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Example sentences for "documents"

Lexicographically close words:
doctus; document; documentary; documentation; documented; dodder; doddered; doddering; dodecahedron; dodge
  1. And since his own life is so reflected throughout his work, it is of interest to become acquainted with the inner and intimate side of his genius, which has left us some of the greatest documents we possess concerning human nature.

  2. John Garwell was very busy, and said he would look over the documents the next day.

  3. He soon learned that the majority of the documents were of no importance, but there were half a dozen which looked of possible value, and these he placed in his pocket.

  4. They are the legal documents in an important real estate case now before the courts.

  5. But on the following morning he was called out of town, so the documents were not examined until some days later.

  6. He wished to ask his employer about the documents found in the trunk, but saw that Mr. Garwell was too busy to be interrupted.

  7. He has, especially, cast a new light, aided by Spanish documents in the Archives of Simancas, on the slow preparations of the enterprise undertaken by Philip II.

  8. Fortunately both lads possessed permits de circulation--documents issued to foreign tourists on entering French territory, and which they had not given up at the douane at Givet.

  9. They were British subjects; they were not in uniform; they had no documents to prove the truth of their statement that they were corporals in the Belgian army.

  10. In the garret were also found plans and documents of great official value, besides a copy of a code, several flash-lights, and arms and ammunition.

  11. Both are important documents to the student of the Science of Man.

  12. Though the Buddhist sovereigns published their edicts in the vernaculars, public inscriptions and private official documents continued to be composed in Sanskrit during the last two thousand years.

  13. To save you the trouble of hunting the several documents from which this statement is to be taken, I have collected them here completely, and enclose them to you.

  14. Gentlemen, I wrote you on the 14th of last month; since which some other incidents and documents have occurred, bearing relation to the subject of that letter.

  15. I beg leave to recommend the case of Don Blas Gonzalez to your good offices with the court of Spain, enclosing you the documents necessary for its illustration.

  16. Sir, Your favor of November the 30th remains still unanswered, because the clerks are employed in copying some documents on the subject of the treaty of peace, which I wish to exhibit to you with the answer.

  17. And as explanatory of the transaction, he has sent me the documents herewith transmitted.

  18. For an example, see Espinas and Pirenne, Recueil de Documents relatifs a l'Histoire de la Draperie Flamande, II.

  19. Yet the taking of important documents ceased suddenly, and Harry was quite sure that his encounter with Shepard had at least caused him to leave the city.

  20. A night later precious documents were purloined from the office of the Secretary of War and a list of important earthworks on the North and South Carolina coast disappeared from the office of the Secretary of the Navy.

  21. The first part of the papyri placed in his hands by Mr. Flinders Petrie consisted of classical documents which had already been printed by the Royal Irish Academy in the Cunningham Memoirs.

  22. The present volume is based rather upon printed documents than upon original research, though it shows everywhere the traces of personal knowledge.

  23. These documents were also valuable, as being transcriptions from Egyptian into Greek, with respect to our knowledge of the Egyptian language.

  24. And I could see, the more I studied his work, that he considered it more important to discover documents than to observe monuments.

  25. These circumstances, at the outset, excite grave suspicions of the truth of the documents and of the story which they set forth.

  26. The canonical Gospels continue to the end anonymous documents of no evidential value for miracles.

  27. In treating them as ancient documents or speaking of parts of them with respect, Chemnitz does nothing more than the Magdeburg Centuriators, but this is a very different thing from directly ascribing them to Ignatius himself.

  28. We may now come to the documents recently published.

  29. Documents which lie under such grave and permanent suspicion cannot prove anything.

  30. It is quite possible to consider that the authenticity of the extant letters cannot be established without denying that there may have been some original nucleus upon which these actual documents may have been based.

  31. The ancient literature of these two nations, but that of the Indians more than that of the Persians, stands much nearer in its ideas to the nomadic life than any other documents of the Aryan mind which have been preserved to us.

  32. Because, according to various documents preserved in my ancestral archives, my family is descended from one of those brave commanders, who penetrated Pontevedra at the time of the invasion.

  33. There still remained, however, some places to be examined where I might expect to find documents that would be of use to me.

  34. Nor was it easy to obtain access to those unpublished documents which constitute the best sources of information.

  35. Scotland, who generously placed at my disposal sundry documents copied by him in the public offices with his own hand, for the illustration of the reign of Mary Tudor.

  36. In this department is deposited the correspondence of Zuniga, which, with other documents in the same collection, has furnished me with some pertinent extracts.

