There are but two alternatives before him: he must either suppose that all this concatenation of legends is the outgrowth of a prodigious primeval lie, or he must concede that it describes some event which really happened.
Could all this orderly nature have grown up out of chance, out of the accidental concatenation of atoms?
Wednesday night's music in a concatenation accordingly, and jolly little polkas and quadrilles between the pieces, always beginning the moment the act-drop is down.
Could he have proved it to be Numantium, there would have been a concatenation accordingly.
I never could help admiring the concatenation between Ahitophel's setting his house in order and hanging himself.
This happens when the very discontent with destiny becomes effaced, and is resolved in a presentiment or rather a clear consciousness of a teleological concatenation of things, of a sublime order, of a beneficent will.
We are not sterile flowers among other living beings; the gods do not wish to exclude us from the great concatenation of living things, and are giving us plain tokens of their will.
Must not he who gives the first impulse to this concatenation of events, linked together by his eternal purposes, follow up the whole with his continued and direct agency, and carry on this work in every mind and through every emotion?
Still the more elaborate sort of thinking, the grouping and concatenation of inferences, which we call reasoning, cannot be carried far without language or some equivalent system of signs.
Secondly, the discovery of steps of causation between a cause and its remote effects; the interpolation and concatenation of causes.
Even the Stagirite proclaimed that "every thing which is moved must be referable to a motor, and that there would be no end to p 147 the concatenation of causes if there were not one primordial immovable morot.
The first Revolution was a long and gradual act, extending over years, in which the mind traces an elaborate concatenation of causes and effects.
It is by this concatenation of complex manoeuvres that the larva in the end finds itself perched upon an egg in the middle of a closed cell filled with honey.
Faithful to the method of his younger days, Berkeley takes a concrete instance of the concatenation of nature.
Finally, by a further concatenation of the groups of presentations he attains to connected knowledge.
The concatenation of presentations--usually called the association of ideas--also runs through a long scale, from the lowest to the highest stages.
But does this concatenation of ideas, rudimentary though it be, really take place within the insect's brain?
Like him they drew from novels and romances; they combined pathetic and burlesque scenes in the same play, and, by the concatenation of the incidents, endeavoured to excite the impression of the extraordinary and the wonderful.
Is not the concatenation of causes and effects, backwards and forwards, without end?
The strict rule-system no doubt disapproves of the mere concatenation of scenes--still more of the mere accumulation of them.
We were continually disputing, and received twenty lashes with a bull's pizzle when theconcatenation of universal events brought you to our galley, and you were good enough to ransom us.
But the author is always interesting, either by the novel display of facts or the ingenious concatenation of plausibilities.
In the tertiary deposit of the London clay the evidence of concatenation entirely fails.
By a strange concatenation of events, the divisions of the Church were associated with two circumstances, without which, in all probability, they would have had a very different conclusion.
The general consideration of fate and the concatenation of causes would aid us very little in forming and arranging our ideas concerning particular questions.