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Example sentences for "hips"

Lexicographically close words:
hippopotami; hippopotamus; hippopotamuses; hippos; hippuric; hir; hiraman; hird; hire; hired
  1. From the tiny waist trailed yards of white faille, trimmed with tulle ruchings, frecked as a meadow with faintly-tinted daisies; the hips were engarlanded with daisies, and the flowers melted and bloomed amid snows of faille and tulle.

  2. He wound up with effeminate undulations of his hips and a most complicated intertwining of arms and legs.

  3. Very many of the women have children slung on their backs, or squatting on their hips if big enough.

  4. At last the time came when both the wee ones could toddle, and Ayeshah carried them no more to the fields astride her hips or slung over her shoulders in a towel.

  5. Yes, they had hips and haws; we have better.

  6. Lean rather back than forward, firm and close from the hips downward, flexible from the hips upward.

  7. The poor brutes themselves suffered equally with their owners; they stood cowering under the cold, with their hips to the cutting blast, their limbs drawn close together, and their flanks shaggy and shivering.

  8. But his hips were hardly snug in the saddle, when the wicked Comanche "humped" his back, and entered upon a round of kicking which seemed to exhibit every pose and attitude of equestrian exercise.

  9. His shoulders were covered with a scarlet manga, that draped backward over the hips of his horse; and upon his head he wore a light sombrero, laced, banded, and tasselled with bullion of gold.

  10. I looked for a place to aim at--his hips were towards me--should I hit him there he might still get off.

  11. Her shawl had slipped from her shoulders, and he saw the delicate curve of her body as she knelt; it was overlaid by her hair that fell to her hips in a loose flat braid.

  12. She stood at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips and contemplated him for a moment.

  13. She sat down too, with a sweeping side-long movement of her hips that drew her thin skirts close about her.

  14. A napkin should be laid smoothly under the hips (never folded up), to receive the discharges.

  15. The bones increase in weight, and those around the hips expand, and give the female her distinctive form, upon the perfection of which her life and that of her children depend.

  16. During the remainder of the day he had plenty of time to sleep and rest, and sit on his hips and survey the landscape.

  17. Or, better still, scoop out a little place in the earth, a few inches deep, so as to admit your body from your hips to your shoulders; you thus get an equal bearing the whole length of you.

  18. The most obvious traces of a lingering archaism, besides the rigidity of the attitude, are the narrowness of the hips and the formal arrangement of the hair, with its double row of snail-shell curls.

  19. For example, in the nude male figure the hips continue to be too narrow for the shoulders, and the abdomen too flat.

  20. Why not some of those scarlet hips you were gathering yesterday?

  21. The mare was not over-large, but the broad hips and generous expanse of chest were hints, and only hints, of her strength and endurance.

  22. The hips must be elevated higher than the head.

  23. I'm delighted, Charles, if my little hips and haws meet with your approval.

  24. The original object of the corset was to give greater prominence to the hips and abdomen.

  25. Cleanliness of the bed is promoted by the use of a draw-sheet, which is a sheet folded to four thicknesses and placed beneath the patient's hips in such a way that the upper edge of the sheet shall come under the lower part of the pillows.

  26. In this position the woman kneels, and rests her chest upon the bed, thus causing the hips to be elevated.

  27. Her figure changes, her bust develops, her hips broaden, and her mental and emotional nature undergoes a change.

  28. It is shallower and wider, and lighter in structure than that of the male, and the margins of the Hip-Bones are more widely separated, thus making the hips of the woman far more prominent than those of the man.

  29. The pupil wears drawers, fastened by a band above the hips and covering about half the thighs.

  30. Zeb placed his fists on his hips and scowled in earnest.

  31. If I could have scooped out a hollow for my hips I wouldn't feel quite so stiff.

  32. The lynx, for such it was, was lying in the sun at the foot of this tree, and only its hips were visible.

  33. Four Bears went along and went into the stable and looked at the black horse, and then saw the hips of the horse in the next stall, and stepping forward where he could see the whole of the animal, he recognized it.

  34. They were following a sheep trail which led along the rocks when suddenly Jack, as his head arose above a rise, saw in a little meadow below him the hips and body of a feeding animal.

  35. Average increase of girth of hips | 2-1/4 in.

  36. As the work was aimed to develop the whole body, there is little doubt that there was a proportional increase in the girth of hips and thigh and calf.

  37. Was there any Ace bandage applied to the President's hips that you observed?

  38. Running in his waist area at the top of his hips up to the lower part of his chest?

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hips" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.