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Example sentences for "perspiration"

Lexicographically close words:
perspicacity; perspicuity; perspicuous; perspicuously; perspirable; perspirations; perspiratory; perspire; perspired; perspires
  1. I don't understand it," muttered Bentley, brushing the beads of perspiration from his brow.

  2. It made him warm to eat, and little beads of perspiration stood across the bridge of his nose.

  3. McTeague gasped for breath and wiped the beads of perspiration from his forehead, his cheeks, and his neck.

  4. The perspiration dripped from the back of his neck.

  5. They took off their coats and vests, even their neckties and collars, and worked themselves into a lather of perspiration for the sake of making an impression on their wives.

  6. Old Grannis affected not to hear; perspiration stood on his forehead; his timidity overcame him as if he were a ten-year-old schoolboy.

  7. For two hours the guests ate; their faces red, their elbows wide, the perspiration beading their foreheads.

  8. But her face turned from grey to white, and I saw that drops of perspiration glistened on her forehead.

  9. His chest rose and fell heavily, and he wiped the perspiration now and then from his damp brow.

  10. Beads of perspiration stood on his forehead, his eyes gleamed with excitement, and he breathed heavily as he approached his son to try the power of the new elixir on him.

  11. She hastily forced her way to the Dominican, who was just wiping the perspiration from his brow with the hem of the white robe under his black cowl.

  12. With beads of perspiration on her brow, and eyes uplifted, she threw the cage aside, swung her Mercury staff aloft, and danced along the rope in waltz time, as though borne by the gods of the wind.

  13. At this work he was much more energetic than his humbler playfellows, and he would be dirty and dripping with perspiration when he returned to the castle.

  14. But all of a sudden he paused--a cold perspiration bedewed his face--his limbs could scarcely support him.

  15. A bead of perspiration had appeared so suddenly on the forehead of Norcross that it had the effect of bursting from a pore.

  16. Bulger did not fail to notice that, within a minute or two, a heavy, beady perspiration came out on his face and forehead.

  17. Here sat three fiddlers, and beside them stood a frantic man with his hair on end, perspiration streaming down his cheeks, and a tambourine quivering in his hand.

  18. Every drop of moisture not in the men's bottles and flagons in the form of cider was raining as perspiration from their foreheads and cheeks.

  19. He wondered at the perspiration which bathed his face in spite of the comfortable temperature of the room.

  20. He brushed the rapid perspiration from his face.

  21. And still I rowed hard, with the perspiration streaming down to soak me.

  22. The boats were drawn together, and the transfer was made, while my hands grew wet with perspiration as I scanned the edge of the forest, fancying I could hear the breaking and rustling of twigs and leaves.

  23. Perspiration seemed to be oozing from every pore.

  24. The perspiration rolled down his face as he tried to be calm.

  25. At the second outpost, which was quite a distance from the city, the same program was enacted; but at the third or outer line of sentries, that occurred which caused cold beads of perspiration to start on Boyton's forehead.

  26. A cold perspiration started from every pore as he began to realize the frightful situation.

  27. Up over guano beds and broken rock, and as the wind was off shore, scarcely a breath of air came to cool the heated atmosphere and as he toiled on, the perspiration fairly streamed from his pores.

  28. Remembering the Captain's injunction not to keep her waiting long, I drove through all the exhibition I could give and as I clambered aboard again the perspiration stood all over my forehead.

  29. A cold perspiration stood out on his brow.

  30. Heavy roads," said he, wiping the perspiration from his forehead.

  31. I wish it was over," continued he, wiping the perspiration from his bull-forehead.

  32. Again Vanslyperken almost shrieked in a perspiration of fear.

  33. Vanslyperken, wiping the blended rain and perspiration from his brow with a cotton handkerchief.

  34. The perspiration actually ran down his face, and mingled with the melting snow.

  35. Vanslyperken wiped the perspiration off his forehead, and made no reply.

  36. As he said this, the governor wiped the cold dew of perspiration from his brow.

  37. The perspiration was running off from us in streams--I had never had such a "sweater" before!

  38. Sam's face was pale, and the perspiration stood out on his forehead as he watched the stitching of the ragged ear-lobe.

  39. The stroke oar, with the perspiration running down his body, reached the stroke demanded.

  40. Albuminuria is the result of cold in the Plexus renalis; Perspiration is due to numbness in the nerve fibrils.

  41. In Measles the medium of contagion is the excretion from the air passages, mucus coughed up and air exhaled; also the saliva, tears, blood and perspiration of the patient.

  42. His previous occupations had varied from cord-wood carpentry to slaughter-house surgery, and he had always been disposed to shed perspiration with extreme diffidence.

  43. The perspiration sprang out on his forehead, his face turned pale and flabby, he seemed to shrink and wilt.

  44. The perspiration stood on Rodd's forehead, but he persisted.

  45. Rodd worked on bravely, but the perspiration stood on his brow, while the clerks, flurried and nervous, looked now at the clock and now at the malcontents whose violence and restlessness seemed to treble their numbers.

  46. Our clothes rub off a great deal of the perspiration and waste.

  47. When the perspiration dries from the skin, it leaves the waste and poisons behind.

  48. The heat was intense, and perspiration was streaming from my face.

  49. Perspiration dried, and the landscape took on a sombre black velvet hue, with a liberal sprinkling of gold stars.

  50. So desperate was the conflict that the perspiration rolled from us in great beads, and many of my comrades fell from sheer exhaustion, and were trampled to death beneath the feet of the wildly-excited throng.

  51. He is fat and so clumsy and so furiously angry, but he's too scared of Trent to do anything but obey orders, and there he works hour after hour, groaning, and the perspiration rolls off him as though he were in a Turkish bath.

  52. A few minutes before closing time he strolled into the bank and no one noticed a great bead of perspiration which stood out upon his forehead.

  53. Trent wiped the perspiration from his forehead and breathed hard.

  54. So he was silent for a moment, wiping the perspiration away and struggling against the fear which was turning the blood to ice in his veins.

  55. The perspiration stood out on his forehead in great beads, he breathed for a moment in little gasps as though stifled.

  56. His face was livid, and great beads of perspiration stood on his brow.

  57. He wiped off the perspiration from his face with his handkerchief, and at the same time got rid of the tears.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perspiration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    lather; perspiration; sweat; water