From thence to Darlington is the great north road and execrably broke into {70}holes, like an old pavement; sufficient to dislocate ones bones.
Let me persuade all travellers to avoid this terrible country, which must either dislocate their bones with broken pavements or bury them in muddy sand.
Hughes to twist or dislocate half a sentence from a verse and put it forth to demonstrate and prove a certain object of his.
Perhaps you may be able to detach some more sentences, or dislocate some half verses from amongst those given under the head of conditional.
A man's been known to dislocate his jaw, yawning like that," said Calhoun detachedly.
A yawn caused by what is called a yen has been known to make a mandislocate his jaw.
Another class of individuals are those who can either partially or completely dislocate the major articulations of the body.
The class of people commonly known as contortionists by the laxity of their muscles and ligaments are able to dislocate or preternaturally bend their joints.
Warren weighed 150 pounds, was a total abstainer, and was the father of two children, both of whom could readily dislocate their hips.
However this might be, it has, it is submitted, been now shown that Federalism would dislocateevery English constitutional arrangement.
Then pressing his knees against Larry's shoulders, he gave a pull at his head which seemed likely to dislocate his neck, if it hadn't been broken already.
To dislocate or sprain the hip of, to fracture or injure the hip bone of (a quadruped) in such a manner as to produce a permanent depression of that side.
To loosen another beam would have been to dislocate the hull.
It turned and leapt as if it would fain dislocate itself; the birds, frightened, flew off.
To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-sighted way of pursuing happiness.
Shall we not have to depend in the future as in the past upon upheaval and accident to dislocate customs so as to release impulses to serve as points of departure for new habits?
The immediate effect was to dislocate moral from natural science, to divide man's world as it never had been divided in prior culture.
I was unlucky enough five months ago to dislocate my right wrist, and though well set, I have as yet no use of it, except that I can write, but in pain.
I was unlucky enough to dislocate my right wrist five months ago, and though it was well set, I can yet make no use of it but to write.
It will embitter and degrade our politics, and dislocate our Parliamentary institutions.
On my word," said the general with a yawn that threatened to dislocate his jaw, "I ask nothing better than to finish once for all with these bandits.
It can't be done unless you dislocate their lines and masses as I dislocate them, so as to throw them all at once into those planes that the intact body could only have traversed one after another in a given time.
Shearing the House of Lords of political power did not dislocate the administration of English justice, because the law lords are exclusively judges.
The citizens stood round in a solemn ring, while Tom stripped off his coat and, climbing on the bed, proceeded to roll me about in a manner which seemed to dislocate every bone in my body.
Isn't it enough to dislocate every bone in my body with your ridiculous resuscitations without ruining my constitution with this thing?
Here, as in the parallel case of the minimum wage, the danger is that the attempt to alter things too rapidly may dislocate the industrial machine.
True it is, that in this as in all cases of social legislation, no application of the law can be made so sweeping and so immediate as to dislocate the machine and bring industry to a stop.