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Example sentences for "flexion"

Lexicographically close words:
flexibility; flexible; flexibly; flexile; flexing; flexional; flexions; flexor; flexors; flexuous
  1. Normal subjects shift their weight from one hind leg to the other and the one relaxed, rests in a state of flexion with the toe on the ground and the heel raised.

  2. If much resistance is exhibited, such as extreme flexion of the bandaged hock, the animal may be put in a sling and little if any objection to the bandage will be offered thereafter.

  3. The leg is supported in such a manner that flexion of the carpus is impossible.

  4. Mature animals may be expected to resist the immobilization of the hind legs because of the normal manner of flexion of the tarsal and stifle joints in unison.

  5. Also, there exists lameness which is characterized by an apparent inability to flex the leg, and there is circumduction of the leg as it is advanced because in this way little if any flexion of the carpus (which increases pain) is necessary.

  6. Dorsal flexion is checked by the flexor tendons and dorsal ligaments.

  7. According to Moller[7], luxation is generally due to excessive flexion of the scapulohumeral joint.

  8. When rotation of the parts does not occasion crepitation, gentle flexion and extension may do so.

  9. Undue dorsal flexion is prevented by the deep flexor tendon (perforans) and volar flexion is inhibited by the extensor of the digit (extensor pedis).

  10. This is brought about by flexion of the elbow and carpal joints.

  11. Extreme dorsal flexion said to have resulted from an attack of distemper.

  12. When the stifle is extended, the hock is automatically extended, nor can it under any circumstances flex without the previous flexion of the stifle.

  13. Because of the manner in which the patella functionates with the trochlea of the femur, comparatively little energy is required to prevent further flexion of the stifle joint.

  14. On the 26th day this joint was doing well, and considerable flexion and extension were possible without pain.

  15. A localised abscess had evidently formed here and been diffused into the joint by the movement of flexion already described.

  16. In both cases good results were obtained; in the more severe the resultant mass of ensheathing callus was very large, temporarily interfered with flexion of the elbow-joint, and consolidation was very slow (see plate VII.

  17. Could flex, extend, and adduct and abduct the wrist; some power of flexion in index finger, in others none.

  18. Lowered cutaneous sensation in median distribution, and loss of median flexion of wrist and fingers.

  19. The right radial pulse was noted to be smaller than the left, and weakness in flexion of the fingers, with hyperæsthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution, was observed.

  20. Weakness in power of flexion of the fingers persisted, and there was some impairment of sensation in the area of distribution of the ulnar nerve.

  21. The flexion of the wrist was dependent on the ulnar supply to the muscles of the forearm.

  22. Thus flexion of the arm will be excitable from one set of points, and extension of the arm from another set of points; opening of the jaw from one set and closure from another, and so on.

  23. In contracture the muscles of the paretic limb are not flaccid, as they are usually in paralysis, but they are tense and the limb is more or less rigidly fixed by them in a certain position, usually one of flexion at elbow and wrist.

  24. Thus, flexion of the leg is more extensively represented than is extension, opening of the jaw has a much larger cortical area than has closure of the jaws.

  25. The joint is held in a position of partial flexion which permits of the greatest ease, because of the diminished tension in this position.

  26. In the forward type, forced dorsal flexion will effect reduction.

  27. The lower leg is then vertical, and by bearing down on the front of the foot with the necessary amount of force, dorsal flexion of the foot is secured, and by hooking the fingers around the os calcis, its position is improved.

  28. In this way the tendo Achillis and the plantar fascia are stretched, and the dorsal flexion is secured by laying the patient on the face with the knee bent and the front of the thigh resting on the table.

  29. This causes an extreme plantar flexion of the foot.

  30. In the backward variety, the plantar flexion is first increased and the foot is then strongly flexed in the opposite direction.

  31. Extreme flexion of all but the great toes causes the weight to be borne by their dorsal aspect.

  32. Reduction is readily effected by marked dorsal flexion of the foot, pressure being made in a forward direction upon the lower end of the tibia, and the foot pushed backward.

  33. These steps are then followed by dorsal flexion of the foot.

  34. They are usually due to a forced dorsal flexion of the foot.

  35. The cause is usually a plantar flexion of the foot.

  36. This follows forced dorsal flexion of the foot, the patient falling forward after landing with his heels upon the ground.

  37. In pronounced cases the quadriceps tendon and the patella are displaced laterally, and this may be so pronounced that on flexion of the joint the patella is dislocated on to the lateral condyle of the femur.

  38. Disease of Left Hip: position of ease assumed by patient, showing moderate flexion and lordosis.

  39. Any or all of the metacarpal bones may be separated from the carpus by forced movements of flexion or extension.

  40. Dissections show that the flexion of the finger is the result of a chronic interstitial overgrowth or fibrositis and subsequent contraction of the palmar fascia and of its prolongations on to the sides of the fingers.

