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Example sentences for "condors"

Lexicographically close words:
condone; condoned; condones; condoning; condor; condotta; condottiere; condottieri; conduce; conduced
  1. In the market, live condors are frequently sold.

  2. These condors were the only hostile animals I encountered in this part of the Puna.

  3. Besides the carrion vulture, condors collect in great numbers on the shore to prey on the stranded whales.

  4. When a bait is laid, it is curious to observe the numbers of condors which assemble in a quarter of an hour, in a spot near which not one had been previously visible.

  5. All accounts of sheep and calves being carried off by condors are mere exaggerations.

  6. The tear made by the beaks of the condors was found to be several feet in length.

  7. But the condors mounted with him, apparently determined not to part company.

  8. The condors flew around them in wide circles, their flight growing gradually closer and closer to the balloon.

  9. Frightened by the report, the condors drew back for a moment, but they almost instantly returned to the charge with extreme fury.

  10. Great numbers of condors are thus taken alive, and these, in certain districts, are employed in a variety of bull-fighting.

  11. They don’t seem afraid of us, anyhow,” said Nat suddenly, as one of the great condors swept by quite close to the Discoverer and uttered a wild scream that sounded like a cry of defiance.

  12. They build a pen around the carcass of the first dead steer they can find on some cattle estancia, and then await the arrival of the condors to feast on the flesh.

  13. A number of condors were kept captive in a garden, secured by ropes.

  14. The cruel and disgusting custom of bull-baiting is still kept up in the country, and the condors are employed to add to the terror and sufferings of the unhappy bull.

  15. Besides, there were good strong lamp-posts where a little boy could cling and scream, and almost always somewhere in sight was a policeman so fat and heavy that even two Condors could hardly lift him from the ground.

  16. Mr. Carl Hagenbeck wrote me only three months ago that "the condors of the Andes are all being exterminated for their feathers, and these birds are now very difficult to obtain.

  17. Still, there is always the hunting element who do not hesitate to shoot anything alive and out of the ordinary, and a certain percentage of the condors are doubtless picked off each year by such criminals.

  18. Even the whales of the deep sea, the walrus of the arctic regions, the condors of the Andes and alligators of the Everglade morasses are no exception to the universal rule.

  19. While in Kern County last April, I was informed by a reliable man who lives near the Tejon Rancho that he had counted twenty-five condors in a single day, since January 1 of the present year.

  20. That would have done well enough if he could only get near them; but the condors were sufficiently shy not to let any man within reach either with bolas or guns.

  21. As yet the half-dozen condors hovering about kept well off from the hut; and Leon could not understand how any one of them was to be caught.

  22. Ricco argues that condors have been known to fly three or four miles high, and that heights reached by other birds have been estimated at two or three miles.

  23. Condors do not assemble in flocks except when devouring some animal of great size.

  24. Tiahuanaco] was there turned into stones, others say that the first of their lineages were turned into falcons, condors and other animals and birds.

  25. Some say the first of their lineages were turned into falcons, condors and other animals or birds" (Molina ed.

  26. I noticed that several hours before any one of the condors died, all the lice, with which it was infested, crawled to the outside feathers.

  27. When the condors are wheeling in a flock round and round any spot, their flight is beautiful.

  28. From these facts it seems that the condors require perpendicular cliffs.

  29. Head says that a Gaucho in the pampas, upon merely seeing some condors wheeling in the air, cried "A lion!

  30. This habit is often the cause of its being discovered; for the condors wheeling in the air every now and then descend to partake of the feast, and being angrily driven away, rise all together on the wing.

  31. The condors may oftentimes be seen at a great height, soaring over a certain spot in the most graceful circles.

  32. Neither plant nor bird, excepting a few condors wheeling around the higher pinnacles, distracted my attention from the inanimate mass.

  33. It is said that the young condors cannot fly for an entire year; and long after they are able, they continue to roost by night, and hunt by day with their parents.

