Do you remember the big classroom that served almost every purpose?
As the classroom they had selected was in a remote part of the building, there was little immediate chance of detection.
All the study and classroom boys were expected to go away during this interval; but Eric, not noticing Mr Rose's entrance, sat gossiping with Wildney about the dinner and its possible consequences to the school.
Footnote: The chief works of English and American literature are now widely published in inexpensive editions prepared especially for classroom use.
In VB classroom the girls hung about disconsolately.
They accepted the invitation with alacrity, and came trooping in to the rival classroom with pleased anticipation in their faces.
At four o'clock, instead of going straight from their classroomto their practising, Deirdre and Dulcie decided to indulge in the luxury of a run round the grounds first.
The silence rules and the orderly march in step from classroom to lecture hall filled her with dismay.
The Upper Fourth, under Doreen's superintendence, had just filed from its own classroom to attend a Shakespeare lecture by the Principal.
I saw Helen Roper and Doreen Tristram sneak into our classroom yesterday when no one was there, at dinner-time.
An effective teacher in normal periods is always busy with his supervision of home-project work, preparation of material for classroom teaching, gathering of laboratory exhibits, etc.
To those who have recently come into the class there will be given special work in the classroom which they may practice outside of school hours and which they can follow for full time during the summer.
He knew all the tricks of classroom control and smooth community relations.
And the tenth grade math teacher was almost driven to distraction by a classroom discussion of the algebraic symbology equating matter and time--all of which was entirely over his head.
The Women's Home Missionary Society of this same church had the excellent policy of establishing homes for girls where, in addition to purely classroom work, they would be taught the principles of home making and Christian womanhood.
In the classroom of the normal school for teachers, he was one of the beloved pupils of Dr.
Her American History class had gone to its classroom and she picked up her textbook and walked down the assembly, inquiring eyes following her, wondering why she had been called into the superintendent's office.
I will," promised Margaret as she turned to the classroom where the tryouts were to be held.
But ten minutes before school was out Friday a note was brought into the classroom from the principal's office.
After the third day the blackboard had been erased and the classroom released for its regular classes.
If, on the other hand, you go into a classroom you will find the shop is brought into the classroom just as the classroom has been brought into the shop.
In the early days of the school there was a student by the name of Jailous Perdue whom Mr. Washington constantly encouraged and in whom he never lost faith in spite of his almost total failure to master his classroom work.
Thus did Booker Washington plan to carry the benefits of classroominstruction directly into the actual life problems of these graduates as well as to bring the problems of actual life into the classroom.
No teacher ever had a more intimate classroom than mine.
In the classroom anything may be discussed without embarrassment.
Mr. Hanbury had been out to see the ground-man on some cricket business, and consequently came up to his classroom by that abominable "alternative route.
One day he caught and expelled from the classroom a troublesome bumblebee, and, much to his surprise, was awarded a Special Task-Ticket by the grateful Miss Amelia.
The kindergarten babies did not return to school in the afternoon, so their little classroomwas empty.
Surveying instruments, their history and classroom use.
But to Jim, caught up in the wearisome classroom grind, the days held no glimmer of light.
College, with all the horror of the classroom ten times worse since knowing the better things.
Lecturing, so far as used, is best woven informally into the classroom discussions.
However, since physical chemistry, as already stated, delves into the philosophical field, discussions in the lecture hall and classroom become of peculiar importance.
Success in this field is proved when men go direct from theclassroom to such a desk.
Classroom methods--The lecture= Of classroom methods, perhaps all that are employed in other subjects find application also in psychology, some teachers preferring one and some another.
And as everybody knows, French and Spanish are not learned in a day, nor, indeed, if we judge by the average graduate of our colleges, in four years of classroom work.
The apprentice teacher would, naturally, do the least classroom teaching during his first year, and the most during his last.
The classroom and the library should create interest and enthusiasm for further laboratory work, and in turn the laboratory work should yield results that will finally manifest themselves in the form of good written reports.
In the early years of their teaching this sympathetic and kindly understanding was fresh and strong, and they used it in their classroom and wove it into the tissue of their tutorial activities.
Here the success in the classroom is the one great goal, and the mathematical knowledge required is comparatively very modest.
In the classroomhe was holding his own; he was a good mathematical scholar, he prepared the lessons thoroughly, and he found it generally easy to keep order by assigning problems to be worked out in class.
On subsequent evenings they would have to employ this period in studying, but as yet no lessons had been assigned; the classroomwork had not begun.
In regular classroom work the instructor may serve as presiding officer, or some member of the class may be chosen or appointed.
In classroom debates it is a good distribution of responsibility to make all the members not participating in the speaking act as judges and cast votes in rendering a decision.
The following list will suggest short plays suitable for informal classroom training in dramatics.
Annabel Jackson came out of a classroom and joined the group.
At nine forty-five she left the classroom and went straight to Mrs. Goodwin's room, but Mrs. Goodwin was not in.
Those who knew her best declared that her stern demeanor was a professional veneer, put on in the classroom for the sake of discipline, and that underneath she was intensely human and feminine.
Nor can it be treated in the classroom manner, as if wisdom were being dispensed to schoolboys.
What matters is that it be made a receptacle for everything that one hears, reads or sees which may be of possible future value in the preparation of classroom work.
This points to the public library, and to close cooperation between it and the school, rather than to the expansion of the classroom library.
And even so far as the special classroom library is concerned, it must be evident that a large general collection of books that may be drawn upon freely is a useful supplement.
But while the classroom is busied, patiently, sedulously doling him out silver, he discovers that there is gold lying all around, which he may take without asking.
The classroom at its best is hardly equal to a good book; from its very nature it must address an abstract average rather than the individual, while a good book startles us with the intimacy of its revelation to ourselves.
The classroomwas at the back of the house, and overlooked a small paved courtyard.
In spite of his lowered tone, his voice rose up clearly to the classroom window above.
Afternoon preparation was over, and most of the girls had left the classroom for a chat and a stroll round the playground until the tea-bell should ring.
Braithwaite, should be constantly in use in theclassroom as furnishing concrete illustration of the principles discussed in books like mine.
In that case the classroom discussions may begin with chapter II.
There is also some additional illustrative material, and I have indicated a few hints for classroom exercises, following methods which have proved helpful in my own experience as a teacher.
I also suggest for classroom discussion the following brief passages from recent verse, printed without the authors' names: 1.