But King Dacha was so furiously enraged, he could neither stay in his kraal nor allow Isaaco to take leave.
And why," asked Dacha in his dreadful voice, "why have you permitted the people of your country to plunder one of my caravans, and why did you yourself plunder another?
Say chinker saltee, or dacha one Dieci uno soldi saltee, elevenpence Oney beong, one shilling Uno bianco.
He approached the dacha at the point where the line of pine trees came nearest to it.
None at all when the dacha wasn't in use for a conference or to hide someone on the lam from the KGB.
It was by no means the last trip that Paul Koslov was to make to his underground contacts, nor the last visit to the dacha at Petrodvorets.
Perhaps one day we can build a summer dacha there.
The dacha of Leonid Shvernik was in the vicinity of Petrodvorets on the Gulf of Finland, about eighteen miles from Leningrad proper.
In fact, the dacha became the meeting center of the Russian underground with their liaison agent from the West.
He recapitulated the events of the past months from the time he'd entered the Chief's office in Washington until last night at the dacha with Leonid and Ana.
DACHA is perhaps from the Greek deka, ten, which, in the Constantinopolitan Lingua Franca, is likely enough to have been substituted for the Italian.
Sego-chicoro, the residence ofDacha King of the Bambarras, on Monday 11th of the moon.