  34. If the condors glide down, and then suddenly all rise together, the Chileno knows that it is the puma which, watching the carcass, has sprung out to drive away the robbers.

  35. Besides feeding on carrion, the condors will frequently attack young goats and lambs.

  36. The condors may oftentimes be seen at a great height, soaring over a certain spot in the most graceful spires and circles.

  37. Condors are found throughout the whole range of the Cordilleras, along the south-west coast of South America, from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro.

  38. Amongst the birds noteworthy in the landscape are the white-headed sea eagles and Californian condors (Pseudogryphus californianus).

  39. At the approach of a human being, flocks of hideous galanasas and great droves of condors would rise lazily, too heavy from their ghastly feast, to flap their monstrous wings.

  40. The lions and condors will take good care that none shall discover how those men died.

  41. In the morning, when we went out of our tower, we saw that several condors had been attracted by the carcase of the bear, and were tearing it to pieces.

  42. Several have fallen in the way, as the wings of the condors I could see flapping above the ground, one beyond the other, told me plainly.

  43. But the voracious condors and the lions will come and destroy me, if I remain here during the night alone," he shrieked out.

  44. Three huge condors were poised a few feet above the head of the unfortunate animal.

  45. There were by this time thirty or forty condors already gathered upon the carcases of the two we had previously slain.

  46. We were not long in bringing up the remainder of our troop, but when returning we saw three condors drop suspiciously near the dead huemul.

  47. At once one of the condors lit on the ground beside it.

  48. I had some trouble to keep off the condors while I went to some distance to call Barckhausen.

  49. I supposed condors only went for things dead, but I reckon, as you say, it mistook the baby in the deer skin for a dead animal.

  50. You get the dictionary and read about the condors of the Andes Mountains.

  51. Of the huge flock of condors that had attacked the Golden Eagle only a bare dozen or so remained.

  52. All at once the condors seemed to come to a decision unanimously.

  53. It is said that the young condors cannot fly for an entire year; and long after they are able, they continue to roost by night, and hunt with their parents.

  54. Besides feeding on carrion, the condors frequently attack young goats and lambs; and the shepherd dogs are trained, whenever they pass over, to run out, and looking upwards to bark violently.

  55. From these facts, it seems that the condors require perpendicular cliffs.

  56. So we retired to where my dead guanaco lay uncovered: at our approach two or three condors rose heavily up; and shortly about twenty or thirty more spread their huge wings, sailed away, and perched on a neighbouring rock.

  57. This habit is often the cause of its being discovered; for the condors wheeling in the air, every now and then descend to partake of the feast, and being angrily driven away, rise all together on the wing.

  58. When the condors are wheeling in a flock round an round any spot, their flight is beautiful.

  59. It is said that the young condors cannot fly for an entire year; and long after they are able, they continue to roost by night, an hunt by day with their parents.

  60. Head says that a Gaucho in the Pampas, upon merely seeing some condors wheeling in the air, cried "A lion!

  61. While our cattle were eating their scanty breakfast, we roasted bear and antelope meat, and drank in coffee the health of the condors that had supplied us with the game.

  62. These condors rarely come down into the lower hills; they live exclusively on the highest points of the Andes, which no human foot treads, and from the lower lands can only be seen as black dots on the blue sky.

  63. Then the shadows became substance in the form of black-winged condors and white-crested vultures of fierce aspects and an eager hunger for living human flesh.

  64. This done, the carcass is usually covered up with brush, as if for future use, but as a matter of fact the condors or other carrion birds usually pick the bones.

  65. Both condors and caranchos follow the panther, to feast on the game it slays for fun.

  66. His naked head and neck is reddish; but he wants the crest or comb, which the condors and king-vultures have.

  67. Strange to say, very little is known of their mode of life in their elevated haunts; but this is because the natives of the Sierras rarely venture up to the high regions where the condors dwell.

  68. Condors are taken alive in traps and snares; but there is an excellent and somewhat curious method of capturing them alive, sometimes employed by the Indians of the Sierras.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "condors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.