  37. The latter portion of the fourth volume of this valuable collection is occupied with documents relating to the imprisonment and death of Montigny, drawn from the Archives of Simancas, and never before communicated to the public.

  38. His countrymen are under obligations to this compiler, who thus early brought before them so many documents of great importance to the national history.

  39. It may seem strange that, notwithstanding the existence of this valuable body of original documents was known to scholars, they should so rarely have resorted to it for instruction.

  40. The documents connected with this matter are given by Foppens, Ibid.

  41. The various documents connected with it are still preserved in the Archives of Simancas.

  42. Mignet; while the publication of the original documents from Simancas, by M.

  43. It decreed that thenceforward no newspapers or pamphlets could be printed, no marriage-certificate given, and no documents used in lawsuits, unless stamps were attached, and these could be bought only from British agents.

  44. In a number of places, fast mail routes had been organized by the postoffice department, and these were designated on the official documents by the figures of stars.

  45. Like rules shall be reciprocally observed in favor of Spain in respect of documents in the archives of the islands above referred to.

  46. The aforesaid relinquishment or cession, as the case may be, includes all documents exclusively referring to the sovereignty relinquished or ceded that may exist in the archives of the Peninsula.

  47. But it is also made very plain by the language of official documents to this day.

  48. But I should add that I have not had, like the Professor, the advantage of a diligent study of the manuscript documents in possession of the Chapter.

  49. When these documents are printed, as all documents of the kind ought to be printed, I hope I may be able to make good use of them; but while they are shut up in manuscript they are useless to me.

  50. I have therefore been left to my own resources, that is, as far as documents are concerned, to the ordinary printed authorities in Anglia Sacra, the Monasticon, and elsewhere.

  51. But it is to be hoped that some day or other the documents that are locked up in manuscript at Wells and at other places may be made available for historical purposes.

  52. Mr. Haddan, in the new collection of Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents (i.

  53. The office had been the repository of these documents since the organization of the government.

  54. I stated the case as I had many times before, and he gave a peremptory order to one of his staff that I should receive the documents in time for me to leave Washington on the midnight train.

  55. These documents contain all that we know with certainty about John Cabot's voyage of 1498.

  56. In 1408 one of the Icelanders married in Greenland, which is of interest from the fact that several documents bearing witness to the marriage are extant.

  57. The Journal of Christopher Columbus and Documents relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real.

  58. As already mentioned, no hint is to be found in trustworthy documents of Sebastian Cabot's having taken part in these expeditions or having been in any way connected with them, and there is therefore no ground for assuming this.

  59. There seem thus to be sufficiently good historical documents in support of at least one expedition having reached Greenland in the latter part of the sixteenth century, possibly sent out by Christiern I.

  60. Evidently whatever he was seeking was of the sort that needed no examination to prove it, for he passed over letters and written documents without a glance at their contents.

  61. She also took the letters and documents that established her marriage, and a copy of the registration.

  62. Pracontal, and came to request permission to make searches at Castello for certain documents which he declared to be of great importance to the establishment of his claim.

  63. What if the documents should turn out love-letters?

  64. These included manuscript corrections in a copy of the second Folio, and many documents concerning the biography of Shakespeare and the history of the Elizabethan theater.

  65. More progress has been made in interpretation through the greater accessibility of contemporary documents and the advance in recent years in our knowledge of Elizabethan theatrical conditions.

  66. The more important documents bearing on his growing reputation have already been noted in this volume.

  67. Valuable reprints of old plays and documents are found in the following series now in progress: The Tudor Facsimile Texts, ed.

  68. The documents make it plain that he did not live apart, but in close contact with the affairs of his day and generation.

  69. An account of the Shakespeare Apocrypha is, however, incomplete without reference to the forgeries of documents or plays.

  70. Documents relating to the Office of the Revels in the time of Queen Elizabeth.

  71. The earlier documents printed in the same collection are Household of King Edward III.

  72. Jerningham under the title of The Life and Times of Sixtus the Fifth, 1872), an original contribution to the history of the period, based on unpublished documents at the Vatican, Simancas and Venice.

  73. At his death his collections comprised more than 150 volumes or portfolios of documents and papers relating to the genealogy of the principal families in France.

  74. For the rest of these documents see Ordinances and Regulations, &c.

  75. Returning to Austria, he was entrusted with the compilation of the documents and proclamations relating to the abdication of the Emperor Ferdinand and the accession of Francis Joseph.

  76. Let us stick to the milk in the pan, the horse in the stall, the documents which you will find in the library.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "documents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.