He came soon after breakfast to pay his respects to my lady, and alighted at the door with great attendance and endless jingling of bits and spurs.
He gave a short, sharp word of command; a sudden jingling of bridles followed; the troop walked forward, broke into a trot, and in a twinkling disappeared down the road in a cloud of dust.
I waited until they were gone--clanking and jingling down the stairs; and then, about the hour at which I usually went to take orders before retiring, I knocked at the door.
The young lord agreed, and a moment later the general with his jingling attendants took his leave and clattered out and mounted before the door.
The Turkish crescent or "jingling Johnny," as it was familiarly called in the British army bands, was introduced by the Janissaries into western Europe.
On this very morning--upon which opens the second act of my drama, I found her sitting at the next table to mine, chiding one of the jingling little dogs for his disobedience.
The noses of her little dogs with the jingling bells were now contentedly immersed in a bowl of milk.
Often she came there accompanied by her groom and the three little dogs with the jingling bells, who enjoyed the warm milk and the run back of the fleet hoofs of her saddle-horse.
To the high and mighty they present wine, or a capon, or money discreetly jingling in the depths of a silken purse.
The honest Tusser sets out the usage in jingling rhyme: Grant haruest lord more by a penie or twoo to call on his fellowes the better to doo: Giue gloues to thy reapers, a larges to crie, and dailie to loiterers haue a good eie.
Before them sown plains, gulches full of mist, and the tremulous lights on many carts that jogged along, each behind threejingling slow mules.
A cart drawn by four mules tandem led by a very minute donkey with three strings of blue beads round his neck was jinglingpast along the road.
There have been the Romans and the Visigoths and the Moors and the French--armed men jinglingover mountain roads.
It was no love of laughter; no love of jingling words; no love of triflings or pretty affectations.
Lemonade and eau-de-groseille are measured out at every corner of every street, from fantastic vessels, jingling with bells, to thirsty tradesmen or wearied messengers.
We live among bankers and City big-wigs, and be hanged to them, and every man, as he talks to you, is jingling his guineas in his pocket.
Mr. Osborne said to his clerk, snapping his big fingers, and jingling all the guineas and shillings in his great pockets as he eyed his subordinate with a look of triumph.
Are there not moments when one grows sick of grinning and tumbling, and the jingling of cap and bells?
She heard the jingling of a horse's bit and knew that the rider was very near.
And with that he flung the jingling pieces of steel upon the table, took up his helmet, and passed out into the fierce glare of the little parade-ground.
He was aroused in the morning by a heavy rumbling and jingling along the highway overlooked by the window, the front wall of the house being shaken by the reverberation.
Prom tinkling bridle chain and jingling spur, to the coiled riata, his equipment showed the unmistakable marks of use.
He and Susie were jingling over the snow behind the sorrel colt, and it was a long way home before they returned to the house.
The red cutter was jingling away down the road before the black span was in motion, but somehow the two sets of passengers reached Cobbleville at about the same time.
It runs to as much eccentricity in hair-dressing and ornament in the costume of the jingling belles of Nootka and the maidens of Nubia as in any court or coterie which we aspire to imitate.
We stowed ourselves into the rigid box, bade a sorrowing good-night to the landlady and her daughters, who stood at the inn door, and went jingling down the street towards the open country.
He wakes up about three or four o'clock, and his attention is then attracted by the jingling of a hansom bell below.
I was going to turn in when I heard thejingling of a hansom bell down below.
The window was open at the top, and he had distinctly heard the jingling of a hansom bell.
In front of the car Edward Billings Henry raced limpingly on his stone toe back to the curb and to the man jingling the coins in his pocket.
The man was jingling a lot of loose coins in his pocket.
Day broke, and I found myself richer by some tumblers of the very strongest whisky punch, a confounded headache, and two-and-eightpence in bad copper jingling in my pocket.
The crash of plates and knives, the jingling of glasses, the popping of champagne corks, told that the attack had begun, had not even the eager faces of those nearer the door indicated as much.
To try a throw with the dice," said Allegrignac, jingling the money in his purse.
But the horses shied as he came near, and began to tremble so violently, that the jingling of their accoutrements attracted the attention of Charlemagne and his suite.
The pony came, sleek and plump and with a string of jingling bells adorning him.
Just when his own people far away in Canada were gathering about the blazing fire or jingling over the crisp snow in sleighs and cutters, the great winter rains commenced.
Jack left off jinglinghis keys; he did not like being "rubbed down," but he submitted to the process with great good-humour.
He marched down the passage, jingling his keys with an air of defiance; but when he entered the visitors' room, and saw the bright smile with which his aunt greeted his appearance, he dropped the swagger and became stolidly polite.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jingling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.