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Example sentences for "reflexes"

Lexicographically close words:
reflectors; reflects; reflet; reflex; reflexed; reflexion; reflexions; reflexive; reflexively; reflexly
  1. My mother taught that grief and selfish love, and hopes and fears are but reflexes from the lower self; 22 That what we sense are but small waves upon the rolling billows of a life.

  2. The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear.

  3. No foot clonus, no Babinski; abdominal reflexes present, cremasteric not elicited; catalepsy not always present.

  4. Both deep and superficial reflexes exaggerated; ankle clonus both sides; hyperæsthesia of abdomen and face.

  5. All superficial reflexes active; winced when pricked with a pin but there was a decided hypalgesia present.

  6. Pupillary reflexes normal; although limbs would remain in a fixed attitude when so placed, he did not evidence the typical flexibilitas cerea.

  7. While the reflexes were being tested he volunteered the information that his left patellar reflex was very much stronger than the right.

  8. Physically he was noted to be anæmic, showed general tremors when undergoing examination, reflexes were exaggerated, positive Romberg was present.

  9. Patellar reflexes were markedly exaggerated on both sides, the left more so than the right, and ankle clonus was present on the left side.

  10. The triceps and radial reflexes were definitely exaggerated.

  11. Other superficial reflexes were noted to be normal.

  12. This, combined with the reflexes of a Winner of the Twenties, was barely enough to enable him to survive.

  13. His fighter's reflexes bent his shoulders, curved his hands before him as he walked softly in balance, ready to spring in any direction.

  14. But the reflexes took hold again as his eye caught the track of the same vehicle as it hit the crossover from white to green, squeezed into the faster lane and continued its sloping run towards the next faster crossover.

  15. Seven years on patrols had created automatic reflexes in the trooper sergeant.

  16. Abdominal reflexes were absent, except for the right upper.

  17. In the spring of 1942, the patient suffered an apoplectic stroke on the left side, with facialisparosis and a distinct increase of reflexes on the entire right side.

  18. Deep tendon reflexes in arms and legs were normal.

  19. All deep reflexes in the arms and legs were present and very brisk.

  20. The pretty river Arros runs, with moire reflexes and guipures of silver, over a bed of dark pebbles.

  21. The green water, three hundred feet in depth, has the reflexes of an emerald.

  22. They are reddened with tawny hues, and their smooth filaments have the reflexes of a wolf's fur.

  23. These strong colors, the lavished red, the reflexes of the silk under a dazzling light, were delightful.

  24. It just handles, or transmits in and out, to and from the mind, the various impressions sent in by different sense muscles, and the mental reflexes or impulses sent out by the innumerable mind centers.

  25. I think this is quite as dangerous as when the anæsthesia is pushed until the patient is relaxed, with the corneal reflex just abolished, and the swallowing and coughing reflexes still present.

  26. The deep reflexes may also be altered, the knee-jerk being frequently absent on the affected side.

  27. The Psycho-physical Occasions or Reflexes of her Doctrine.

  28. The psycho-physical occasions or reflexes of her various teachings, as far as the interconnection can be traced with probability, shall also be studied in the second volume.

  29. The results of the unconscious reflexes it initiated and guided would be perceptible through other organs of sense.

  30. These pure reflexes have the character of fatality, in the sense that, given a particular stimulus, a particular reaction unvaryingly follows; the same group of muscles or the same gland is invariably thrown into action in the same way.

  31. The reflexes controlled are often reactions but slightly affecting consciousness, but consciousness is very distinctly operative with the centres which exert the control.

  32. But the reflexes have a machine-like fatality, and conscious aim does not forerun their execution.

  33. This function is exhibited as power to control in greater or less measure the pure reflexes enacted by the system.

  34. All smooth or shining surfaces repel the light they receive, throwing their reflexes on any thing opposed to them.

  35. Shadows produced by the redness of the setting sun, will be blue; from the reflexes of that part of the air not illumined by its rays.

  36. Your reflexes are slower than normal, even taking the accident and subsequent shock into account, and your pupils react slowly.

  37. A little rubber hammer came out next and was applied to the reflexes of the stricken scientist.

  38. In paralysis of sensation, the reflexes of coughing, vomiturition and vomiting are obtunded.

  39. Combinations of reflexes when associated with consciousness become habits.

  40. It follows that the purpose of all musical practice should be to establish those reflexes which attain the end, the ideal, and to form correct habits.

  41. It must be apparent that habits and reflexes are Nature's ways of economizing energy.

  42. The sets of reflexes or the habits, bodily and mental, which he has found valuable for the one form of art do not suit the other perfectly; nevertheless, the same materials are used, the reflexes are in the main the same.

