Governor Reynolds is authority for the statement that after separating the army into two divisions the 2,000 horses, with their riders, crossed the swollen Henderson River in less than three hours, with the loss of but one horse.
On the 7th the army moved up to Whitewater River and about four miles up that stream, to which point the divisions of Posey and Alexander came and camped.
Plato here reckons the different numerical divisions adopted in different cities as being all both natural and consecrated, but he considers his own as the most fortunate and right.
In the formation of arms the mere combinations of colours and metals produced by vertical, horizontal, or otherdivisions of the shield were soon exhausted, as were quarters, checkers, etc.
Between the firing lines of the 1st and 2nd Divisions there was a stretch of ground left open, and Sir Douglas Haig saw at once that the enemy would probably try to thrust in a wedge at this point.
On the British left two of our divisions were severely handled, and one of them was forced back at evening almost to the line of the stream.
Some of the Territorial divisions of the 5th Army, which had retreated to the Oise, also came to the assistance of the British.
The British divisions which had been driven back to the stream were not molested; but the 1st Division, perched high up on the plateau at Troyon, came in for a bad time.
While he was driving in the left of this army some of his other divisions had crossed the Meuse at Dinant, and were attacking No.
He had got into touch with two French reservedivisions on his right, and now he urged them to come up with all speed.
Our infantry drove back the four German divisions opposed to them, and pushed them across the river beneath an accurate and galling artillery fire.
Authors enlarge very copiously on the divisions which proved the destruction of Rome; but their readers seldom discover thosedivisions to have been always necessary and inevitable.
Each of these great divisions of Paris was, as we have observed, a city, but a city too special to be complete, a city which could not do without the two others.
Thus eight ships in effect composed an 'advance squadron,' and did not join either of the main divisions at first.
In several diagrams of the battle as supposed to have been fought the two British divisions just before the moment of impact are represented as converging towards each other.
As soon as the hostile force was clearly made out, the British divisions bore up and stood to the eastward, steering by the Victory's compass ENE.
There were moments of reflection when he appeared to himself as having but just entered; there were other moments when he might have been here for an eternity that had no divisions to mark it.
Analogous provisions have been made with regard to the territorial divisions within the dioceses; parishes have been recast, and the consent of the two authorities has been required for the establishment of new parishes.
On several occasions concordats have established a new division of dioceses, and provided that future erections or divisions should be made by a common accord.
Hill, whose division had not been engaged, was sent for and ordered to advance to the front, thus affording the disordered divisions an opportunity to reform their broken lines.
Receiving intelligence of the enemy's movement only upon the preceding day, Lee had seemed to move the divisions of Hill, far back toward Charlottesville, as by the wave of his hand.
It was impossible, however, to execute so important a movement until his troops were well in hand, and the two divisions which had made the attack had become mixed up in a very confused manner.
Two divisions of Longstreet's corps had been sent to Suffolk, south of James River, to obtain supplies in that region, and this force was not present at the battle of Chancellorsville.
On the next day, the 1st of April, a more determined struggle ensued, for the possession of Five Forks, where Lee had stationed the small remnants of the divisions of Pickett and Johnson.
This force consisted of the divisions of Anderson and McLaws, and amounted to thirteen thousand men.
Commanders of divisions will cause their commands to be provided with three days' cooked rations.
I even intend to refuse a seat in parliament, when offered to me, because of the divisionsthat are constantly going on there.
Many causes combine to secure the poor of Cornwall from that last worst consequence of poverty to which the poor in most of the other divisions of England are more or less exposed.
The inner part stood on the opposite side of the chasm formed by this convulsion; and both divisions of the fortress were formerly connected by a draw-bridge.
General Dodge's two divisionswere assigned, one to each of these wings.
The two divisions of the 9th corps not now with Hancock, may be moved down the north bank of the river where they will be handy to support Hancock if necessary, or will be that much on their road to follow the 5th and 6th corps.
