I find in Burke's Dictionary of Landed Gentry, that several gentlemen in England, Scotland, and Ireland continue to use them.
I hope not to lose my temper, as I unfortunately did last time I dropped in to see you and your governor; for why shouldgentlemen quarrel?
A lackey, in the hall of the mansion, was already waiting for the baron, and we were bowed with much ceremony up the gilded staircase; we reached at last a sumptuously furnished chamber, where we found three gentlemen in earnest conversation.
The two gentlemen seemed so overcome with the facetiousness of their recollections, that they broke into a laugh that lasted nearly a mile.
One of the two remaining gentlemen then asked me if I had been long in Paris.
You must not think our favourite general," said he, "altogether the military novice which those gentlemen of the National Guard have decided him to be.
Gentlemen may consider the articles on the table as extremely insignificant: but perhaps I may surprise them a little, by mentioning the following fact.
She had her opinions and doubts as to who these gentlemen might be.
Presently Mr. Robinson and two other gentlemen entered.
Mr. Robinson wishes you to detain thesegentlemen a few minutes," said Jack to judge Cowles.
The room was large and on each side were seated ladies and gentlemen talking and laughing and seemingly enjoying themselves.
I met several gentlemen who knew me and asked one to play a game of billiards before supper.
The hall was crowded with dancers; many gentlemen were in Cavalier costume, with swords clanking at their sides.
Neither do I believe that our host or the gentlemen present intended that I should be.
The gentlemenof God maintained a vigorous contest with the See of Dorpat, with the city and Archbishop of Riga, and with the Lit'uanians.
He sent two gentlemen to Boston to obtain satisfaction, and received only a letter "clearing the magistrates, but not the generalty, still aspersed without any known cause, complaint or notice.
It has been believed that the Earl of Craven was married to the Queen, and he was certainly one of the bravest and most honored gentlemen of his time.
How are gentlemento understand you, in the future experience of life, if you are in the habit of saying what you do not mean?
Daisy was so full of her thoughts that she never perceived two gentlemen standing at the foot of the hall steps to receive her.
Just as this was almost done she saw her mother driving off from the house with several gentlemen in her party.
She had been brought from the West Indies by the mother of one of the gentlemen who lived in the neighbourhood; and upon the death of her mistress had been established in a little house of her own.
Drummond was enjoying the sunshine in a way that gentlemenlike to enjoy it; that is, he was stretched comfortably on the grass under the shade of some elm trees, looking at it.
Gentlemen always are--when ladies' affairs are to be attended to.
He abandoned his position, opposite to us, on the night of the 9th of November, leaving some stuffed-straw gentlemen occupying their usual posts.
It was done so suddenly that a grave-looking Turkish gentlemen in front started and turned round.
Trust me, effendi, and I will make them remember what it is to insult three English gentlemen travelling for their pleasure.
They have no knowledge themselves, and they cannot understand how Frankish gentlemen can find pleasure therein.
I mean, my dear fellow, you so thoroughly understand the thoughts and ways of English gentlemen that it is hard to think you are a born Turk.
Such, I believe, was the general opinion also of the principal officers and gentlemen engaged in the cause of the Princes; and it became a very difficult question how to act.
I was not long in finding the grooms; and the two gentlemen having mounted, we rode home, after having spent a morning as full of bustle as even I could wish.
In 1626 he was received as one of the gentlemen of the chapel royal, which place he held till the Commonwealth put a stop to church music.
In 1888 the Lawn-Tennis Association was established; and the All England Mixed Doubles Championship (four-handed matches for ladies and gentlemen in partnership) was added to the existing annual competitions.
One of these gentlemen was so unfortunate as to fall into his hands, and was immediately executed.
The women flung their trinkets into the king's treasure--the gentlemenmelted their plate--England poured in her gold with a lavish hand.
One of these unhappy gentlemen came forth in his despair, and surrendering himself at the French headquarters, said he knew his fate was sealed, and that they might as well lead him at once to the gallows.
The subservient princes were forced to dismiss these gentlemen from their residences; but the English ministry made such explanations in open Parliament as effectually vindicated the name of their country.
A guard of mounted gentlemen had been formed among the citizens to attend on the person of Monsieur.
In this city he found that certain gentlemenhad openly assumed the white cockade, the mark of the Bourbonists, during its occupation by the enemy, though without any countenance from the sovereigns.
With this view, a number of gentlemen have taken the child under their patronage, and have formed themselves into a committee for the purpose of superintending his education.