  41. THE ELBOW-JOINT In disease of the elbow, the usual attitude is that of flexion with pronation of the hand.

  42. The operative treatment aims at correcting the flexion at the knee, the equino-varus deformity of the foot, and at substituting the fibula for the absent tibia.

  43. In severe cases it may be found that when the deformity is corrected by osteotomy, the patella shows a tendency to be dislocated laterally on flexion of the knee.

  44. In full palmar flexion of the wrist the displaced head of the os magnum forms a prominence on the dorsum opposite the base of the third metacarpal, which temporarily disappears when the hand is dorsiflexed.

  45. Flexion is the commonest of these; when due to contracture of the soft parts, these are either stretched by degrees, the limb being encased in plaster after each sitting, or they are divided by open dissection in the popliteal space.

  46. Reduction is easily effected by making traction on the phalanges and carrying out movements of flexion and extension.

  47. Fourthly, That there is a flexion or force remaining upon the parts of the Glass thus quenched, from which they indeavour to extricate themselves.

  48. In certain of the painful conditions, due to intra-pelvic conditions, relaxation of muscles by flexion lessens the pain.

  49. The pressure put upon the flexor longus hallucis will have a tendency to cause this, for it is over-stretched by the yielding of the arch and keeps constantly pulling on the big toe until that member has a distinct flexion outwards.

  50. The left arm was abnormal, the flexion of the elbow imperfect, and the forearm terminated in a double hand with only rudimentary thumbs.

  51. Irregular alternate extension and flexion of the toes were marked.

  52. Extension and flexion at the ankle are only limited by the shortness of the ligaments; there is no opposition from the conformation of the bones.

  53. Despite this terrible accident the man made a perfect recovery, with the single exception of limitation of flexion in the left elbow-joint.

  54. His legs were greatly twisted, and there was flexion at right angles at the hips and knees.

  55. Therefore the hand is usually in the so-called interosseal position, with flexion of the proximal and extension of the middle and distal phalanges.

  56. The most common was flexion of the right leg, which would also be drawn up toward the body and resting on the left leg.

  57. He seemed to have had more than usual mobility and power of flexion of the lower lumbar region.

  58. The wrist-joints were also implicated, there being alternate flexion and extension.

  59. There is an attempt at, but no true, clonus; that is, passive flexion of the foot causes two or three jerky movements.

  60. C also closely resembles A, but in the flexion North-Midland forms appear more often by inadvertence.

  61. A series of quickly alternating movements of flexion and extension of the wrist, produced in some cases of nervous disease by suddenly bending the hand back upon the forearm.

  62. Defn: A hinge joint; an articulation, admitting of flexion and extension, or motion in two directions only, as the elbow and the ankle.

  63. The wound on the palmer side of the wrist is now converted to a well-healed linear scar approximately one-half inch in length, and located about three-quarters of an inch above the distal flexion crease.

  64. The volar surface or palmar surface had a wound disclosed transversely about a half centimeter in length and about 2 centimeters above the flexion crease to the wrist.

  65. Flexion and extension of the forearm can be readily performed, though with pain; not so, when the bones are luxated.

  66. The coronoid process of the ulna is occasionally broken off; there is no deformity during flexion of the elbow, but when the limb is extended, the olecranon is drawn upwards.

  67. After a time, flexion can be made to a right angle; and the limb becomes tolerably useful.

  68. The crural aperture formed by this arch is relaxed by flexion and inversion of the thigh, and by relaxation of the abdominal parietes.

  69. Unnatural lateral motion can be produced, but flexion is impracticable, the limb cannot be brought quite into the extended state, and rotation is difficult and painful.

  70. The bone may occasionally be jerked into its place by a sudden attempt at flexion of the joint, during steady pulling that has been continued for some time.

  71. In this last form of accident, sudden, forcible, and complete flexion of the limb is said to produce immediate reduction.

  72. The attitude was exaggerated if he was addressed, but while he could raise his head, by the help of his hand, to regard his interlocutor, it resumed its position of flexion as soon as he withdrew the support.

  73. The other patient was a young man twenty years of age, whose gait used to be arrested, after a walk of ten minutes, by sudden and vigorous plantar flexion of his right toes.

  74. The extreme degree of flexion induced in this way was neutralised immediately by supporting the head; the adoption by the patient of a reclining position sufficed to inhibit the tic's manifestation.

  75. A careful search for further signs of possible cerebro-spinal mischief proved negative, if we except a slight flexion of the knees when walking and a tendency to a shuffling gait.

  76. In the arms the localisation of the contractions was mostly proximal, though there were alternating flexion and extension movements of the fingers which suggested athetosis.

