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Example sentences for "pitifull"

Lexicographically close words:
pitie; pitied; pities; pitieth; pitiful; pitifullest; pitifully; pitifulness; pitiless; pitilessly
  1. But alas these pitifull men see not that they themselues hereby doo laie the greatest log vpon their neighbors necks.

  2. Also if there commeth any Whale within the current of the same, they make a pitifull crie.

  3. There are a great number of poore people among them which die daily for lacke of sustenance, which is a pitifull case to beholde: for there hath beene buried in a small time, within these two yeeres, aboue 80.

  4. The lamentable distresse and pitifull perplexitie of the Britains after their ouerthrow, Domitian enuieth Agricola the glorie of his victories, he is subtilie depriued of his deputiship, and Cneus Trebellius surrogated in his roome.

  5. I should delight to be broyled as before in pitifull torments.

  6. Likewise you do persuade vs to be quiet and circumspect in our affayres, which is a persuasion resembling the nature of a worthye Prynce and also of a pitifull father.

  7. And beinge with his familiers in the mids of his banket, they sodaynly heard a pitifull cry, with straung howlinge and cryinge out, which did very mutch aston them.

  8. These things the young man with pitifull sighes and teares, declared unto the Cowheards and Shepheards, which caused them all to weepe: but they fearing to become subject unto new masters, prepared themselves to depart away.

  9. But suerlie, by the pitifull death of this noble duke and politike gouernour, the publike wealth of the realme came to great decaie, as by sequele here may more at large appeare.

  10. But nowe seyng the thyng present before their eyes, they wrang theyr hands, and made a pitifull dole and crie, and the rather, bycause they themselues had slayne them against their willes.

  11. The infortunate mariage of a Gentleman, called Antonio Bologna, wyth the Duchesse of Malfi, and the pitifull death of them both.

  12. He lieth which sayth that Venus is thy mother, for the swetenes and good grace that resteth in that pitifull Goddesse, who taketh no pleasure to see louers perced with so egre trauayles as that which afflicteth my heart.

  13. Behold, Sir, how your pitifull complaint 2 Hath found another partner of your payne: For nothing may impresse so deare constraint, 4 As countries cause, and commune foes disdayne.

  14. Arches of bridges, stackes of haie, houses that stood by water sides, and children in cradels were borne awaie, that both woonderfull and no lesse pitifull it was to see.

  15. And now aduance forward true men against traitors, pitifull persons against murtherers, true inheritors against vsurpers, the scourges of God against tyrants.

  16. Mine had struck down Creed's boy in the dirt, with his new suit on, and the boy taken by a gentlewoman into a house to make clean, but the poor boy was in a pitifull taking and pickle; but I basted my rogue soundly.

  17. Minnes, so after a pitifull sermon of the young Scott, home to dinner.

  18. Assoone as they had receiued them in and vnderstood where I was, they came and found me in a pitifull case.

  19. They are very pitifull and charitable towards their neighbours, they make great lamentations in their aduersity: and in their miserie, the kinred reckon vp all their felicitie.

  20. If it had not pleased God to put a terrour in the Savages hearts, we had all perished by those wild and cruell Pagans, being in that weake estate as we were; our men night and day groaning in every corner of the Fort most pitifull to heare.

  21. In the Name of the mercifull and pitifull God.

  22. In the name of the pitifull and the mercifull God, &c.

  23. This succlamation and pitifull complainte, so stirred the multitude, that they promised all to helpe and relieue his sorowe.

  24. At whiche woordes, the sorowefull father began to vtter pitifull lamentation, and bitterly to complayne of Fortune.

  25. When his mother had ended these woordes, the whole traine of gentlewomen, brake into pitifull teares: bitterly bewayling the state of their Countrie, whiche at lengthe did mitigate the stomacke of Coriolanus.

  26. This pitifull aduenture was out of hande published through all the Citie, with so great sorrow and murmure of the people, as it seemed the enemies had sacked the towne.

  27. But I coulde neuer haue susteined, or suffred more miserie, then is nowe fallen vnto mee, nor neuer more dishonour, then to beholde thee in pitifull plight, a traytour to thy natife soile.

  28. With suche like pitifull cries, as women are wonte to make vpon suche heauie and dolorous euentes.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pitifull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.