But the end is often long in coming; and these nobler principles are meanwhile not provided for us by the inductive philosophy.
Both insisted on an inductive method; and both transgressed from it.
These considerations, with their consequence, the hope of obtaining electricity from ordinary magnetism, have stimulated me at various times to investigate experimentally the inductive effect of electric currents.
That the law of equality between the two forces or forms of force in inductive action is as strictly preserved in these as in other cases, is fully shown by the fact, formerly stated (1173.
It occurs to me that the effect may perhaps be related to, and have its explanation in differences of specific inductive capacities.
Here, therefore, currents of electricity were produced by the direct inductive power of the earth's magnetism, without the use of any ferruginous matter, and upon a metal not capable of exhibiting any of the ordinary magnetic phenomena.
That I might be sure of the sensibility and action of the apparatus, I made such a change in one as ought upon principle to increase its inductive force, i.
I thought I saw an opening to the elucidation of inductive action, and the possible subjugation of many dissimilar phenomena to one law.
One of his critics says that Lewes "has the sort of claim to have originated this theory that Bacon has to be considered the discoverer of the inductive method.
He differs from Schelling in his demand for verification and the inductive method, and in claiming that all his conclusions are the result of scientific experiments and deductions.
In 1845, at the age of twenty-nine, he published a history of philosophy, in which he undertook to criticise all metaphysical systems from the inductive and scientific point of view.
As in his previous works, Lewes is here mainly concerned with an exposition of his theories of the inductive method, and he judges Aristotle from this somewhat narrow position.
Science has adopted the method of analysis, of inductive inquiry, of search in all the facts of nature for the laws which underlie them.
He did much through his various expositions to make the public familiar with the inductive methods of inquiry and with the conclusions of positive thought.
It cleverly indicated the weak places in the metaphysical methods, and it presented the advantages of the inductive method with great eloquence and ingenuity.
The place he assigned to positive knowledge and the inductive method, to feeling, to development and the influence of the past upon the present, were all accepted by her in an enthusiastic spirit.
He was an innovator in modern political thought, and his application of the historical method to the study of institutions is in its way a not less epoch-making achievement than Bacon's application of the inductive method to science.
The Advancement of Learning is a brilliant popular exposition of the cause of scientific enquiry and of the inductive or investigatory method of research.
It is not, I think, sufficiently observed how large a proportion of such questions are capable of a strictly inductive method of discussion.
Having thus given a brief, but, I trust, clear and faithful account of the different modifications of the inductive theory, I shall proceed to state some of the principal objections that have been and may be brought against it.
We have seen that, according to the inductive theory, there is no such thing as natural duty.
The first reflection suggested by this theory is, that it appears difficult to understand how, on the principles of the inductive school, it could be arrived at.
The main object of the earlier members of the inductive school, was to depress human nature to their standard, by resolving all the noblest actions into coarse and selfish elements.
It appears, however, to be sometimes imagined that inductive moralists alone think that it is by induction or experience that we ought to ascertain what is the origin of our moral ideas.
The concrete natural sciences can never be exact and are as unable to subsist without the inductive method of inference from analogy as a tree without its roots.
Wasmann and von Buttel-Reepen are willing, on the other hand, to accept the inductive inference from analogy as a valid scientific method.
To return to the inductive method--it is to be noted that Aristotle, who was the first to describe it, proposed two kinds of induction, the complete and the incomplete.
It is called inference by induction, and the sciences in which it is preponderatingly applied are called inductive sciences.
As a matter of fact, however, that classic example which is supposed to prove the absolute certainty of the regular syllogism turns out to be a hidden inductive conclusion of the incomplete kind.
In addition to the inductive method, science has (p.
If, in addition, the inductive laws posited soon prove to be of a comparatively high degree of perfection, we obtain the impression described above, that an unlimited number of independent results can be deduced from a premise.
We have seen that it is not always a question of a priori judgments, but also of inductive conclusions applied and tested according to deductive methods.
Upon the scientific imagination of the discoverer depends the range of instances sufficing for the formulation of the general inductive principle.
As we see, deduction is a necessary complement of, in fact, a part of, the inductive process.
Dock, when the old man paused to note the effect of the climax of the inductive argument upon the listener.
Mrs. Fairfield was a simple-minded woman, and she did not comprehend that her disabled lord was only reasoning by an interrogatory and inductive method.
For example, William Whewell, History of theinductive sciences, ed.
He has frequently been credited with the introduction of the inductive method based upon stubborn facts, in contrast to the methods and content of medieval Aristotelianism.
Such questions can be answered only after careful and long-continued inductive study.
Observe the teaching of children to determine whether inductive methods are commonly used.
The parallelism of these conclusions of careful inductiveinquiry into the structure of the earth's crust, with the results which we have already obtained from revelation, may be summed up under the following heads: 1.
Now, I claim to have shown, by a complete inductive proof, that this assumption is not only unwarrantable in theory, but false in fact.
These three stages then, the empirical or practical, the classificatory or comparative, and the evolutionary, are applicable to the development of all the inductive sciences.
Further, in this development of the principle of common sense it has been said that the inductive sciences pass through three phases, which have been termed the empirical, the classificatory, and the theoretical.
An immediate deduction from Maxwell's theory was that in transparent dielectrics, the dielectric constant or specific inductive capacity should be numerically equal to the square of the refractive index for very long electric waves.
But this last expression is proportional to the instantaneous power taken up in the inductive circuit, and hence the difference of the two readings of the electrometer is proportional to the mean power taken up in the circuit (Phil.
Suppose we have an inductive and a non-inductive circuit in series, which is traversed by a periodic current, and that we desire to know the power being absorbed to the inductive circuit.
It was in this way that Drude investigated the specific inductive capacity with varying frequency, and found a falling off in the specific inductive capacity with increase of frequency when the dielectrics contained the radicle OH.
Starting with careful and accurate observations on facts concerning the mysterious properties of amber and the lodestone, Gilbert laid the foundations of modern electric and magnetic science on the true experimental and inductive basis.
We are in a condition to perform the inductive process according to the rules laid down in the Novum Organum.
Inductive philosophy is of no value if we cannot trust to the lessons derived from the experience of more than two hundred years.
Deductive and Inductive Reasoning When you are sure at the outset of your general proposition, and need only to see its application to special cases, your reasoning is said to be "deductive".
The bane of this science, as every one knows, has been its theorizing, and its want of carefulinductive reasoning from facts.
Gilbert, the great founder in Magnetism, whose work was the best {103} exemplification of inductive science of that time.
Macaulay says: "The inductive method has been practised ever since the beginning of the world by every human being.
Not only is it not true that {71} Bacon invented the inductive method; but it is not true that he was the first person who correctly analyzed that method and explained its uses.
I will not here touch on Plutarch's employment of the inductive method as shown in his constant use of inscription and statue, of public document and building and the like, because they involve no new method.
Aristotle criticised the deductive speculations of Plato by means of inductive negative instances, but Polybius will not take the 'Cloud City' of the Republic into account at all.
Farther, as regards the particular method of investigating that group of phenomena obtained for him by the abstract method, he will adopt, he tells us, neither the purely deductive nor the purely inductive mode but the union of both.