I am authorized by the Executors to state that there will be a residuum to Mr. Green's estate of twenty or thirty-five thousand dollars, which they intend to appropriate in conformity with the views of Mr. Green expressed above.
I request myexecutors to hold in their hands money for this purpose.
The executors of Mr. Green's estate were by no means slack in meeting the testator's wishes concerning these people.
I mention this because otherwise busybodies might have misinterpreted the arbitrary action of his executors to the detriment of his fame.
Unfortunately, his executors firmly refuse the necessary legal consent, so that I am compelled to make my book irreparably the poorer by omitting what should have been one of its most attractive contents.
The official shall approve and seal the testament without delay and deliver it to the executors named in such testaments for the said sum.
These termers, their executors and assigns, shall hold and enjoy their terms against the lessors, their heirs and assigns.
Executors of a will declaring land to be sold for the payment of debts, performance of legacies to wife and children, and charitable deeds for the health of souls, may sell the land despite the refusal of other executors to agree to such sale.
Executors have an action for trespass to their testators' goods and chattels in like manner as did the testator when alive.
Such administrators shall have the same powers and duties as executors and be accountable as are executorsto the ecclesiastical court.
Executors and administrators of estates of deceased persons must pay the debts of the deceased person rather than waste or convert the goods and chattels to their own use.
Anyone serving the king in war may alienate his lands for the performance of his will, and if he dies, his feoffees or executors shall have the wardship of his heir and land.
Also, executors or persons murdered while trying to apprehend a robber shall have the reward.
Robinson's estate was large enough to cover all these loans, but it took many years for his executors to recover even part of what was due him.
When the Virginia courts decided in favor of the defendants, the executors of the Perrys appealed to the King.
Typical was the suit of the executors of Micajah and Richard Perry to recover debts from the estate of Colonel William Randolph, who had had a long-standing account with them.
I hereby nominate and appoint (naming the person or persons) as the executors of this, my last will and testament.
The dead man's executors claimed the money advanced so many, many years ago.
Kapuscinski has lost his head completely and came to me, as one of the executors of the will, for advice.
XIII Ladislaus, however, did not go to the city on the day following his conversation with Gronski, for he was notified that the meeting of the executors of Zarnowski's will was postponed for one week.
I advised them to tell the executors of the command, who would come for the money, that their plenipotentiary and treasurer, Pan Dolhanski, resided at such and such address in Warsaw.
Wadham College Library includes a collection of botanical books bequeathed by Richard Warner in 1775 and a collection of books, relating chiefly to the Spanish Reformers, presented by the executors of Benjamin Wiffen.
It is alleged that Richard appropriated to his own use the treasure which his brother had amassed, and had committed to the care of his executors after his death.
The whole property had been placed under ecclesiastical sequestration by the Archbishop of Canterbury, because the executors had declined to act, and no further steps had been taken.
The dwelling-house was found to expose the executors to some trouble in obtaining tenants and keeping it in repair, so that they determined on the sale of the house, with its appurtenances, for which they received L80.
A claim should be made on the part of Shelley's executors for a maintenance for my child and myself from Sir Timothy.
His executors intend to sett up an inscription for him against the church wall.
He left a collection of all his Mercurius Aulicus's and all his other pamphletts, which his executors (Sir Richard Mason and Sir Muddiford Bramston) were ordered by the king to give to the Archbishop of Canterbury's library.
He dyed at Winchester house, in Southwark, and lies buried in a chapell at St. Mary Overies, where his executors .
By his will he appointed thirteen executors who were to preserve his rooms at 10 rue Monsieur-le-Prince as the headquarters of the new religion of Humanity.
The executors were two old friends of the deceased, one of them a former partner in his paper-making concern.
As soon, I suppose, as your uncle's executors have discharged a piece of business which is distinctly germane to the matter?
The young lady is not to be told the conditions of the will, unless at the discretion of the executors should, some crisis arise.
Satisfy the executors that you are worthy of the legacy.
As one of the executors of the late Mr. Kingsnorth's will, in my opinion, it would be defeating the object of the dead man's legacy.
These following Lines were inclosed from the aforesaid Executors in the said Letter being left by the deceased.
Now to assure you that the Kindness of his Executors continued beyond his Death, they thought themselves so far indebted to his Memory, that not only the Embalmer was sent for, but likewise a Coffin, price 12l.
The executors will have to take their chance on that," he said, rising with the air of a man who has rounded out a discussion.
The executors want to make me a business man--to go to board meetings and help run some companies my money is in.
I want you to understand that I appreciate all that you and the other co-executors have done for me.
I'm afraid your executors have different ideals of utility.
He directs his executors (the governor's one of six, you know) to bring up his boy inside that stone wall at Horsham Manor, with no knowledge of the world except what can be gotten from an expurgated edition of the classics.
The executorsare permitted some license in this matter.
Do you realize that in three years he comes into possession of five million dollars, an income of over two hundred thousand a year; and that in seven years, at twenty-five, the executors must relinquish the entire estate?
The person who will be chosen by my executors for the training of my boy will be first of all a man of the strictest probity.
They were required to attend funerals, but might not ask for a share of the offerings, nor for any present from the executors of the dead.
Pews owned by the occupant pass to the heirs as real estate instead of going to the executors as personal property in States where the title is in the nature of the title to real estate.
The executors of a pew owner are not bound to pay pew-rent accrued after the owner's death.
The three executors were then appointed, as had been before announced, and the will terminated with the signature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "executors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.