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Example sentences for "haue bene"

  • Houeden assigneth to haue bene darrayned at Gauelford, and perhaps the same, which the said Master Camden voucheth out of Marianus Scotus [820.

  • The sisters, stand in a ranke together, and seeme to haue bene so pitched, for continuing the memory of somewhat, whose notice is yet enuied vs by time.

  • Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I haue bene told.

  • I haue bene in one of the monasteries called Troietes, [Footnote: There was a monastery answering this description, but its name was Trajetski.

  • I haue bene in hand with these two yong men that came put of the Trinitie, and they with me, but vnder seuen pound a year they will not serue, nor Thomas Bunting that was Roger Bunting his seruant.

  • These goe with fayned[125] lycences and counterfayted wrytings, hauing the hands and seales of suche gentlemen as dwelleth nere to the place where they fayne them selues to haue bene burnt, and their goods consumed with fyre.

  • Plato= writeth in the first booke of his lawes, that the soules of such as haue bene slaine, do oftentimes cruelly molest & trouble the soules of those which slew them.

  • I haue bene in many partes of Grecia, Morea, Archaia, and where the olde citie of Corinth stoode.

  • I haue bene in diuers places of Affrica, as Algiers, Cola, Hona, Tripolis, the gollet within the gulfe of Tunis.

  • For that man which shall gouerne this countrey, if he be no more fortunate then I haue bene hitherto, shall not misse one time or another, but he shall lose all the countrey.

  • Sonnes let it be your charge, as it is ours, To attend the Emperours person carefully: I haue bene troubled in my sleepe this night, But dawning day new comfort hath inspir'd.

  • Let me speake: I haue bene Consull, and can shew from Rome Her Enemies markes vpon me.

  • I haue bene longer in describing, the nature, the good or ill successe, of the quicke and hard witte, than perchance som will thinke, this place and matter doth require.

  • With this victory the Spaniardes recouered great fame, for they were thought to haue bene slayne.

  • But as God would, in the meane season came the testimoniall from the Doctor Hoieda, and the Licenciat Pero Lopez, Phisitions, who had cured the persons that were reported to haue bene poysoned, whervpon that commission ceased.

  • Ye also, are now the same which alwaies heretofore ye haue bene, for I as witnesse beying your captayne, haue had the victory of many battayles fighting with a .

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haue bene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also here; and fell; blue steel; fire and; five pound; greatest diameter; had such; haue beene; haue doone; haue found; haue heard; haue made; haue said; haue spoken; haue thought; haue written; oval form; perfect circle; preside over; projective geometry; speaking thus; stated times; still standing; torpedo boat; white plume; wise woman