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Example sentences for "classmen"

Lexicographically close words:
classischen; classless; classman; classmate; classmates; classroom; classrooms; classy; clastic; clat
  1. Half a dozen of his classmen had already lifted him in their arms, and a moment later they were carrying him, hurt, helpless, still unconscious, across the moonlit campus to his room.

  2. But under the severely repressive policy of the faculty, aided by a growing feeling among upper classmen against the barbarous and unmanly custom, the practice had nearly died out.

  3. The Senior and junior classes which, in American colleges dictate in these affrays, found their dignity toppling, and in consequence there was a sudden oncome of the entire force of upper classmen football players naturally in advance.

  4. The upper classmen were swift, harsh and hard.

  5. By Saturday night the first classmen knew who had passed.

  6. Yet, every spring dozens of Annapolis first classmen are miserable, instead of feeling the joyous appeal of the budding season.

  7. Midshipman Clairy had ordered no less than eight first classmen to put themselves on report for offenses that none of them would admit having committed.

  8. Page had five first classmen on the scene in a few minutes.

  9. I want to round up a lot of under classmen and make them tire their arms out saluting me.

  10. These were donned by first classmen only in honor of the class german, which the members of the three lower classes do not attend.

  11. I expected that the upper classmen would kill Danny Grin before he ever got over being a fourth classman.

  12. Now our young first classmen were in for another thrill---the pleasure of wearing officers' uniforms for the first time.

  13. Had there been only book studies some of the first classmen would have broken down under the nervous strain.

  14. Some of these first classmen were twenty-four years of age, others from twenty to twenty-two.

  15. A motion to adjourn was offered and carried, after which the first classmen hurried from the room.

  16. This privilege is limited to upper-classmen who do Society.

  17. Upper-classmen do not appreciate them in Freshmen.

  18. As quickly as could be Dick got the upper classmen away from the girls, at the lower end of the hall.

  19. Somehow, none of the upper classmen seemed to think it strange for young Prescott thus to take command.

  20. With all consideration for his injured hand the upper classmen rushed him out of the school grounds, onto the street, holding him aloft in the post of honor.

  21. Usually, four or five upper classmen ran with the hounds to decide upon "captures" in case of dispute.

  22. He seemed anxious to be on especially good terms with all of the upper classmen with whom he usually associated.

  23. There were six upper classmen running with the hounds.

  24. This these two husky first classmen were well able to do.

  25. Seniors and upper middle classmen cheered their respective candidates, and hurled taunts across the hall.

  26. Nor was more than a look at the two rear fourth classmen needed to enable any wondering midshipmen to guess the nature of the offense with which the remaining eleven upper classmen were to be charged.

  27. All except the fourth classmen present will at once fall in by twos outside," commanded Lieutenant Preston, closing the notebook and slipping it away.

  28. Fourth classmen Flint and Austin were not long in making themselves presentable.

  29. A host of fourth classmen and some from the upper classes had been dropped immediately after the examinations, but Dave and Dan and all their more intimate friends in the brigade had pulled through.

  30. In some underground way Farley and Page heard the straight story concerning Dave and Dan; how the two upper classmen had gone to the room and Darrin had entered a mild protest against the hazing.

  31. As soon as the upper classmen had departed, the commandant took Flint and Austin in hand, questioning them keenly and making notes of the more important answers.

  32. Joyce, Page and several other second classmen were standing in a group when Dave strolled in their direction.

  33. The trousers of the two fourth classmen were rather liberally overlaid with dust, showing that they must have been performing some rough stunts on the floor.

  34. When Dalzell and I were fourth classmen we weren't troubled at all by the youngsters after Christmas.

  35. The two second classmen closed in furiously.

  36. As it happened, the two second classmen with whom Jetson had been talking had now left the sulky midshipman, who, at this moment, was coming down the walk in Dave's direction.

  37. The upper classmen in the dormitories haven't come back for the term yet.

  38. We are going to take advantage of the empty courts now before the upper classmen get here.

  39. The upper classmen looked with the utmost distaste upon such familiarity.

  40. Several upper classmen had come down to watch the Freshmen get their first instructions.

  41. Most of the girls did it in fun, the fun that upper classmen usually have with a Freshman, but one girl in particular seemed to personally resent Gale.

