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Example sentences for "conation"

Lexicographically close words:
comynge; comyth; con; cona; conati; conative; conatus; concatenated; concatenation; concatenations
  1. The problem of conation is closely related to that of Attention (q.

  2. The chief difficulty in connexion with Conation is that of distinguishing it from Feeling, a term of very vague significance both in technical and in common usage.

  3. The love of the transitory finds itself deceived because the objects vanish, while the desire itself, the conation (or in psychoanalytic language the libido), continues forever.

  4. The remarkable race-sense of the tribe, with the conjugal conation in which it seems to root, are discussed ante, pp.

  5. It was found that volition may be defined and adequately marked off from the simpler modes of conation by saying that it is the reinforcement of any impulse or conation by one excited within the system of the self-regarding sentiment.

  6. We may distinguish, then, five modes of conation which will carry all the members of a group towards a common object, five levels of collective action.

  7. The conation expressed in "ought" is determined by the idea that the mode of conduct which ought to be performed is not, or will possibly not be, performed.

  8. It yielded to the will of somebody else, reluctantly, as it were out of necessity, or to a powerful conation which forms no part of his real self.

  9. No man deserves blame or praise for the pressure of a non-volitional conation upon his will, unless, indeed, such a pressure is due to choice, or unless it might have been avoided with due foresight.

  10. In other words, whatever the history of this conation may be, it is now a unity or whole.

  11. The union of conation and cognition within the soul has brought forth everything that has happened outside the natural process of the physical world, and much even of that world [p.

  12. Now, however much this conation may be analysed, it resists being decomposed into a number of elements which make it up, for any such number, except in the very manner they are united, could not produce the situation.

  13. This conation is an inheritance; it is present in the form of dissatisfaction with the present situation; it moves in the direction of a goal which is marked out by intellect.

  14. Conation is therefore related to action, which is again Expression, and is also Art, in the large definition of the term above given.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.