Learning later of Sheridan's going with two divisions, he also sent Hampton with two divisions of cavalry, his own and Fitz-Hugh Lee's.
He had sent his wagons in advance, and Stanley had gone with them with two divisions to protect them.
The four divisions of his corps were commanded by Generals Potter, Willcox, Ledlie and Ferrero.
General Stanley, who commanded twodivisions of the Union troops, and whose troops bore the brunt of the battle, was wounded in the fight, but maintained his position.
As soon as it was dark bothdivisions moved quietly to Hanover Ferry, leaving small guards behind to keep up the impression that crossings were to be attempted in the morning.
Wright was directed to send two divisions to the left to extend down the banks of that stream to Bottom's Bridge.
He formed a line with three divisions on the hill overlooking the Po early in the afternoon, and was ordered to cross the Po and get on the enemy's flank.
Wright's corps was ordered back to the Army of the Potomac, and two other divisions were withdrawn from the valley.
Included in these sixty thousand troops, there were two smalldivisions of cavalry, numbering altogether about four thousand men.
On the 7th of June, while at Cold Harbor, I had as already indicated sent Sheridan with two divisions of cavalry to destroy as much as he could of the Virginia Central Railroad.
They should be directed to load up transports, and start them as fast as loaded without waiting for the whole corps or even whole divisions to go together.
Two of his divisions were brought to the north side of the Po.
On his showing the reader is entitled to say that Jews lead both divisionshere in the United States.
Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world.
He says that Jews, whose names he gives, head the three great divisions of political opinion in Russia.
And the four main divisions are great trunks from which there are numerous branches.
So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes.
When the Bible was divided into verses and chapters, the divisions were not always correct, and so the division between the first and second chapter of Genesis is not in the right place.
This unprovoked injury done by Prudentia, was the first occasion of our fatal divisions here, and a declaration of war between these rivals.
These festivals marked in the first instance certain divisions of the natural year.
In the first of these divisions you see the large place of worship called St. Peter of Rome, on the site of the extensive palace of Julius Cæsar.
None of the divisions that existed in the family of Louis XVIII.
In none of these divisionsare the tentacles webbed at the base.
The ctenostomatous genera that are found occasionally in brackish water belong to two divisions of the suborder, the Vesicularina and the Alcyonellea.
In the first place they are separated into two main divisions in a line running through the centre of the zoarium, and secondly each main division is separated into two subordinate ones in a line running across the other at right angles.
It is convenient to recognize two main divisions of the phylactolaemata, but thesedivisions hardly merit the distinction of being regarded as suborders.
The four divisions may be recognized from the following synopsis of their characteristic features:-- Division I.
The divisions or distinctions made by the different coullers respecting the settlements by way of townships.
It shows the main divisions of the coast of Norumbega, except Cape Cod, from Sandy Hook to Cape Breton.
The number of the gods is stated in the Rigveda itself to be thirty-three, several times expressed as thrice eleven, when each group is regarded as corresponding to one of the divisions of the threefold universe.
The essential feature of his character is that he takes three strides, which doubtless represent the course of the sun through the three divisions of the universe.
It is probable that they derived their early acquaintance with the twenty-eight divisions of the moon's orbit from the Chaldeans through their commercial relations with the Phoenicians.
We know from statements of the Catapatha Brahmana that the divisions of the first book of the Samaveda existed at least as early as the period when the second part of that Brahmana was composed.
By the time of Alexander's invasion, however, it formed one of the regular fourdivisions of the Indian army.
The ancient Indian language, like the literature composed in it, falls into the two main divisions of Vedic and Sanskrit.
B] By the "three divisions," I mean those divisions made by the Jews in their scriptures, and which are supposed to be contemporary with the completion of the canon.
D] It is of these divisions that the son of Sirach speaks.
A] and who speaks of the canon--with its three divisions as finally made up.
And, gentlemen, this is not unnatural, for amid all the divisions or distractions of your history, your literature has ever been patriotic and national.