  42. Marcia was deliberately picking an open quarrel and the upper classmen fully realized the position of the Freshmen.

  43. The upper classmen spectators were getting a lot of enjoyment out of the scene.

  44. A couple of upper classmen returning nodded to him, and he flung back an abrupt "Hello," without distinguishing them.

  45. Several upper classmen came hurriedly over to his corner, slapping him on the back, volunteering advice.

  46. He felt the fire of amazed glances, the lower classmen looking up at the big man of the junior class in disgrace, his own friends puzzled and uncomprehending.

  47. Some distance down the quadrangle stood Brayton and Spurlock, first classmen and captains in the cadet battalion.

  48. Yet everyone of these plebes received many a handshake from the upper classmen and a hearty good wish for success in life.

  49. To just what this scene might have led it is impossible to say, but just at that instant Anstey and two other second classmen came into the room, and the turnback seized the opportunity to get away.

  50. The two first classmen turned their backs, walking slowly off.

  51. Then," declared Brayton, "the whole thing is something for you second classmen to settle among yourselves.

  52. Other first classmen crowded in for these returning furlough men were popular throughout the upper classes.

  53. We asked for a room together, and second classmen generally have what we want in that line.

  54. Then followed dress parade, after which came supper, and the first classmen at West Point were through with the last day of full duty in gray!

  55. Very rarely, indeed, the silence is given to a cadet; it is more especially applicable if he be a cadet officer who is in the habit of reporting his fellow classmen for what they may consider insufficient breaches of discipline.

  56. Durville, as a matter of policy, did not attend, but there were not wanting first classmen who looked upon Durville as a sacrifice, and who were fully capable of presenting his side of the case at the meeting.

  57. But that trouble blew over when the first classmen found themselves wrong in something of which Jordan had accused Prescott.

  58. But presently he began to wonder, a little, that none of the fellows dropped around for a chat, for he was aware that a number of the first classmen were not booked for the hop that night.

  59. But I want to get you and a half a dozen other representative first classmen together," wheedled Jordan.

  60. Through the ranks, wherever first classmen walked, excitement was seething.

  61. After that, the last dress parade in which the present first classmen would ever take part as cadets.

  62. Like so many figures operated by machinery, the first classmen rose, throwing right legs over saddles, then settling down in the seat.

  63. And amused upper classmen made laughing guesses as to the outcome of the campaign.

  64. The brigade was formed with the band on the right; next came the first classmen about to be graduated, without arms.

  65. Later, when the first classmen were all gone and the corridors were deserted, Third Classman Blunt might have been seen to slip into room number 23, the divisional officers' room.

  66. The first classmen immediately assumed charge of their various commands.

  67. After the football game the reason for his dismissal from the squad became noised about, and Bligh felt he was ignored by upper classmen and shunned by his own class.

  68. In the last of May a crew of first classmen from each company will go out into the bay and will fire at a regulation target with the 'Nevada's' six-pounder guns under the regular target practice conditions.

  69. There's no reason, no reasonable reason why the second and third classmen should not go," protested Third Classman Blunt at supper.

  70. The first classmen dashed to the Maryland Avenue gate and here were met by streams of lower class midshipmen, starting to drag out the different hose reels.

  71. The first class german took place that night in the Armory, and only first classmen and their chosen partners went on the floor.

  72. The freshmen were given white robes such as the upper-classmen were wearing, the president excepted, who wore a really handsome robe of blue and silver.

  73. Hugh and Carl received a great many calls from upper-classmen the first term, and Hugh had been astonished at Carl's reticence and silence.

  74. While the upper-classmen were singing the last stanza the freshmen slowly closed in on the dying fire.

  75. He loved his blue cap and its orange button; he loved the upper-classmen who called him freshman and ordered him around; he loved the very trunks that he lugged so painfully up-stairs.

  76. Upper-classmen were standing on their chairs to get free throwing room.

  77. As the under-classmen departed, the alumni began to arrive.

  78. The upper-classmen were quiet and businesslike, but most of the freshmen were frankly terrified.

  79. They caught him and held him fast until the Tuxedo-clad upper-classmen rushed down from the veranda and had him by the arms.

