In the eleventh century, Berenger, so celebrated for his knowledge and virtues, was condemned by two councils, convoked by Pope Leo IX.
A few Italian princes, Gisulfo of Salerno, Azzo d'Este, Beatrice and Matilda of Tuscany, were convoked to the council and held seats in it.
Peytral convoked him once again and said to him: "'My dear colleague, I appeal in this moment to all your republican energy and to your patriotic disinterestedness.
At the news of the murder, Ardys, consumed with anger, convoked the Lydians in assembly.
A caucus, however, of all the friends was convoked at the printing-office, to devise ways and means of redress.
It is hardly possible that this meeting could be in continuation or in concord with the assemblyconvoked at the instance of Henry.
The Duke of Lancaster resumed the Lieutenancy, arrested the Earl of Kildare as before related, convoked a Parliament at Dublin, and with all the forces he could muster, determined on an expedition southwards.
These regents exercised their authority in the name of Baliol, carried on negotiations with France and Rome, convoked a Parliament, and, among other military operations, captured Stirling Castle.
It was ordained that thereafter there should be but one Parliament convoked during the year; that but one subsidy should be demanded, annually, the sum "not to exceed a thousand marks.
The first test to which the firmness of the clergy had been put was in the Parliament convoked at Dublin by Lord Deputy Gray, in May, 1537.
A Parliament was next convoked in his name, in which the Butlers and citizens of Waterford were proscribed as traitors.
They were proclaimed with additional emphasis by this deputy, who convoked a Parliament or Council, at Dublin, to enforce them as law.
Toledo, arrived in Germany, by which another diet wasconvoked at Augsburg.
The tribunal answered this with a threat of interdict on the city; it convoked all the superiors of the religious Orders and arranged with the clergy for a great procession when it should take its departure.
When Philip promised relief after his return to Castile, the deputies replied that they did not choose to be convoked in Castile and that they would go no further with the subsidio which he wanted until they were satisfied.
In October, 1785, the General Government convoked a meeting of all the Lake and Ohio tribes to meet at the mouth of the Great Miami.
At length Napoleon, who had convoked this compliant body, thought proper to give them audience before their return to their own country.
The bishops and clergy are convoked to the trial of Wishart, 62.
Sidenote: The Bishops and Clergy are convokedto the Trial of Wishart.
Although he agreed to Louis' proposed reforms, he evaded his promise to send German bishops to the Council the French king had convoked at Lyons.
But Margaret would not give in, and the States were convokedagain at Gertruydenberg.
The negotiation could not be postponed, and if I had convoked a diet to demand the advice of the States, the treaty would never have been concluded.
The king usually convoked the diets; but in those stormy times of feuds, conspiracies and wars, there was hardly any general rule.
He thought it an important gain that of the proposals laid before the Council, the two Schemata, nothing had passed, and none of the objects for which it had been convoked had, up to that point, been attained.
Yeppipo Wasu, who was one of the chiefs of the horde, and as such had convoked the meeting, seeing how earnestly he kept gazing upwards, asked him what he was looking at.
When made archbishop, he convoked a provincial council at Paris, and condemned, as relapsed heretics, the knights who had repudiated their confessions.
An ecclesiastical council was convokedfor October, 1302, and Philip was summoned to appear before the greatest prelates of Christendom.
The notables convoked to attempt to remedy the financial situation refused a system of equal taxation, and granted only insignificant reforms which the Parliament did not even consent to register.
But they led opinion, and in all parts of France promoted the demand for a meeting of the States General, which had not been convoked for nearly two hundred years.
There is also another letter from those who wereconvoked at Rome [611:1] concerning the same question, which shews that Victor was then bishop.
The prefect of the Seine convoked the twelve mayors of Paris and came at their head to wait on the First Consul.
On the 28th of March was convoked an extraordinary Council of Regency, at which Maria Louisa presided.
Since the month of October the Legislative Body had beenconvoked to attend the Emperor's coronation.
The First Consul, as soon as he had finished this plan of a decree, convoked a Grand Council to submit it to their consideration.
As the Pope would not listen to any propositions that were made to him, Napoleon convoked a Council, which assembled in Paris, and at which several Italian Bishops were present.
In May following, the Swedish Diet having been convoked at Stockholm, the Duke of Sudermania was elected King.
See The Capitol: When the throne was vacant by the murder of Caligula, the consuls convoked that assembly in the Capitol.
On the twenty-fifth of September, near eight months after the murder of Aurelian, the consul convoked an assembly of the senate, and reported the doubtful and dangerous situation of the empire.
As soon as their resolution was decided, they convoked in the temple of Castor the whole body of the senate, according to an ancient form of secrecy, calculated to awaken their attention, and to conceal their decrees.
The senate, convoked in the temple of Concord, affected to transact the common business of the day; and seemed to decline, with trembling anxiety, the consideration of their own and the public danger.
That assembly, convoked by the consul, unanimously acknowledged Severus as lawful emperor, decreed divine honors to Pertinax, and pronounced a sentence of deposition and death against his unfortunate successor.
The Citizens' Conference shall be convoked and dissolved by the President.
The Provisional Constitution Conference will then be convoked by the President to undertake the amendment.
The President may dissolve the Li Fa Yuan with the approval of the Tsan Cheng Yuan; but in that case he must have the new members elected and the House convoked within six months from the day of dissolution.
As soon as they had entered on their office, they convoked the senate to meet for the purpose of deliberating on the general welfare of the republic.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "convoked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.