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Example sentences for "what purpose"

  • What purpose is served by each in the atmosphere?

  • What purpose is served by each of these parts?

  • What purpose is accomplished by each method?

  • To what purpose is all this prelude of yours, to introduce to me somebody, who, by her likeness to my daughter, may expose me to your scoff and raillery?

  • But to what purpose then," says I, "is your praying to him, if their prayers will serve your turn?

  • Nasgig, "to what purpose should I relate so sacred a prediction to one who, though the most concerned in it, makes such a jest of it?

  • To what purpose else is it revealed, made mention of, and commended to us?

  • I ask, What should it do there before, or to what purpose is it there, if it be not acted?

  • And the disciples seeing it had indignation, saying: To what purpose is this waste?

  • To what purpose do you bring me frankincense from Saba, and the sweet smelling cane from a far country?

  • To what purpose do you offer me the multitude of your victims, saith the Lord?

  • Now no man at the table knew to what purpose he said this unto him.

  • Now, in this world of forms and intentional misunderstandings, what purpose is served by the appearance of souls overflowing with music?

  • To what purpose is Vice thus prefer'd, thus ornamented, and caress'd, unless for Imitation?

  • Now to what purpose should a Fools Coat be embroider'd?

  • But if a man is not entertain'd to what purpose should he go Thither?

  • To what purpose, then, are either those vexations or gloriations, which cannot prevent evil, nor procure good?

  • To what purpose am I come into the world?

  • For to what purpose is it to shine forth, if there be no eye to see?

  • Now to what purpose is all this spoken of God’s decrees and purposes, which he hath called a secret belonging to himself?

  • For to what purpose should a man desire, or what fruits will desire bring him whose desires shall not be granted?

  • I was going to roar out to him that we were adrift, but he looked so imbecile that I thought, to what purpose?

  • I might have contrived some arrangement of booms and casks to serve as a raft, but to what purpose?

  • There were flags below and I could have hoisted a signal of distress: but to what purpose?

  • As to the secret," added he, "what purpose will it answer to make her promise, since she will risk nothing in deceiving us?

  • To what purpose is it, then, you spend my money, if you only get drunk with the men, and loiter your time in courting the waiting maids, if you do not give me better information of what is going forward?

  • What purpose would it answer, Sir, to give a reply to your request?

  • To what purpose do ye scatter thorns on the road of life?

  • To what purpose then is it they speak of these things to others?

  • But to what purpose appeal to probabilities and conjecture, in the face of incontestable facts?

  • To what purpose complain, when his complaints are sure to be received with incredulity?

  • If I could have submitted to it in other respects, what purpose would it answer?

  • The use of the provision in the sixth clause, my lords, I am not able to conceive; for to what purpose, my lords, should the ships appointed for any particular service be nominated at any stated time?

  • And to what purpose should I run over any of the other gods' tricks when you know enough of Jupiter's loose loves?

  • Or to what purpose, think you, should I describe myself when I am here present before you, and you behold me speaking?

  • Or to what purpose laws, where there were no ill manners?

  • And indeed to what purpose would it be singly to recount the commonalty and rabble of mankind, who beyond all question are entirely on my side?

  • Beside, to what purpose is it to lay down a definition for a faint resemblance, and mere shadow of me, while appearing here personally, you may view me at a more certain light?

  • Of the Shepheards or pastorall Poesie called Eglogue, and to what purpose it was first inuented and vsed.

  • Of the shepheards or pastorall poesie called Egologue, and to what purpose it was first inuented and deuised.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what purpose" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    give command; somewhat curved; three lines; what appears; what can; what effect; what evidence; what has been said; what have you been; what love; what matter; what must; what nature; what number; what other; what pleaseth; what says; what seems; what strange; what thing; what will; what would you have; what would you think; what you have said; what you might call; whatever else