They may be due to some half-dozen other infections.
Numerous attempts have been made to show that appendicitis is particularly likely to follow typhoid fever, rheumatism, influenza, tonsilitis, and half a dozen other infectious or inflammatory processes.
That evening as Sylvane was sitting around the mess-wagon with a dozen other cowpunchers, a stranger came walking from the direction of Gladstone.
It gave him an opportunity to get acquainted with his own men and with the cowpunchers of half a dozen other "outfits.
It is like dancing and theatre-going, and a dozen other questions.
There is no 'thus saith the Lord' about it, any more than there is about having company, and going out to tea, and a dozen other things.
I have the bread to mix and a dozen other things to do, and I can't help you a bit.
He went up to Mrs. Horn for a moment's hail and farewell, and felt himself subtly detained by her through fugitive passages of conversation with half a dozen other people.
There were not above a dozen other people in the room, and Basil contrasted the scene with that which the same place formerly presented.
Chatting is pleasant in the evening, and does not interfere with a dozen other occupations.
One can lounge and read all day, or take a walk, or do a dozen other things.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dozen other" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.