He glared at the draped window, feeling that he was making a supreme effort to retain his sanity.
A fitful light played through the darkness, and seemed to dance upon a curtain draped behind the sarcophagus, picking out diamond points.
Her feet splashed through puddles in the uneven, hard bottom, but here there was no trace of the seaweed thatdraped the rocks in all other parts of the Island.
The folds of these draped a book shelf beside the window, supporting few books but holding in its empty space the gold-scale, unused as yet on Kon Klayu, and glinting newly as it caught the light on its polished surface.
As he draped his robe about him, his eye caught a movement among the blankets in the top bunk.
About her shoulders was draped a fringed black and yellow blanket of wondrous design.
It was the most magnificent funeral one can imagine, the last honors paid in all their vain pomp, as sonorous and as hollow as the rhythmic accompaniment upon asses' skins draped in crape.
A young girl, supported by golden clouds, and holding a veil of the seven hues draped gracefully about her head, flew from the right to the left high above the stage.
Next morning a mock funeral was held; a locomotive and boxcar draped in mourning proceeded slowly to the bridge, the effigies were cut down and buried in a snowdrift.
There was nothing for it, of course, but go out and explain--yet how could a chap appear at noondraped in a sheet!
It draped the pine-trees till they bowed, then shook themselves clear to be draped anew.
The slender bronze body of the Nubian was draped only about the hips with an almost airy colorless scarf.
The figure wasdraped with spangled black gauze, through which the girl's marble white limbs gleamed like ivory seen through gauze of gossamer transparency.
She was paler and graver than of old, and her stately form was draped in the gloomy sables of a widow.
She looked pale, but very pretty in a black dress with scarlet trimmings, and a scarlet shawl was draped about her shoulders, partly concealing her form.
Mrs. Bowers went up the stairway and opened the door into a large, airy room, exquisitely furnished and drapedwith hangings of white lace over rose-colored silk.
He did not notice the heavily-draped figure of a woman that had stood almost at his elbow, and that now ran lightly up the hotel steps, into the wide, lighted hall.
The bibulous one, who up to the present had regarded the affair as humorous, now began to be lachrymose, and by the time Quin got him into the rose-draped bed he was in a state of deep dejection.
It was quite the grandest room he had ever occupied, with its massive walnut furniture and its heavily draped windows; but, had it been stripped bare but for a single picture, it would still have been a chambre de luxe to him.
The man who never changes his mind will soon discover to his shame that he is draped in intellectual rags and tatters.
What I had imagined the round head of a corpse, or future corpse, was the veil-draped head of a living woman, seated on a higher chair than usual between the tomb and the lighted altar.
They went to Communion with their mother, who, like most Spanish women in church, was dressed in black with a draped veil, a fashion that lends an air of distinction to the plainest.
As corpses they thought to live; in black draped they their corpses; even in their talk do I still feel the evil flavour of charnel-houses.
He put the yellow suitcase down in the mud and looked wearily up and down the fog-draped road.
From her likewise hath Mezentius five hundred in arms against him, whom Mincius, child of Benacus, draped in gray reeds, led to battle in his advancing pine.
The richly-draped hill-sides appear as a succession of beautiful pictures framed by the columns and arches on each side of the choir.
I'd like to found a charity for the supply of draped garments to the thin wives of clergymen.
At this point Teresa made her appearance wrapped in a white opera cloak, with her mother's best lace scarfdraped over her head, and Dane's depression lightened, as he smiled at her and took his place by her side in the car.
For the first time in her life the Gorgeous Girl found herself gathering up Monster, the candy, and the novel manuscript in her lace-draped arms and standing outside her husband's firmly closed door.
She had an idea of wearing nothing but draped Grecian robes--which could be made to look quite fetching if one had enough jewellery to punctuate the drapes--and of going in for barefoot dancing on the lawn.
IT was a foggy November afternoon; the color of the surrounding atmosphere was almost as yellow as the gorgeous damask hangings which draped Mr. Clifford's handsome drawing-room.
Then came a wild scramble of an hour along sheer rocks thick-draped with moss that pealed off in square yards almost as often as we stepped on it, and threatened to drop us more than a half-mile to the tree-tops below.
Their little blouses, generally torn or carelessly left open, display repulsively pendent breasts and overlapping waists, while the abdominal region, draped by a thin skirt, appeared much deformed by undue development.
Some of the men had several yards of material draped round their legs, in Hindoo fashion, instead of trousers.