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Example sentences for "complicates"

Lexicographically close words:
compliance; compliances; compliant; complicate; complicated; complicating; complication; complications; complices; complicity
  1. The introduction of a 'parva virgata' further complicates the reckoning.

  2. Now if the animal be gifted with memory and anticipation, this complicates the process, but does not change its nature.

  3. This problem may become so urgent as to force into the background the conflict between teleological and jural theories, while in any case it complicates and subdivides them.

  4. As a small fraction complicates the process and makes very little difference, use the whole number which is nearest the quotient obtained.

  5. As a small fraction complicates the process and will make very little difference in this garment, use the whole number which is nearest the quotient obtained.

  6. It complicates matters that I can't find a woman's footprints around here.

  7. If resistance is met, its agent complicates the situation.

  8. Cystocele often complicates rectocele and prolapsus uteri, and operation upon it is often carried out in combination with colpo-perineorrhaphy.

  9. When parotitis complicates post-operative convalescence, it is almost entirely confined to septic cases: it may occur within two days of the operation or as late as the thirtieth day.

  10. I know, I know, and it complicates matters terribly.

  11. But it complicates things, your having gone dotty over her.

  12. Kant further complicates matters by offering a second division of the absolutely a priori,[222] viz.

  13. But one may be sincerely sorry for the victim of such an awful misfortune, and yet feel that his blindness complicates matters.

  14. You must admit, my dear, that it complicates the case.

  15. I should say, madame, that nothing is wise that complicates existence; and I know of nothing that so complicates it as insincerity.

  16. It complicates his views of life, destroys the simplicity which makes for peace of mind and happiness.

  17. The sunlight acts prejudicially upon the culture medium, and thereby complicates the investigation and after-growth.

  18. This division of the pectorals certainly complicates the nomenclature of these muscles; nevertheless, it introduces no insuperable difficulty from the mnemonic point of view.

  19. What complicates his sex difficulties, and makes social adjustment almost impossible or completely impossible, is that his pituitary frequently cannot react to assist him.

  20. On the other hand, it is unquestionably true that the typhoid condition, as it is termed, which so often complicates malarial fevers, can very generally be differentiated from true typhoid fever.

  21. They are more especially required in the anginose variety and in those not infrequent cases in which diphtheria complicates scarlatina.

  22. When abscess or gangrene complicates the erysipelatous inflammation the changes are not different from those recognized in dermatitis calorica.

  23. It is this constant possibility of party diversity between the Executive and Congress which so much complicates our system of party government.

  24. Descending from the 'bus, he passed out into Leicester Square and plunged into the network of streets which complicates the map of Soho.

  25. Sometimes carcinoma (a cancer) complicates pregnancy--once in 2000 cases is above the average.

  26. That certainly complicates the situation; on the other hand, you must remember that discovery is not only inevitable but imminent, and that the police will not stop to consider her Ladyship's nervous system.

  27. What complicates the task is that the narrative must be told to old friends, so that much of it is to them well known.

  28. Act III complicates the story by showing that Fay is not the niece of Sir George, and illustrates the growing affection between the Princess and Edward Oriel.

  29. Again it is brief, only three and a half pages, but it is dramatic, and complicates the story.

  30. And it complicates things abominably to be married and not married at the same time.

  31. The second consideration is this: So long as man views his fellow-man merely as fellow-man, he only complicates his problem, for both he and his fellow equally need salvation.

  32. And, lastly, may there not be some children whose mental deficiency complicates some other disease, such as epilepsy?

  33. If the bodily condition discovered complicates or aggravates the mental deficiency, as adenoid vegetations may do, he will prescribe the proper treatment.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complicates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.