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Example sentences for "silly little"

  • Silly Little Brook, ‘why, where have I gone?

  • I might have a piece of the ‘Silly Little Brook,’” said Phronsie, standing quite still by the table.

  • Never, during the whole course of their acquaintance, had his mind been so much occupied with the pretty, silly little creature.

  • And then Fanny, though very pretty, was "a silly little thing," she said to herself with great candour.

  • I mean to be good, and contented, and helpful; but I know I am only a silly little thing.

  • Nobody else has such a "mamma," to say nothing of silly little Amy, or Charlotte, or Miss Morville.

  • For that matter, I don't think any one else would be good enough to take care of such a silly little thing.

  • With his property, those moors to shoot over, his own master, and with health to enjoy it, there are plenty who would change with him for all your pity, my silly little Amy.

  • I freed my mind about a silly little thing, and he was offended.

  • Of course you don't, love; you were only a silly little goose.

  • What was there so marvelously precious in the picture of a silly little girl?

  • Now this was all immensely flattering, for Flora was quite grown up, and Ermengarde had already lost her silly little heart to her.

  • She had been a silly little fool to stand so aloof, just because she was poor and lived in a faded locality.

  • Of course it hurt; she was a silly little fool, and all that.

  • A silly little fool, too, to suppose that so keen a mind as Cutty's would not see through the artifice!

  • You're a silly little child," he repeated sternly.

  • So she said yesterday--silly little thing!

  • You're a silly little baby," he repeated resentfully.

  • I know I'm a silly little girl, and I'll stay with you till I'm fit to take care of myself.

  • I made a 'pome' yesterday, when I was helping Hannah wash, and as Father likes my silly little things, I put it in to amuse him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "silly little" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    breathless suspense; bred people; but being; civil service; effect their safety and; fortified town; fortunate enough; heroic deeds; hundred years; imploring voice; large fire; midsummer fire; piano nobile; public sale; question about; silly little; taken from; then desired; transshipment point for cocaine and marijuana; watch the; you really; young friends