They are for the most part incrusted with calc-sinter; and the rounded blocks of gneiss, which have all the outward appearance of solidity, have been so disintegrated by the carbonic acid as readily to fall to pieces.
After an acute or subacute attack some time elapses before the large number of cell-elements are disintegrated or absorbed.
Sometimes, though rarely, the discharges consist of pure blood, but oftener of a copious turbid fluid, which on standing separates into a clear upper layer of serum and a sediment of disintegrated lotura carnea.
In a few days the ulcers heal beneath the exudation, which becomes disintegrated and detached, the inflammatory process subsiding by gradual resolution.
A sickening fear came to Tommy that she had been too late; that Frank's body was already partly disintegrated and that he might have paid the price of her love with his life.
Further visits to the surface are now forbidden, and we are to be returned by a remarkable process of beam transmission of our disintegrated bodies.
The island is of recent geological formation; it consists almost wholly of disintegrated sandstone or clay (which rises at the north-west into cliffs up to 60 ft.
Korean soil consists largely of light sandy loam, disintegrated lava, and rich, stoneless alluvium, from 3 to 10 ft.
These Arka-tagh mountains are built up, at all events superficially, of sand and powdery, finely sifted disintegrated material.
The flanks of the mountains are so deeply buried in disintegrated material that the difference in vertical altitude between the floors of the valleys and the summits of the ranges is comparatively small.
For a small piece, you might get a better stand by using a light mulch ofdisintegrated coarse manure or even straw, scattering it after the sowing, but for a large acreage this would involve too much labor.
I have some orange trees in a disintegrated granite with a good many small pieces of rock still remaining in the soil.
In the same way the rocky bed of the ocean is, to a considerable depth, reduced to a disintegrated mass.
This fragmentary condition of the surface rock is such as exposes it to be acted upon readily by any powerfully abrading causes, or to be more rapidly disintegrated by atmospheric and aqueous causes.
Winds have considerable power in changing the place of earthy matter in a disintegrated state.
In addition to the accompanying copper green, which was in a disintegrated state, small specks of the oxide of copper were associated in most of the native specimens.
Hence, a very black color has been communicated to the contiguous and overlaying soil, which is manifestly more or less the result of disintegrated coal.
I found there only soft, horizontally stratified matter, formed from disintegrated granitic rocks, and some yellowish impure limestone, probably of a tertiary epoch.
These are all disintegratedand their particles remixed with the materials of their several planes.
As previously explained, soil is essentially a mixture of disintegrated rock and the decomposing remains of plants.
The hardest rock particles are disintegrated by carbonated water, while limestones, or rocks containing lime, are readily dissolved.
The soils are formed from the easily disintegrated rocks of comparatively recent geological origin, which themselves are said to have been formed from deposits in a shallow interior sea which covered a large part of the West.
The strato archeologico lies under a thin covering of sand and gravel, which Cavazzocca explains to be the débris of the disintegrated morainic coast carried outwards by the boisterous action of the waves.
Nor is this at all improbable, as we have already seen that there were several of these stations quite in the vicinity of La Tène, the relic-beds of which have become almost entirely disintegrated by the waves.
They had all ended in a disintegrated lifelessness of soul, which he hid under an utterly tolerant good-humour.
When it did finally disappear that was not because it disintegrated like a cloud, but because it was lost to sight in the evening darkness.
Our acceptance is that many objects have fallen from the sky, but that many of them have disintegrated violently.
Disorders grew more frequent, while uncertainty both paralyzed and disintegratedthe patrician party.
His burrow is made in disintegrated rocks or beneath large boulders.
The soil is mostly decomposed and disintegrated moraine material.
Cousin Charley was barely holding on to the tow; Alfred was sinking down on the almost disintegrated raft.
The dyke was constructed and would no doubt have answered the purpose intended had it not been constructed of clayey soil that disintegrated and floated away with the muddy current the first freshet.
It is a melancholy which descends upon us when in any disintegrated moment the creative energy in us, the energy of love in us, is overcome by the evil and inertness of the aboriginal malice.
These painters are known as the Eclectics and this title sufficiently indicates their effort to revive art by recomposing what lay before them indisintegrated fragments.
The new learning among northern races disintegrated that system of ideas upon which mediaeval society rested; but it also introduced religious and moral conceptions more vital than those ideas in their decadence.
It is only at Nu-Yok that the tribesmen used rockets sheathed in the same mysterious substance they use on their little aircraft and which cannot be disintegrated by the ray.
The rubber insulation had been badlydisintegrated wherever oil had dropped on it.
The rock that joined them, disintegrated by the frosts and rains, has passed down the muddy current of the Virgin, down the surging tide of the Colorado, through the Grand Canyon, and into the Pacific.
Yellowstone's mountains, then, are decayed volcanoes, its rock is lava, its soil is ash and disintegrated lava.
The accumulation of lime, from the disintegrated carbide, requires occasional removal from the tank (a); the valve K is provided for this purpose.
The change that takes place in the sewage while it remains in the tank is first that of being liquefied and then disintegrated by bacterial action.