The Druid bards had their vestments of blue, while the star-gazers and leeches went in green.
The relations between sacerdotal and civic authority may be seen in the vestments of the church (chasuble, alb, stole), which probably were once the official garments of magistrates.
On the right and left those suffragans of Canterbury who had taken the oath were ranged in gorgeous vestments of scarlet and miniver.
The hands were placed over the haunches, the arms twisted, and on the girdle were indications that the vestments were fastened with buttons.
You may be sure we shall have the best vestments out every day, and she will be able to have any amount of private interviews behind our backs.
Hasn't she been put into the sacristy just before Father Ambrose's visit; now she will be able to put out his vestments herself.
And Evelyn understood her jealousy, lest any other hands but hers should lay the vestments out that he was to wear, and she turned her head so that Veronica might not think she was being watched.
There were two windows, lattice panes, and these let the light fall upon the counter, along which the vestments were laid for the priest.
And the vestments turned the talk back to Father Ambrose.
Veronica took the vestmentsout of her hand, a pretty colour coming into her cheeks as she did so.
It's not fair to administer such a shock to a remote country parish like Wivelrod, especially when they're just beginning to get used to the vestments I gave them.
The only indulgence he accorded to his senses was in the forms and ceremonies of his ritual, the vestments and furniture of his church.
Oh, and Brother Birinus, weren't you saying the other day that the green vestments were rather faded?
We havevestments during the week, but not at the mid-day Celebration.
Mark found Brother Birinus in the Sacristy, putting away the white vestments in the press.
The early inventories all record the splendour of the vestments used in public worship, and show how pearls, precious stones, and even ancient cameos, all rendered more beautiful by exquisite settings, were employed for their enrichment.
Such ornaments as buckles, and brooches or morses, for the belts of knights or the vestments of ecclesiastics, were produced in considerable numbers at Limoges, and found their way all over the north-west of Europe.
The garments of the clergy at this period were richly embroidered, so much so, as to excite the admiration of the pope, and induce him to issue a bull to the English priests, enjoining them to procure him vestments equally gorgeous.
The clergy wore vestments symbolical of their offices, each form and colour having its significant meaning.
The solidity and strength of the building, and the fact that it was undoubtedly the store house for the vestments and treasures of the church, leaves little doubt that the supposition is true.
And there was that of Monsignor Brando, struck down in his sacerdotalvestments at St. Peter's itself, in the very sacristy, during vespers!
In these vestments of the Church the tall old man of seventy retained the proud bearing of a prince, clean shaven, but still boasting an abundance of white hair which streamed in curls over his shoulders.
Ethel say -- Thou wouldst not take the vestments from my heart Nor more than I would tear the veil from thine.
The beautiful story of Thabor Fifty years agone thrilled thy young heart, When wearing white vestments of glory, And up the "high mountain apart".
Is as fresh and as strong in its virtue As in the five decades agone Thy young hands were touched with its unction, And thy vestments of white were put on.
Feast of the Sacred Heart Two lights on a lowly altar; Two snowy cloths for a Feast; Two vases of dying roses; The morning comes from the east, With a gleam for the folds of the vestments And a grace for the face of the priest.
The foolish man once more assumes that the vestments exist for themselves, as ultimate facts, and that they have a value of their own.
Indispensable these vestments are; for without them society would collapse in anarchy, and humanity sink to the level of the brute.
The vestments of the priests were the same as those worn by our clergymen, and the commencement of the service also closely resembled the ritual of our own Church; but soon this resemblance ceased.
They had vessels and vestments for the Holy Sacrifice.
While he was putting on his vestments the people and the archbishop were seated in the church.
The needlework of the vestments stands out as the most beautiful in history.
Originally, a napkin; later, an ornamental band or scarf worn upon the left arm as a part of the vestments of a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
Crosses, plate and sacerdotal vestments are among the treasures.
His purple vestments supply an effect of fine colour, which contrasts with the dull white cowls and frocks of the brothers.
It is necessary that these vestments be at once of perfect propriety and correctness, magnificently rich, and of the greatest elegance.
It would be sufficient to transmit to him a small sum of money for the purchase of some European clothing; for he has lost all his Indian vestments in the shipwreck.
The golden lamps borne around the canopy added to the gorgeousness, the vestmentsof the clergy corresponded; and as every one in the procession carried a light, it was like a stream of fire quivering along the Place.
Besides this mystical signification, the vestments also have a representative meaning.
But the church, ever mindful of her mission of teaching, could not let such vestmentsbe mere ornaments, however fitting and seemly.
She who is too thin, let her wear clothes of thick texture; and let her vestments hang loosely from her shoulders.
Tiberius withdrew this privilege from the Jews, and ordered the priests' vestments and ornaments to be burnt.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vestments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: cloth; clothes; garments; gear; habit; robe; vestment