A very remarkable one has been published from a report made to the Physical Society of Lausanne, by a committee of gentlemen appointed to examine a young man who was accustomed to walk in his sleep.
Various other questions of a similar nature, respecting the roots and powers of very high numbers, were proposed by several of the gentlemen present; to all of which he answered in a similar manner.
In pursuance of such purpose, a society of gentlemen have been making all the preliminary inquiries requisite to a proper understanding of the subject.
One part of the performance was so truly astonishing, that I should almost hesitate to relate it, if those two gentlemen had not been present to vouch for the truth.
No sooner had the coloredgentlemen reached the deck, than I followed.
The mistress is in the drawing-room, Mr. Anstruther has gone down to the police station, and the rest of the young ladies and gentlemen are in bed.
All the young ladies and all the young gentlemen had, Martin informed her, taken their breakfast to the foot of the cliffs that morning.
It's no use upsetting the young gentlemen by letting them know about it to-night," he said in a low tone.
This morning the gentleman who had put up at the hotel with me, asked if I had any letters of recommendation from any gentlemen in London, to any in Paris?
The gentlemen dress much as we do in London, only they sometimes wear cloaks, and the collars of their coats are not quite so high as ours.
These gentlemen stand with hat in hand, and coats and trowsers most unexceptionable.
We have certainly never seen gentlemen dance so easily, gracefully and well as the American.
And I must smile when the same young gentlemen put their elbows into my stomach, and hop on my feet in order to extend the circle of the dance.
And I ought to see various slight young gentlemen whirl my wife around the room, and hear them tell her when they stop, that it's very warm.
There was a little murmur of question and answer, for the gentlemen immediately at hand did not know; then she was told, 'It is a Miss Gainsborough.
I saw several gentlemen casting longing looks in this direction, but they did not venture to interrupt.
The gentlemen learns it so in the army, I'm thinkin'.
The front lights should be turned down quite low; the lights at the side where the gentlemen stand should be very brilliant.
The ladies and gentlemen can dress to suit their own taste.
The rest of the gentlemen are costumed in court dress and military suits; the ladies in as showy and rich appearing costume as can be procured.
Twenty young gentlemen must be costumed in various styles of military suits, while many should have wounds painted on various parts of the body.
The gentlemen on the other side are arranged in the same manner.
The arrangement of the gentlemen is the same as that of the ladies--seven placed on a line from the pedestal to the corner of the stage, and three on the platform behind.
The ladies andgentlemen at the sides of the stage are all kneeling, and in such a position that a profile view is had of the body.
Ten ladies, and the same number of gentlemen are to occupy the seats, while the platform is reserved for the bridal party.
The gentlemenon the platform clasp their hands in the same manner as the ladies opposite.
All the gentlemen are required to do, is to guide the platform; the heavy weights attached to the ropes will draw it up.
The gentlemen should be attired in long, loose coats, made of bright-colored cambric, trimmed with the same material, of other colors.
The number of figures in the piece is fifteen--eight gentlemen and seven ladies.
The gentlemen may be costumed in embroidered and military suits of various colors; white hose, knee and shoe buckles, breeches and side arms; each being disguised with wigs and false beards.
The ladies and gentlemen must form in couples around the sides and back of the stage.
The gentlemenform in a like manner, and raise the right hand to the side of the face.
The gentlemen should be dressed in light pants, white vests, and dark coats.
As soon as it was over "the real Mr Elgood" darted upstairs to his own room, the remaining gentlemen strolled out of doors to smoke their pipes, and Mrs Macalister escorted Margot to the best parlour across the landing.
I understand how to manage old gentlemen I've had experience, you see, in rather a difficult school.
Being fully inform'd of what I desired to know, & that I need not feare any harm these Gentlemencould doe me in regard of my trade, I took leave of the Captain, to goe see what passed on behalf of the new England Interloper.
I departed from the port of Gravesend the 17th of the same month of May, in the ship called "The Happy Return," in the company of 2 others that these gentlemen sent also to Port Nelson for the same reason.
The event has justified that which I predicted, and these gentlemen have not been deceived in the hopes that I have given to them.
I was wondering," began Miss Hallman in her brisk, business tone, "if some of yougentlemen could not help us out in the matter of conveyances.
So if any of you gentlemen could possibly take us out to the tract, we'd be eternally grateful, besides keeping our independence intact with the usual payment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gentlemen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.