  43. Were it not for reflexes and habits, learning would be so slow one lifetime would not suffice to make an artist.

  44. A poem properly recited or a song satisfactorily sung implies a combination of certain reflexes or habits.

  45. When the excitatory impulses are also lost, as in a total transverse lesion of the cord, the paralysed muscles are flaccid and the deep reflexes disappear.

  46. The superficial reflexes are late of disappearing and the disturbance is unilateral.

  47. In addition, the reflex arc is disturbed, and reflexes are lost.

  48. The superficial reflexes disappear early on both sides; the abdominal reflexes being lost sooner than the knee-jerks.

  49. The muscles are tense and rigid, and the reflexes exaggerated.

  50. When the inhibitory influences are cut off, as in a lesion of the internal capsule, the paralysed muscles become spastic, and the deep reflexes are exaggerated.

  51. Special attention should be directed to the condition of the deep reflexes and to the state of the muscles, as any alteration in the reflexes or atrophy of the muscles indicates that some definite organic lesion is present.

  52. If the cord is pressed upon at the level of the lumbar enlargement the anal and vesical sphincters are paralysed, and the reflexes are exaggerated.

  53. It is necessary, therefore, to defer judgment until it is determined whether the abolition of the reflexes is temporary or permanent.

  54. The knee-jerks and plantar reflexes are exaggerated, and there is marked ankle clonus.

  55. At the onset of the paralysis the affected limb is helpless and relaxed, the reflexes are lost, the muscles waste, and those that are paralysed exhibit the reaction of degeneration.

  56. The muscles of the back, shoulders, and hips undergo atrophy, and may exhibit tremors, and the deep reflexes become exaggerated.

  57. Although voluntary movement and the deep reflexes are abolished, there is no true muscular paralysis.

  58. He stood a long instant, and all his instincts and reflexes that would have ordinarily made him flee in abject terror were thwarted and twisted by the fever of his madness.

  59. The nerve impulses and the muscular reflexes must be exquisitely tuned, so that the finger presses back on the trigger the identical instant that the mark is seen on the line of the sights.

  60. His training, also, had been that of the hills, and his reflexes flung him erect upon his feet at the same instant that he saw the leap of his enemy's shadow.

  61. Terrified though she was, Snowbird's reflexes had kept sure and true.

  62. My fingers have reflexes too," Martin argued, moving toward a sideboard.

  63. If I'm half stupefied with liquor, my reflexes will be so slow I won't be able to shut my eyes.

  64. Double/ reflexes are stronger than single ones, and the shadows which interpose between the common light and these reflexes are very faint.

  65. Reflexes in the Water, and particularly those of the Air.

  66. It/ happens very seldom that the reflexes are of the same colour with the body from which they proceed, or with that upon which they meet.

  67. In what Part the Reflexes have more or less Brightness.

  68. Of the Termination of Reflexes on their Grounds.

  69. Having therefore to paint this object, take some black, similar to that of the wall from which the reflexes come; and to proceed by a certain and scientific method, do as follows.

  70. But this time, Forrester was going to let Mars follow him--slow reflexes and all.

  71. Second, Forrester had discovered that Mars' basic reflexes were a trifle slower than his own.

  72. Muscular and cardiac weakening, loss of general sensibility, and the disappearance of reflexes did not occur until near the end.

  73. She exhibited paralysis extending to the knees, slight temperature, no pain, sensory nerves normal, motor nerves completely paralyzed, reflexes absent.

  74. The reflexes everywhere are lively but are equal on the two sides, and none of the abnormal reflexes is present, including in this term Babinski, Gordon and Oppenheim.

  75. In football it is recognized that the men on the field have two sets of reflexes out of which they play under different circumstances.

  76. You desire to emulate his scientific achievements; his published work on reflexes excites your ambition.

  77. The movement began about fifteen years ago, some of its founders being Afro-American Methodist preachers--a fact which throws a curious light on possible American negro reflexes upon their ancestral homeland.

  78. The decreased fecundity of women during the war even under good material conditions apparently shows that war's psychological reflexes tend to induce sterility.

  79. The prisoner convulsed, thrashing as wildly as his bonds would permit, but warrior reflexes let Keith keep his grip while the man climaxed in a prolonged series of spasms, his screams eloquent testimony to his agony.

  80. Sandeman reflexes made the speed perfectly safe, and if they thought this was something, they should see the type of landing a pilot trained at Clan Leras preferred.

  81. This includes such voluntary muscle reflexes as contain a psychic component.

  82. The trouble is not a paralysis, however, for reflexes without psychic components are unaffected.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reflexes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.