or ovisacs, in which the ova are contained.
The changes supposed to take place in the Graafian follicles at each menstrual period were believed to involve a peculiar expenditure of nerve force, which was so much dead loss to the individual life of the woman.
With the increase in size which accompanies their development the follicles pass toward the surface, where they form a distinct projection, and at this point will occur the final rupture of the sac and the escape of the ovum.
During the entire child-bearing period, or from about the age of fifteen to forty-five years, the development of the Graafian follicles and the discharge of the ova are continually taking place.
These follicles or ovisacs are minute cells which are packed immediately beneath the surface, where they occur in all stages of development.
Schwalbe (1893) by sectioning the skin and microscopically examining the hair-follicles of M.
The surface of the tumour is irregular; the mucous follicles are enlarged, and often filled with sebaceous matter.
The sebaceous follicles are enormously enlarged, so as sometimes to admit the point of a small quill.
Two large follicles narrowed at the ends, woolly, the apex somewhat curved to one side, containing many imbricated seeds, each with a tuft of long hairs.
This is composed of 8 woody folliclesarranged about a central column in the form of a star.
Two horizontal, cylindrical and long follicles joined at their bases, with numerous seeds in hollow receptacles, each seed encircled by a wing.
These are the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these are their dukes.
The hair follicles are hollow receptacles, from the bottom of which the hair grows.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "follicles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.