  77. Babinski’s second sign (combined flexion of thigh and pelvis) was well marked on the left side.

  78. Babinski’s flexion of thigh on pelvis (spontaneous, upon suddenly throwing seated subject into dorsal decubitus).

  79. The lower leg could not be extended upon the thigh if the foot was in dorsal flexion, and the dorsal flexion of the foot was itself limited.

  80. Fourth application (slightly increased strength): Patient able to stand and to lift knee with flexion at 135° while standing.

  81. Marie-Foix sign: withdrawal of lower leg on transverse pressure of tarsus or forced flexion of toes, even when leg is incapable of voluntary movement.

  82. Weak extension and abduction of the thumb but without opposition could be voluntarily performed; adduction good; flexion of the first phalanx, weak; of second phalanx, better.

  83. Flexion of the forearm on the arm was still difficult, since there was, in fact, a reaction of degeneration in the muscles of the anterior region of the arm.

  84. Kernig’s sign, defensive movements of the legs on stimulation, with flexion of leg on thigh and of thigh on pelvis, plantar reflexes flexor.

  85. Examination December 30 showed a normal elbow movement, pronation and supination, with slight flexion in repose of the palm of the hand and the fingers.

  86. Flexion and extension of the toes were likewise difficult, and when the toes were stretched there was a distinct contraction of the tibialis anticus.

  87. Forced flexion of thighs on pelvis (as suggested by Denéchau and Matrais) also caused the swelling to go down.

  88. There was a left-sided hypotonia in forced flexion of the forearm.

  89. Rossolimo’s sign: flexion of toes on slight percussion of sole.

  90. Babinski’s second sign (combined flexion of thigh and pelvis) was now the only evidence of organic disease.

  91. All movements except leg flexion could be executed, though slowly and weakly; but positive movements were impossible, except flexion of the knees.

  92. In this connection, Kunkel observed electrical changes in association with the injury or flexion of stems of ordinary plants.

  93. This is an involuntary movement of one or both hind legs, in which the foot is suddenly and spasmodically lifted from the ground much higher than it is normally carried, with excessive flexion of one bone upon the other.

  94. A sudden jerk or spasmodic action will often be all that is required to spring the patella into place, when the flexion of the leg at the hock ends the trouble for the time.

  95. This flexion of the knee may be a congenital deformity and have continued from the foaling of the animal; or, like clubfoot, it may be the result of heavy labor which the animal has been compelled to perform when too young.

  96. The animal is very lame, and the leg is either dragged or held clear from the ground by flexion at the stifle, while the lower part hangs down.

  97. There is no flexion at the hock and no motion at the stifle, while the circular motion of the hip is quite free.

  98. There is no displacement, but excessive mobility, crepitation, inability to sustain weight, and the leg is kept off the ground by the flexion of the upper joint.

  99. The movements of flexion and extension are too well understood to need defining.

  100. The joints are therefore hinge joints, though imperfect, because, while the chief movements are those of extension and flexion in a single plane, some slight rotation and lateral movements are possible.

  101. One such unit gives flexion of the leg, another gives extension of the leg, a third gives the rapid alternation of flexion and extension that we see in the scratching movement of the dog.

  102. It will be remembered that the lower centers themselves give cooerdinated movements, such as flexion or extension of the whole limb; but still higher cooerdinations result from cerebral control.

  103. The knee jerk is simpler than the flexion reflex, and this is simpler than the scratch {108} reflex, which consists of a rapid alternation of flexion and extension by one leg, while the other is stiffly extended and supports the trunk.

  104. Thus flexion of the leg can occur voluntarily as well as reflexly.

  105. But if the snake had made the first move, the same leg movement on the man's part, made now in response to the painful sensory stimulus, would have been the flexion reflex.

  106. A child who has accidentally been pricked with a pin, and of course made the flexion reflex in response to this natural stimulus, will make this same reaction to the sight of a pin approaching his skin.

  107. It was when the flexion reflex was delayed that it began to look like an instinct, and it was because sneezing was a slow response that it had something of the character of an instinct.

  108. The "flexion reflex" is the pulling up of the leg in response to a pinch, prick or burn on the foot.

  109. These movements of extension and flexion of the trunk involve the whole vertebral column, while the pelvis remains practically motionless.

  110. That the antelopes, which are three or four in number, and differ from all others by the double flexion of their horns, were also known to the ancients by the names of strepsiceros, and addax.

  111. Hence the knee must be flexed in flexion of the hip.

  112. In forcible and resisted flexion of the wrist two tendons come up in relief.

  113. Flexion of the leg to a right angle, increases the distance from the lines of insertion on the pelvic bones to the tuberosities of the tibia by two or three inches--an amount of stretching these muscle cannot undergo.

  114. The Result of the Direct Flexion of the Jaw.

  115. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flexion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.