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Example sentences for "filum"

Lexicographically close words:
filthy; filtrate; filtrated; filtrates; filtration; filz; fim; fimbriate; fimbriated; fimbriation
  1. This thread, the filum labyrinthi, is the new method of induction.

  2. Of this division there seems to be only one small fragment, the Filum Labyrinthi, consisting of but two or three pages.

  3. The right to fish for trout in private streams is a pertinent of the land adjacent, and owners of opposite banks may fish usque ad medium filum aquae; and where two owners own land round a private loch, both have a common of fishing over it.

  4. In almost identical words Bacon suggests the same conception in "In Valerius Terminus" and in "Filum Labyrinthi.

  5. The opening sentence of Filum Labyrinthi, Sivo Forma Inquisitiones is an example.

  6. Joseph Lanzoni scoffed at the idea that a red-silk thread could avail in erysipelas; "Neque filum sericum chermisinum parti affectA| circumligatum erysipelata fugat.

  7. Filum Labyrinthi--an English version of the Cogitata et Visa--§ 7.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.