In the case of the first that is obvious; but it is worth while pointing out that it is also true of the second.
This is also true of a bill consolidating and reducing the number of elections, and of one providing for full citizenship and an educational qualification as requisites for suffrage.
And this is also true of the very rapid growth during the first years of a child's life.
In the first period of childhood, the cranium is very low in comparison to its width; this is also true of dwarfs.
What is true of this commandment is also true of them all.
What is true in the reproductive life of plants is also true in the reproductive life of man.
It was distinctly acid, which is also true of the fatty material obtained from a sample of colchicum seed.
What is true of leucorrhea is also true of all other functional troubles affecting the female genital canal; they are all treated best by astringents and antiseptics.
It is also true, however, that the growth may continue to advance in spite of their presence.
What we have observed of lineal values is also true of numerical values expressed in series.
The principle is true subjectively, because it is founded on our ideas; but it is also true objectively, because in these cases objectiveness is necessarily joined with subjectiveness.
It is also true that a strange observer conceives the me only in time, that is, if one man reflects on the soul of another man, he conceives it only in time.
The railways of the State of New York are taken, but the same is also true of those of Ohio: Chart V.
Now, this is also true of gold and silver, considered as articles of expenditure for ornament and luxury; but it is not true of money.
This is also true in the case of the pumping percolator, and any other device wherein the solution is caused to pass directly into steam at the point where heat is applied.
This is also true of vessels running on the west coast of Central America and of those from Aden.
That this is often the case is doubtless true, but it is also true that in many cases one idea suggests another with which it has not previously been associated in our minds.
This is also true, although not to the same extent, among the "breath-band" teachers.
In most practical methods the chest register occupies about the same position; this isalso true of the head register.
In the mechanical sense the traditional precepts have no meaning whatever; this is also true of several of the accepted doctrines of Vocal Science.
But the converse is also true; they have probably forgotten me; but if they remember they laugh.
He has also heard of somebody known as Sir Walter Raleigh; and though his principal possession was a cloak, it is also true that he had a potato, not to mention a pipe of tobacco.
It is also true that, while it is over-emphasised, it is not allowed for.
This is also true of the so-called brokers who advertise to procure working capital for meritorious inventions.
And the same is also trueof combining electro-mechanical devices and of combining chemical elements.
To saw and file out a solid piece of brass would not only take a long time but it would prove a very tedious job; and this is also true of many other parts you will need in the course of making your model.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "also true" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.