He was not the sort to remain inactive if he knew his services might be required, so he evaded the sentries and stole out of the Fort again to find his missing friends.
Amber evaded a question which might possibly be enigmatical, she thought.
Yes; but the new weapons will not be so easily evaded as those of a past age.
The palpable answer to her query, that he thought of himself more than either, evaded him.
He evadedthis also by saying it would be necessary first to decide on the amount of the subsidy to be raised.
She evaded his glance, but he kept his eyes fixed on hers.
It often seemed to Käte as if the boy evaded her questions, when she asked him about the Bible-lesson.
It was a second party of their pursuers, mounted, who had evidently been sent to prevent their final egress from the woods, while those they had just evaded were no doubt slowly and silently following them on foot.
It was Doctor Jackson, Colonel Denny, Doctor Birch, and Samuel Clemens whoevaded the quarantine and made the perilous night trip to Athens and looked upon the Parthenon and the sleeping city by moonlight.
Later in the day he made this memorandum: Laws can be evaded and punishment escaped, but an openly transgressed custom brings sure punishment.
Footnote 84: The Supreme Council forbade the repetition of torture; but this hypocritical law was evaded in practice by declaring that the torture had been suspended.
He paused by many a shady glen, and beautiful quiet glade; by gray cliffs and mossy banks, searching with moody eyes for the spirit which evaded him.
The Bishop evaded this home question, and told him he was there to answer for not coming to church.
And always since then she had avoided speaking of his continued disagreeableness, and skillfully evaded answering pertinent questions.
That might be hard telling," he evaded banteringly.
Well, she's going to live here in Dalton," evaded the doctor cautiously.
But Mabel only turned aside her head to weep, and though he tried to renew the subject, she skilfully evaded it, and when that pained him, she turned and soothed him with the eager caress of childlike affection.
Meanwhile, he evaded these manoeuvres, and placed himself on terms of equal civility with all the sisters, by whom he found even his weakest foibles caressed.
Margaret, left in ignorance, continued to beg her father to celebrate the archduke's marriage with Princess Mary, but the emperor always evaded her requests with fresh excuses.
Ambitious and incautious, and immeasurably vain, he courted rather than evaded diplomatic complications.
Although he agreed to Louis' proposed reforms, he evaded his promise to send German bishops to the Council the French king had convoked at Lyons.
Several times I referred to it, but he always evaded my question, and seemed to grow uneasy because I noticed it.
Aided by the Rev Thomas Clayton, one of the cleverest impostors who ever evaded the police, his Highness's successes had been little short of marvellous.
Glasgow Irishmen, who had somehow evaded the precautions that were in force since the days of Fenianism to prevent the enlistment of disloyal characters.
Up to this moment, his brain had always evaded the direct question of how he and the priest relatively stood in Celia's estimation.
He evadedher downward look, and tried to shake her off.
Then as she lay in what seemed to her this scorching light--in reality it was one little ray which had evaded the thick curtains-- a flood of joy seemed to pour into her soul.
Emotion choked at Lee's throat; and, in a sense of shame at having been so shaken, he admitted that Mina Raff had an extraordinary ability: he evaded the impressive reality by a return to the trivial fact.
Cytherea, with her disdainful gaze, evaded his wavering reach.
In general they were; but the particulars, the details of any probable immediate action, evaded him.
He would have taken her in his arms again, but she evaded the caress.
I saw a negro gallop to and fro for the space of an hour, at full speed, and every time he passed under the arch he dexterously evaded the outstretched hands of the women; thus giving proof of uncommon bodily strength.
Leon knew the country so well, that he constantly evaded his pursuers.
Since the summer of 1862, when the Alabama had evaded the British officials and had gone to sea, the American Minister in London had continued to press for damages.
He was chairman of the convention that renominated Harrison, reaffirmed the "American doctrine of protection," and evaded the issue of free silver.
A personal suit that promised some relief (Ex parte McCardle) was evaded by a sudden amendment of the law relating to appeals.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evaded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.