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Example sentences for "somewhat difficult"

  • But owing to its enormous geographical distribution, its probable home is somewhat difficult to ascertain.

  • On the other hand, I quite admit that my view of the survival in Ireland of the pre-glacial fauna is somewhat difficult to accept, considering that we have such undoubted evidence of a very extensive submergence.

  • The problem of tracing the origin of the British fauna, or at least that of some of the more characteristic members of every section or element, appears at first a somewhat difficult task.

  • At first, kneading may be found to be somewhat difficult, but the beginner need not become discouraged if she is not proficient at once, because the skill that is necessary to knead the bread successfully comes with practice.

  • The flavor of bread is also a very important factor, but it is somewhat difficult to describe just the exact flavor that bread should have in order to be considered good.

  • Beets, turnips, and other winter vegetables should be stewed rather than boiled, as it is somewhat difficult to cook them tender, especially in the late winter and early spring.

  • As it is a somewhat difficult matter to test this and ascertain if the mandrel has become out of true from use, it is an excellent plan to turn such a mandrel down at each end, as shown in Fig.

  • This is desirable because it is somewhat difficult to hold simultaneously the plate in its proper position and the packing pieces in place while the nut is screwed up, there being too many operations for the operator's two hands.

  • In screw cutting the cutting tool requires to be withdrawn from the thread while the carriage traverses back, and it is somewhat difficult to know just how far to move the tool in again in order to put on a proper depth of cut.

  • Nowadays it is somewhat difficult to realise that, formerly, because a people or a class were not understood, those who were in power should, for no other reason, become obsessed with the insane idea of annihilating them.

  • Yes," agreed Sir Reginald; "and it is a somewhat difficult question to answer: very much too difficult to answer offhand.

  • Courteille; all three are tentative of a somewhat difficult verse.

  • It is somewhat difficult not to forget that a man who, like Babur, records so many observations of geographical position, had no guidance from Surveys, Gazetteers and Books of Travel.

  • The account, here-following, of his visit to the upper course of the Ghaggar is somewhat difficult to translate.

  • So the next proverb (verse 12) continues the same thought, and puts it in a somewhat difficult phrase.

  • The expression is, of course, somewhat difficult, even if we accept generally the explanation which I have given.

  • It is somewhat difficult to make sure of the real circumstances.

  • The quality of the product of the above formula is excellent, but the process is somewhat difficult to manage.

  • The sutures should be of catgut, as their subsequent removal is somewhat difficult.

  • Such a velocity is, however, somewhat difficult to appreciate, and therefore, to assist our comprehension of their great magnitude, Sir J.

  • Maize, or Indian corn, has also been employed to make beer; but its malting is somewhat difficult on account of the rapidity and vigour with which its radicles and plumula sprout forth.

  • In the bobbin and fly frame there are some circumstances which render the construction and the winding-on somewhat difficult, and the mechanism not a little complicated.

  • There are many processes for making this colour in enamel; but it is somewhat difficult to fix, and it is rarely obtained of an uniform and fine tint.

  • The first step in making brass is to plunge slips of copper into melted zinc till an alloy of somewhat difficult fusion be formed, to raise the heat, and add the remaining proportion of the copper.

  • Their tired arms had stiffened, and it is somewhat difficult to row in tumbling water.

  • Its head was flattened in apparently by a club, and the lads found it somewhat difficult to believe that it would reward them for their exertions in capturing it.

  • It is fished mainly by line trawlers but is not much used as yet by gill-netters, being a somewhat difficult piece of bottom for them.

  • This ground is somewhat difficult to find.

  • This was at the first glance a somewhat difficult problem.

  • Deringham leaned against the balustrade in front of her, and appeared to find it somewhat difficult to begin.

  • Seaforth had once or twice admired the girl's serenity in somewhat difficult surroundings, but there was now a suggestion of fear in her eyes, and she seemed to avoid Alton's gaze.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somewhat difficult" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assured himself; daily bread; feet below; good results; interrupted himself; letter which; manuscript book; modern ideas; only once; orchestral music; somewhat analogous; somewhat compressed; somewhat curious; somewhat different; somewhat difficult; somewhat flattened; somewhat irregular; somewhat later; somewhat like; somewhat more; somewhat resembling; somewhat similar; state institutions; through fear; who came; you seem