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Example sentences for "napery"

Lexicographically close words:
nap; napalm; nape; naped; napellus; naphtha; naphthalene; naphthaline; naphthol; naphthylamine
  1. They returned to where the tables were laid with that tempting display of napery and polished silver which is so well understood by the continental caterers.

  2. They sat in the simple, clean little room, with its dainty curtains, white napery and shining cutlery.

  3. Both silver and napery bear the monogram of the society, and the linen was especially woven in Ireland.

  4. The society owns its present napery and silver, which it bought with the first ready money that came in after the desperate financial straits of the terrible reconstruction.

  5. It was a set of china from an aunt in Crail, or napery from some cousins in Kirkcaldy, or quilts from her father's folk in Largo, and so on, in a very charming monotony.

  6. On a square or oblong table, candlesticks with shades give a touch of color that relieves the whiteness of napery and glass.

  7. The question of the correct form of marking silver and napery often comes up.

  8. By the napery of the neck" wouldn't be a bad line to get off a little later in the story.

  9. Blank space for insertion of "napery of neck" line, if desired.

  10. A white mule with red trappings, led by a varlet, carried Sir Nigel's own napery and table comforts.

  11. The silver was good; the napery was snowy.

  12. By Gatton's orders the room in which that gruesome supper was laid had been left undisturbed and once more we stood surveying the spotless napery and sparkling silver.

  13. There's nae sign o' my marrying yet, and I'll not be likely to want it until my plenishing and napery is to buy.

  14. A house-keeper should have a large chest to contain napery which is not to be used every day.

  15. Colored napery is, therefore, the luxury of a well-appointed country house, and has its use in making the breakfast and luncheon table look a little unlike the dinner.

  16. Ladies who live in the city should try to send all their napery to the country at least once a year, and let it lie on the grass for a good bleaching.

  17. As the guest took his plate and new napkin, he allowed the one which he had used to fall to the floor, and when he went away from the table he left a snowy pile of napery behind him.

  18. The napery made in Ireland has, however, in our day taken the place of that manufactured in other countries.

  19. Even coarse napery will present a much better appearance with a sub-cover than if spread directly upon the table.

  20. In the intervals between his early looking at rugs and napery he collected timetables and folders, made inquiries, and had some correspondence with the manager of the admirable hotel.

  21. In the dining-room the table was clean laid with linen and napery and shiny with glasses and decorated china.

  22. He appeared to great advantage behind the white napery and silver platters of the table and displaying his arms with a knife and fork.

  23. Get you to your needle; be your mother's napery all so well mended that you can spend the whole day in idleness?

  24. I have seen her finish the review and arrangement of a series of china and napery closets, the laying down of fresh papers in chests of drawers, or the ordering of knick-knacks gathered in the Bey's campaigns.

  25. Linn ranged her napery cupboards to her most perfect content, not that she could do it better than Mrs. Deventer had done, but simply for the satisfaction of, as it were, expressing her mind and doing it differently.

  26. Statutes of the napery weavers of Paris: "No one may be master weaver except the son of a master.

  27. From the year 1756 the weavers of napery were abandoned to their fate by the House of Commons.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "napery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cloth; drapery; fabric; felt; goods; lace; linen; material; napery; rag; silk; stuff; textile; texture; tissue; weave; web; weft; woof; wool