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Example sentences for "dilettanti"

Lexicographically close words:
dilemma; dilemmas; diles; dilettante; dilettanteism; dilettantism; dili; diligence; diligences; diligencia
  1. Her patrons were mostly dilettanti people with good incomes, and a particular hobby, authorship, public affairs, china, charities.

  2. Sometimes they passed Eve while she was painting, and she could tell by the expression of Canterton’s eyes whether he was dealing with rich dilettanti or with people who knew.

  3. Byron's contempt for connoisseurs and dilettanti finds expression in English Bards, etc.

  4. Or will the gentle Dilettanti crew,"-- Stanza lxiii.

  5. Next door to Gibbon's home, set well back from the street, stood the Thatched House Tavern, for two centuries a meeting place for litterateurs, and such famous clubs as the Dilettanti and the Literary.

  6. The Dilettanti Society broke its rules to make Lawrence a member, and painter to the society; in 1794, when nearly twenty-five years old, the artist was elected a Royal Academician.

  7. He was a good violinist, belonged to the circle of dilettanti which Beethoven so much affected, and, on parting, received from the composer one of his first attempts at quartet composition.

  8. Obtained by Chandler in his Expedition for the Society of Dilettanti in 1765, and presented by the Society.

  9. Pars, during the Dilettanti Expedition, and was published in the Antiquities of Athens, IV.

  10. Election to membership in the Dilettanti Society.

  11. In 1734 there had been founded in England the Dilettanti Society, composed of noblemen and gentlemen who had travelled abroad, and professed a taste for the fine arts.

  12. He painted the portraits of the members of the Dilettanti Society, and was a great and ignorant collector of Rembrandt etchings.

  13. Even in social circles, classical and, therefore so far as song was concerned, Italian music predominated, and aspiring dilettanti sought exclusively for songs which should display their artistic cultivation.

  14. One of the most distinguished musical dilettanti of the day at Vienna was the Geheimrath Bernh.

  15. We proceed to treat of Benvenuto, another great luminary of this school; and we must first premise that there are some mistakes as to his name, which has often betrayed our dilettanti into errors.

  16. From the dilettanti of Ancona I could gather tidings of only one Peruzzini; and I doubt whether his being named Domenico by the author of the MS.

  17. The Roxburghe Club still exists; and, with the Dilettanti Society, may justly be said to have suggested the Publishing Societies of the present day, at the head of which is the Camden.

  18. It was mainly through the influence and patronage of the Dilettanti Society that the Royal Academy obtained a Charter.

  19. It must be conceded that some of these pictures remind one of the Medmenham orgies, with which some of the Dilettanti were not unfamiliar.

  20. That a Society possessing so much wealth and social importance as the Dilettanti should not have built for themselves a mansion is surprising.

  21. The Dilettanti have removed to another tavern, and dine together on the first Sunday in every month, from February to July.

  22. The Dilettanti Society immediately organized a subscription of 800l.

  23. From “Antiquities of Ionia,” published by the Dilettanti Society.

  24. Whoever takes an interest in violin making will undoubtedly be pleased to hear more particulars in regard to dilettanti violin makers and their patrons.

  25. Dilettanti violin makers form a peculiar class of violin makers in America; and they seem to be born for the sphere of such knowledge as is here shining forth.

  26. There are some dilettanti violin makers in America who consider violin making their business, and there are others who do not make it their chief business.

  27. Many dilettanti are presumptuous enough to believe themselves further advanced in theoretical knowledge concerning tone than the most experienced violin maker of the present day.

  28. There are, however, dilettanti violin makers whose self-conceit and boldness is simply astonishing.

  29. He visited this country during the Exhibition of 1851, and was deeply gratified upon seeing so many high class instruments among the dilettanti here, and the taste and zest the English have in forming collections.

  30. Think of that ye dilettanti who are so proud of your pictures and marbles!

  31. These are the chief external characteristics, but they have always possessed that "which passeth show," and commanded the esteem of the dilettanti in that rich quality of tone which is the first essential in a perfect instrument.

  32. The aforesaid dilettanti would naturally condescend to the Innes room at Chicago's institute, as to the long-sustained, difficult effort which is being made by a school of Chicago sculptors for the monumental ornamentation of Chicago.

  33. For, in the first place, these people, like nearly all dilettanti of art, are extremely unreliable judges of racial characteristics.

  34. The office is opened to receive subscriptions; the dilettanti crowd around, together with the servants of the noble families, the brokers, and friends commissioned by the absent.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dilettanti" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.