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Example sentences for "three ounces"

  • Let it become cold, and add to it three ounces of sugar, two pounded macaroons, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and mix all well together.

  • Put in a saucepan on the fire four yolks of eggs, three ounces of sugar, a teacupful of black coffee, and half a glass of cream.

  • Put in a saucepan three sherry-glasses of water, three ounces of butter, the juice of half a lemon, and a pinch of salt and white pepper.

  • Boil them with two or three ounces of hops to three or four gallons of water, and two or three raw potatoes, pared and cut in slices.

  • To make a dye of it, allow for half a pound of it three ounces of alum, and one of cream of tartar, and six gallons of water.

  • The fatty substances of easy digestion may, without inconvenience, be utilized in doses of two to three ounces.

  • Two or three ounces of fruit; one kind of pastry; one cup of tea.

  • A pleasant form of potted food is made by pounding together in a mortar a pound of cheese, three ounces of quite fresh butter, and half a table-spoonful each of castor sugar and made mustard.

  • Boil a small piece of crushed ginger, a quarter of a nutmeg grated, and two or three ounces of sugar in a quart of strong ale.

  • Rub a few lumps of sugar over the outer peel of a lemon, and place this, with the juice of the lemon, in a jug or bowl, together with enough sugar to make up to three ounces.

  • You will produce a much more violent commotion if you double or treble the quantity of the last experiment; suppose you put two or three ounces of the mixture into the shovel.

  • Dissolve an ounce of fine silver in three ounces of strong aqua fortis, in a glass bottle.

  • If you cannot obtain cream, take rich unskimmed milk, and add to it three ounces of the best fresh butter divided into three parts, each bit rolled in arrow-root or rice-flour.

  • Blanch, in boiling water, three ounces of shelled bitter almonds, afterwards throwing them into cold water.

  • Then, while it is boiling hot, stir in three ounces of powdered loaf-sugar.

  • The simple Mixture is composed of five Ounces of Treacle Water camphorated, of three Ounces of Spirit of Tartar rectified, and one Ounce of Spirit of Vitriol.

  • But filled, as we propose it should for the Sick, it is to be estimated only at three Ounces.

  • Take three Pints of simple Barley Water, add to it three Ounces of the Juice of Sow-thistle, or of Groundsel, or of the greater Houseleek, or of Borage.

  • Four ounces of Platina, three ounces of Silver, one ounce of Copper.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three ounces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    human bein; three and; three arches; three books; three cloves; three cups; three dayes; three days after the; three divisions; three estates; three eyes; three fingers; three hundred and thirty; three hundred thousand more; three knots; three miles; three million; three pieces; three specimens; three squadrons; three states; three thousand; three weeks; three were; three white; three words