Howbeit now that the said erle and his complices perceiued themselues in manner as besieged, they sought for peace.
Now whilest king Henrie was thus occupied in Poictou and Gascoine, William Marisch the sonne of Geffrie Marisch (by commandement sent from the king) was put to death at London, with sixteene of his complices on the euen of S.
His complices were also drawne through the citie of London vnto the same gibet, and there hanged.
The earle of Glocester and his complices began to feare the matter, and sent to him for peace, which could not be granted: wherevpon they appointed to giue him batell vpon Houndslow heath.
Then Lewes with all his complices that had bin excommunicated sware vpon the holie euangelist, that they should stand to the iudgement of holie church, and from thencefoorth be faithfull vnto the pope and to the church of Rome.
Did not also doctor Horsey and his complices most heynously as all the world knoweth murdre in pryson that honest marchaunt Richard hunne?
Henrie to go thither with an armie, and foorthwith foloweth himselfe; and comming to Newcastell, where the most part of his complices were assembled, he surprised them yer they could haue time to prouide for their safetie.
But the Welshmen preuenting that slander, signified to the king that no such matter was ment on their parties, but that earle Goodwine and his sonnes with their complices went about to mooue a commotion against him.
And if any person or persons withstand or gainsay the same, the said earls, lords, and their complices shall take such part as the said noble Prince taketh, in whatsoever sort, for the obtaining of the said crown against all.
The said earls, lords, and their complices shall fortify and maintain the said noble Prince in his just title to the crown of Scotland, failing of succession of our sovereign lady.
We shall not suffer, by our good-wills, the foresaid lords and their complices to be called or accused in Parliament, nor suffer any forfeiture to be laid against them.
The cause that mooued Alfred and other his complices against the king, was (as some haue alledged) his bastardie.
By reason of the kings sudden cōming in this sort, they staied from assaulting the towne of Shrewesburie, [Sidenote: The lord Persie exhorteth his complices to stick to their tackle.
If they have, won't the complices get away with that bag of gold Peter Wilks left?
This Ruler, with his Complicesfound out new inventions to rack, torment, force and extort Gold from the Indians.
The liues of all your louing Complices Leane-on your health, the which if you giue-o're To stormy Passion, must perforce decay.
And so to Armes victorious Father, To quell the Rebels, and their Complices Rich.
Butolphes faire; and whilest the merchants were about to quench the fire, the said squire and his complices set vpon the said merchants, slue manie of them, and robbed them of their goods.
Sidenote: The duke of Yorke and hiscomplices flee.
The duke of Summerset not onelie made answer to the dukes obiections, but also accused him of high treason, affirming, that he with his fautors and complices had consulted togither, how to come by the scepter and regall crowne of this realme.
I seldom went abroad, but I had some of my Complices at my heels, rarely going together, unless necessity required it.
According to the time I came with two of my Complices attired like wealthy grave Citizens, who personated such persons so to the life, that the Scrivener could not entertain the least suspition.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complices" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.