On the other hand, affinities in the regions of mysticism and dogma have long been matter of common knowledge and a brief sketch of them will therefore suffice.
No trace of any such tendency was to be found in the Qoran: it entered Islam as a complete novelty, and the affinities which enabled it to gain a footing have been difficult to trace.
As to theaffinities of the ancient middle isthmian tribes with the peoples north and south of them we can learn nothing positive from the evidences of their art.
They represent a number of varieties of ware and are possibly not all Chiriquian, their affinities being rather with the pottery of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
As a variety of ware it stands so entirely alone that had it arrived unlabeled no one would have recognized its affinities with Chiriquian art.
So consistent is the system that even if Waking Reason abstract itself, not to sleep, but to think on one subject such as writing a poem or inventing a machine, certain affinities will sleep or dreams begin to show themselves.
It is the adjustment of the soul to its environment--the realization of its self-consciousness as free, as in a moral order, and as possessing mysterious affinities with truth and right.
Therefore it has plans and purposes concerning them, and it has affinities which are inseparable from existence in society.
Before, it had felt the call of duty and had recognized that it had affinities with truth and right; but now it has come into the consciousness of sonship.
It now knows not only that there is a difference between right and wrong, but that there are mysterious affinities between itself and truth and right.
Those purposes and affinities may be gratified or thwarted.
The fresh-water fish seem in their affinities to be nearly allied to those of the Niger and the Nile.
Proofs and vestiges of their continental migrations, wars, affinities and general ethnological characteristics, prior to the discovery of the continent.
The vocabulary of their language (vide appendix O) will denote its close affinities with other tribes of this family.
Tradition has, however, strictly speaking, preserved neither of these terms, although both appear to have strong affinities with them.
There can be no doubt that the sterility of distinct species when first crossed, and of their hybrid offspring, depends exclusively on the nature or affinities of their sexual elements.
Pyramid showing the nature of the mouth, and relative rank of the Orders, and the affinities of the Suborders of Insects.
It would be possible to maintain that all our happiness consists in finding sympathies and affinities underlying apparent antagonisms, in bringing harmony out of discord, and order out of chaos.
There is much even in Erigena, whose main affinities were with the East, which forecasts the Reformation.
His Jewish affinities are shown by his calling Plato "an Atticising Moses.
But Eckhart's affinities with Plotinus and Hegel seem to me to be closer than those which he shows with Aristotle and Kant.
Not, of course, that all the affinities seized upon by primitive man proved illusory; but those which were not so ceased to be magical, and became scientific.
The new order crystallizes only as the old is dissolved; and no sooner is the old unity of orders and authorities effectually dissolved than the reconstructive affinities of a new and better unity begin to appear in the solution.
Public life and the Church offer honourable careers; and both of them have traditionalaffinities with literature.
On the other hand, as a creature capable of and craving sympathy, she has affinities with the Mollycoddle.
For the purpose of obtaining light upon the genetic affinities of an organism, a larval stage has as much importance as has the adult stage.
The affinities of both groups seem to be with Pythonomorpha.
The origin and real affinities of these winged reptiles are unknown and they left no descendants.
Their language as observed by Mr. Gallatin, has strong affinities with those of the Etchemins, and of the Micmacs, of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; there are fewer resemblances in its vocabulary to the dialects south of them.
Affinities were denoted and kept up, long after tradition had failed in its testimony.
But Asiatic affinities are only traceable remotely, not demonstrable on any definite line of descent; and all the evidence that language supplies points to a greatly prolonged period of isolation.
So far as physical affinities can be relied upon, the man of America, in all his most characteristic racial diversities, is of Asiatic origin.
The Huron-Iroquois tongue, in its numerous ramifications, as well as some of the native languages that have outlived the last of the races to which they belonged, may preserve traces of affinities as yet unrecognised.
The enduring affinities of long-parted languages of the Old World tell a very different tale.
There, alike in the scientific and in the popular creed, very special and exceptional affinities to man are admitted; and a careful study of their anatomical structure tends to increase the recognised points of analogy.
But wherever the test of linguistic evidence can be obtained their affinities are placed beyond dispute.
But there is another kind of evidence bearing on the question of the affinities of the people first met with by Cartier in 1535, which also has its value here.
Thus far the American philologist has been unable to show any such genealogical relationship pervading the native languages; or to recover specific evidence of affinities to languages, and so to races of other continents.
From these tables the number and kind of relationships or affinities is readily deduced.
Among the standard metals, silver is the principal metal; it has with its affinities a fusing point, which ranges midway between that of iron and lead, being probably about 5000F.
The elective affinities are based upon the polarizibility or transmutability of the Fluid and the Solid into the primary bodies.
Their language, though it certainly shows affinities with the Semitic tongues in its grammar, is utterly dissimilar in its vocabulary: its modern descendant is the Coptic, no longer a spoken dialect.
In like manner, groups of nations, each characterized by distinctive traits derived from affinities of race or of religion, or from other sources, act on each other, and thus help to determine the course of the historic stream.
Recent studies in language, or the science of comparative philology, have thrown light on the origin of mythology, and upon the affinities of different polytheistic religions with one another.
The affinities of this race have given rise to considerable discussion and it has been proposed to connect them with the Muṇḍa tribes of India on one side and with the Malays and Polynesians on the other[243].
The origin and affinities of this art are still the subject of investigation and any discussion of them would lead me too far from my immediate subject.
This third power has regard to neither age nor sex, neither beauty nor ugliness; it is independent of physical or sexual attraction and of affinities of mind and character.
It is, as it were, the beneficent and generous atmosphere in which that attraction and those affinities bathe.
Even if at last we awake to a sense of the present glory of Christ with the suddenness of Thomas, yet in any case this must be the result of purified spiritualaffinities and leanings.
Polypterus has also marked affinities in this direction, e.
Of the larval forms included in the above list a certain number are probably without affinities outside the group to which they belong.
The next point to be considered is that of the affinities of the other larval types to these two types.
Old Red Sandstone Ganoids[51] and Chimaera, probably indicates that an extension of our knowledge will bring to light further affinities between the primitive Ganoid and Holocephalous stocks and the Amphibia.
The Lemurs in spite of their affinities with the Primates and Insectivora have, as has been shewn by Milne Edwards and Turner, an apparently very different form of placenta.
The relationships of the six types of larval forms thus briefly characterised have been the subject of a considerable amount of controversy, and the following suggestions on their affinities must be viewed as somewhat speculative.
I have placed at the end of the chapter a few remarks with reference to the affinitiesindicated by the embryology.
Such affinities would seem, on the lines of speculation adopted in this section, to prove that its affinities to the Trochosphere, striking as they appear to be, are secondary and adaptive.
It is difficult, in the face of the peculiar water-vascular vesicle with a dorsal pore, to avoid the conclusion that it has some affinities with the Echinoderm larvae.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affinities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.