A council of the members of each gens was held separately, and propositions were made in behalf of the murderer for a condonation of the act, usually in the nature of expressions of regret and of presents of considerable value.
The gens of the criminal also held a council, and endeavored to effect an adjustment or condonation of the crime with the gens of the murdered person.
But it often happened that the gens of the criminal called upon the other gentes of their phratry, when the slayer and the slain belonged to opposite phratries, to unite with them to obtain a condonation of the crime.
But condonation may be proved by other acts, or by words, having regard to the circumstances of each case.
Condonation is, however, always presumed to be conditional on future good behaviour, and misconduct even of a different kind revives the former offence.
Thus, in the former case a compromise or mutual condonation of claims, especially if both sides are exhausted by the war, seems the reasonable solution.
Impossibility, condonation or the permission of the Church, express or presumed, excuses from the duty of restitution.
Confessors should urge restitution even of small amounts, when possible, in order to deter men from theft, and it may sometimes be useful to require children to seek a condonation from their parents for a similar reason.
Condonation of the domestic thefts of wives and children of the family cannot be presumed in all cases (see 1903).
In some cases condonation may ordinarily be presumed, either on account of the affection of the creditor for the debtor (e.
But the treachery of Mr. Lloyd George and its appreciation by you, and the condonation of the Punjab atrocities have completely shattered my faith in the good intentions of the Government and the nation which is supporting it.
In European countries, condonation of such grievous wrongs as the Khilafat and the Punjab would have resulted in a bloody revolution by the people.
It was a sight to melt a stone, that thaw Of rigid disapproval into dew Of sympathy, as each extended palm Of cousin hasted to enclose those five Cold fingers, tendered so mistrustfully, Despairingly of condonation now!
Condonation is always a valid defense in proceedings for divorce.
A matrimonial offence which is a sufficient cause for divorce may be condoned or forgiven by the spouse aggrieved, and such condonation is a good defence to the action.
In all the States condonation of a matrimonial offence, which is a legal cause for divorce, is a good defence to the petition.
Collusion, connivance, condonation or recrimination extinguishes the right to a divorce.
The right to a divorce is lost by condonation of the offence relied upon as a cause.
I believe that our efforts should be in a more practical direction, and should tend, with no condonation of wrongdoing, to the collection by the Government, on behalf of the people, of the public money now in jeopardy.
There were cases, of course, such as that of offences committed by women under coverture, in which a diminution of responsibility was recognised and was given effect to in condonation of the offence and in mitigation of the punishment.