  80. Orders went out from the upper-classmen that all freshmen put on their baby bonnets, silly little blue caps with a bright orange button.

  81. Both the freshmen and the upper-classmen were too tired to keep the enthusiasm at the proper pitch.

  82. He thought perhaps it was because he was an athlete and Carl wasn't; but the truth was, of course, that the upper-classmen perceived the nouveau riche quality in Carl quite as clearly as he did himself.

  83. The first classmen as they poured in upon the scene, furious and out of breath, took in the situation in one glance.

  84. Mark took his departure soon after that; he set out for camp, revolving in his mind all sorts of impracticable schemes for outwitting the first classmen that night.

  85. Along both sides of the streets walked a crowd of onlookers: upper-classmen in flannel clothes seeming mildly interested in what was to them an old story; little town boys in short trousers shouting "Ray for de Freshmans!

  86. We thought we'd go some place where we could have an extra room to loaf and read the papers in, like the upper-classmen clubs, besides getting better grub, even if we have to pay a little more for it.

  87. He thought they were upper-classmen and knew ever so much, and were looking at him.

  88. His unclenched hands were stuck out awkwardly in front of him; it made the upper-classmen in the windows shout with laughter; some of the Sophomores in the ring giggled excitedly.

  89. The door of one of the rooms along the hall had been ajar; two upper-classmen within had just put out their lights to go to bed, the whole scene had been enjoyed, and before Channing was many days older the whole college was to know the story.

  90. So it was that when the grades were posted Dave scanned the D's in the list of third classmen who had passed.

  91. Fourth classmen are always addressed as "mister," and they must use the same "handle to the name" when addressing upper classmen.

  92. Ere all the guns had been fired from the flagship, the third classmen received the rising signal; the class marched out and was dismissed.

  93. Then came a hurried skeltering, for the first, second and third classmen were entitled to leave during the month of September.

  94. A few very bright youngsters went along all right, but to most of the third classmen graduation began to look a thousand years away.

  95. All third classmen report to the quarter-deck immediately!

  96. In their time, apparently, it was the custom for the upper-classmen to send grewsome notices to the Freshmen, telling them what would happen if they did n't have a punch in their rooms on that occasion.

  97. The night wore on, and in the shadows of several buildings the upper classmen who had originated the joke on the two freshmen, looked on and chuckled in mirth.

  98. Porter indignantly, as the upper classmen made their appearance.

  99. His upper classmen patronizingly smile upon him, while his natural enemy, the Soph, taunts and teases him, but is sometimes brought down and punished by his strong, young arms.

  100. It was the old story of weakness, ignorance, and a desire to emulate his upper classmen and be a man.

  101. But at the Academy it was considered a breach of respect to the upper-classmen for the lower-classmen to carry canes.

  102. Third- classmen have to give way to the upper classmen on account of their superior rank, and are able to march in the front rank only when put there or allowed to remain there by the file-closers.

  103. There are certain privileges accorded to first-classmen which the other classes do not enjoy.

  104. In this case they hedged me in between the two plebes to prevent upper classmen from falling in next to me.

  105. The duties of first-classmen in first-class camp are as follows: The officer of the day and two officers of the guard are detailed each day from the class.

  106. Some are also so very haughty: they will admit only first- classmen to their acquaintance and favor.

  107. Sometimes also two first-classmen are required to assist at the siege or sea-coast batteries.

  108. Still first-classmen do have many duties to perform, but there is withal one consolation at least, there are no upper classmen to keep the plebe or yearling in his place.

  109. It was not, however, until the 30th of August that the upper classmen were disembarked.

  110. They had heard much of the severe way upper classmen at the Naval Academy have of taking all the freshness out of a new man, and, like Dave, these other candidates scented plenty of trouble ahead for cheerful, grinning Dan Dalzell.

  111. It was the last night before the upper classmen were due back from their leave.

  112. There are no second classmen in summer encampment, until just before the time to break camp and return to barracks for the following academic year.

  113. A few of the third classmen became almost inveterate hazers.

  114. The upper classmen don't make the plebe wretched.

  115. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "classmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.