He made a pass at the wall with his sword-stick, drew his revolver, flexed his muscles and then taking his identity papers he crossed the garden.
The camel sniffed at the water, flexed its joints and leapt headlong in behind the boat, where it swam in convoy toward the Zouave, its hump floating on the water like a gourd and it neck lying on the surface like the ram of a trireme.
No, the problem was to get a glove that stood up to a pressure difference of three or four pounds per square inch and could still be flexed with any accuracy by my fingers.
They eventually gave me a porous glove that leaked air when you flexed your fingers.
The arms are also flexed upon each side of the chest, and the head bent forward upon the knees.
When a Comanche is dying, while the death-rattle may yet be faintly heard in the throat, and the natural warmth has not departed from the body, the knees are strongly bent upon the chest, and the legs flexed upon the thighs.
Of greatest contrast is the appearance of flexed burials and the exclusive occurrence of light projectile points.
The original burial position could have been either flexed or extended, i.
Of the four burials exposed, two were loose-flexed (pl.
The true significance of the dorsally flexed portion of the vertebral axis was first clearly stated by Huxley[529], but as A.
If it cries because of colic, there is a drawn look on the face, and at the same time the legs are sharply flexed on the thighs and the thighs on the abdomen.
The normal position of the child is: the head is flexed on the chest, the legs on the thighs and the thighs on the abdomen, and the hands are folded across the chest.
The skeleton was flexed and it was lying on the left side.
Adult skeleton, partly bleached, flexed on back, head north as shown in situ after removing covering rocks in photograph (no.
The bones of an adult human skeleton which appeared as if it had been flexed were found very much out of anatomical order.
The skeleton of a young child with a persistent frontal suture was found at a depth of from 3 to 4 feet with the head east, trunk on back, femora at right angles to tibiae, and fibulae parallel to them, flexed to left or south.
The skeleton of a youth was found resting on its back with the head to the east, arms at the sides, legs flexed at right angles, i.
In all the old graves the skeletons were flexed and usually on the side (Plate VIII, Fig.
It was in a flexed position, head west, skull and the bones of the upper part of the body broken and decomposed.
The skeleton of an adult lay flexedalong the slabs with the head to the north.
The legs were flexed so that the femora lay at right angles or to the southeast of the pelvis, and the tibiae and fibulae lay parallel to them.
The skeletons were always in a flexed position (Fig.
In the Nez Perce region to the east, the body was placed in a variety of positions, either flexed or at length[426] and sometimes upon the side.
In the cyst about on a level with the lower edges of the enclosing slabs was the skeleton of a child about six years old with head west, face north, and the knees flexed on the left side.
Males of some other species of Terrapene have greatly enlarged rear claws, some of which turn slightly inward, but none has the flexed first toe hooklike as it is in ornata (a modified first toe, resembling that described for T.
But with one knee flexed for flight, he froze suddenly, became as immobile as an image, staring across the chamber with dilated eyes.
He laughed at her insolence and flexed his mighty biceps.
Bill's ally then started towards the others, his body bent, his arms flexed yet hanging loosely.
The body appeared to have been buried lying upon the right side, with the legs flexedat the knees and thighs.
The knees had been forcibly flexed on the thighs, and the thighs on the pelvis, while the back had been bent till the head, which rested on the folded arms, almost touched the symphysis pubis.
The most prominent object upon both the lid and the vase itself is a naked human figure in a recumbent position, with the arms flexed over the chest and abdomen and the knees and thighs semiflexed.
In the other the forearms are flexed at right angles, with hands held open in front of the waist, as if about to receive something.
He crossed the covert, he crawled the bank, To a meuse in the thorns and there he sank, With his ears flexed back and his teeth shown white, In a rat's resolve for a dying bite.
A sneaking glance with his ears flexed back, Made sure that his scent had failed the pack, For the red clay, good for corn and roses, Was cold for scent and brought hounds to noses.
Close the right hand, leaving the index straight but flexed at right angles with the palm; pass it horizontally to the left by and under the nose.
Arms are flexed and hands clasped about center of breast; then slowly fall with arms pendulous and both hands in type-position (Q).
Another: Gently strike the chest two or three times over the heart with the radial side of the right hand, the fingers partly flexed and pointing downward.
The right or left hand approximates close to center of the body; the arm is flexed and hand in position (D), or a little more closed.
Bring the extended and separated fingers and thumb loosely to a point, flexed at the metacarpal joints; point them toward the left clavicle, and imitate a dotting motion as if tattooing the skin.
The arm is flexed and the hand extended is brought on a level with the mouth.
The child was an encephalous monster, with the extremities rigidly flexed and the fingers clenched, the feet almost sole to sole.
At the same time he flexed his forefinger against the side of the arrow, and the second finger was placed on the thumb nail to strengthen the pull.
Then the square jaw tightened, the cords of the muscular neck drew taut, and what would have been another body and soul racking sob was noiselessly absorbed in the buffer of a flexed diaphragm.
Rynch Brodie sat up, flexed his bare thin arms, and moved his long legs experimentally.
He flexed that plasta-flesh hand which was so nearly human and yet not by the fraction which had changed the course of his life.
In connection with this prominence of the epicondyle, it is interesting to add that this detail recalls the relief which the same process produces on the external aspect of the human elbow when the forearm is flexed on the arm.
In birds the forearm is flexed on the arm, and the latter being directed downwards and backwards, the former is, consequently, directed upwards and forwards.
In the ox the spine of the scapula, in its middle portion, is flexed a little backwards on the infraspinous fossa.
This same limb is flexed and carried forward (Fig.
He flexedthe leg that had been trapped and he could not feel the foot.
His thumb slid up the metal and nudged the fire control to automatic and he flexed his legs beneath him so that he could rise and fire in one single motion.
From which he springs into the air to re-commence the phases with the left hind foot, while the only phase in which he has been discovered without support is one when the legs are flexed under the body.
As the feet approach the ground, the right hind leg is drawn forward with the pastern nearly horizontal, while the left fore leg is flexed under the body.
He felt a powerful thrill wash though him like the one he had experienced at the last quarterly board meeting, when his organizational design had flexed Peter Jones out of his way.
Byron tugged at his sweater sleeve and flexed his arm.
She rushed to the back stoop and halted before the door, flexed her hands a few times.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flexed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: diffuse; dispersed; distorted; scattered; skew; skewed