This morne, as I came over a more, I saw a ladye sette Betwene an oke, and a greene holleye, All clad in red scarlette.
It had a veluet cap, And wold syt upon my lap, And seke after small wormes, And somtyme white bred crommes; And many tymes and ofte Betwene my brestes softe It wolde lye and rest; It was propre and prest.
The paper is endorsed in a more modern hand: 'Notes touching the mariage betwene Jo.
There is a vale betwene the mountaynes, that durethe nyghe a 4 myle: and summen clepen it the Vale Enchaunted; some clepen it the Vale of Develes, and some clepen it the Vale Perilous.
And toward the hede benethe in that Roialme, is the mount Chotaz, that is the hiest mount of the world: and it is betwene the see Maure and the see Caspy.
Betwene the mountaynes, the Jewes of 10 lynages ben enclosed, that men clepen Gothe and Magothe: and thei mowe not gon out on no syde.
There Kyng Alisandre chacede hem betwene tho mountaynes; and there he thoughte for to enclose hem thorghe werk of his men.
And also zee schulle undirstond, that the Jewes han no propre lond of hire owne for to dwellen inne, in alle the world, but only that lond betwene the mountaynes.
There weren enclosed 22 kynges with hire peple, that duelleden betwene the mountaynes of Sythye.
And swa betwene thame maid ane band[372] That thay suld meit upon the morne.
There was also Chamberlayne to the sayd Lorde Francesco, one mayster Girolamo Borgo of Verona betwene whom and mayster Philippo, was very neere freendship and familiarity.
And when she perceiued her selfe alone fully possessed with that whiche before was deuided betwene them bothe, shee determined to obserue the same vntill death had made an ende of her fatall dayes.
Then Tarquinius began to excuse his long tariaunce, for that he was appoynted an arbitrator betwene the father and the sonne, for whose reconciliation he was forced to stay that longe space, and to spend the time of that day.
Halliwell quotes the following passage: “A dogge engendred betwene an hounde and a mastyve, called a lymmer or a mongrell.
Besides it is not safe to lett any of the savages dwell betwene you and the sea least they be made guides to your enemies.
So that there is betwene hem so gret multitude of folk, that it is marveyle to telle it.
Betwene Jerico and that see is the lond of Dengadde; and there was wont to growe the bawme; but men make drawe the braunches there of, and beren hem to ben graffed at Babiloyne; and zit men clepen hem vynes of Gaddy.
From thens gon men to Samarye, that men clepen now Sebast; and that is the chief cytee of that contree: and it sytt betwene the hille of Aygnes, as Jerusalem dothe.
And from Babyloyne, where the Soudan dwellethe, to go right betwene the oryent and the Septemtryon, toward the grete Babyloyne, is 40 journeys to passen be desart.
But there is a grete weye from that on to that othre, and a gret deep valeye betwene hem.
And Cycile is betwene the See Adryatyk and the See of Lombardye.
Item, betwene the Mount Syon and the Temple of Salomon, is the place, where oure Lord reysed the mayden, in hire fadres hows.
And whan the sonne is in the signe of Virgo, thanne begynnethe the ryvere for to wane and to decrece lytyl and lytylle; so that whan the sonne is entred into the signe of Libra, thanne thei entren betwene theise ryveres.
Notwithstanding, it hathe so happened, as the prisoners in the way betwene this towne and Orleans were rescued, and taken from the sergeaunts who had charge of them, by sixty men on horsebacke, and so were conveyed away.
And for mine owne part," (quod she) "I shall thinke my self happy to be partaker of the pleasure and great amity that is betwene our two houses.
Maister Lewes with all dexteritie so sped his businesse, that he made and concluded a finall end and determination of this enterprise betwene the two mothers.
And so the good sely man spake and made the pese betwene them both; yea, and farther he gaue them a gallon of wyne, addynge to his wiues aduoutry the losse of his wine.
The man wente home and sharpely rebuked his wyfe, and told her betwene them bothe, what his frendes had sayde.
Wherfore at last he bounde the asse[s] feet to gether, and put through a staffe; and so he and his sonne began to beare the asse betwene them on their shulders to the towne.
A certayne man, whiche vpon a tyme in company betwene ernest and game was called cuckolde, went angerly home to his wife and sayde: wyfe, I was this day in company called kockolde; whether am I one or nat?
Of the Marchaunt that lost his bodgetie betwene Ware and Lon[don].
Wherby ye may note, that there is great difference betwene one that doth a thynge of good will and mynde, and hym that doth a thynge by crafte and dissymulation; whiche thinge this noble and moste prudent prince well vnderstode.
Of the marchaunt that loste his boudget betweneware and London.
A certayne marchant betwene Ware and London lost his bodget and a c li.
Of the marchaunt that lost his bodgette betwene Ware and Lon[don].
Thy calues then, that comebetwene new yere and lent: saue gladly for store, lest thou after repent.
Goulfe of corne, so moche as may lye betwenetwo postes.
Thusidides setteth forthe in a descripcion, the warres on the sea, betwene the Corcurians, and the Corinthians.
Where a comparison is made, betwene a thyng excel- lente, and a thyng more inferiour: the comparison shall pro- cede with like facilitee.
What difference is there, betwene them and beastes?
When the day came of hys death, and that he should first be degraded, and was brought before the cleargy in a grene place, beyngbetwene the castle of S.
The Kinge's Grace hath no moo ordinary postes, ne of many days hathe had, but betwene London and Calais.
I[~t]m the same daye paied to sir Edwarde Seymore upon a Reconnying betwene the king[s] grace and him iijC.
He also wrote the "Mery playebetwene the Pardoner and the Frere, the Curate and Neybour Pratte.
Item whether ye knowe of anye man that hath two wives living, or of anye woman that hath two husbandes lyving, no lawfull divorce beyng made betwene them.
Item whether you knowe or have hearde of any in your parishe, that have bene, or is, a scold or a slaunderous person of his neighbours, or a sower of discorde and debate betwene partye and partie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betwene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.