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Example sentences for "recounted"

Lexicographically close words:
recouered; recouerie; recouering; recouery; recount; recounting; recounts; recoup; recouped; recouping
  1. Helmar then recounted all that had happened to him from the time he had left Alexandria with the patrol.

  2. The two young men sat and talked in the background, Helmar first giving an account of all that had happened to him, which was punctuated with exclamations of surprise from Osterberg as George recounted his adventures.

  3. Now, Gibbon's eight octavo volumes give us the history of the world for thirteen centuries; that is to say, Gibbon has recounted the history of a century in nearly the same space that Macaulay records the history of a year.

  4. I can hear the loud voice, the honest laugh, see the keen eyes of our old friend as I turn to the admirable vignette portrait in his posthumous Autobiography, and I can almost hear him tell the anecdotes recounted in that pleasant book.

  5. The poor man inspired me with a lively interest, for every thing he had in life was at stake; an immense responsibility rested upon him, and he counted and recounted his mules every minute with an anxiety painful to behold.

  6. On returning to the inn, the lieutenant recounted all that had passed to the officers assembled, who had taken the initiative with their soldiers.

  7. And I recounted my adventure in the ravine with Florencio Planillas.

  8. At length the princess of Deryabar, being somewhat recovered, recounted the adventure of the castle and Codadad's disaster.

  9. Butler carefully interrogated the maiden as to all the particulars of his visit, and she, with the most scrupulous fidelity, recounted the scenes to which she had been a witness.

  10. Linda recounted her tale to which Berk listened attentively.

  11. Then he recounted the episode of the morning, sparing no praise of Mr. Jeffreys, but looking at Miss Ri rather than at Linda as he told the tale over which his hearers were much excited.

  12. He sat at his desk in persistent silence with his strong blue eyes fixed steadfastly upon me while I slowly and carefully recounted the story.

  13. But she has recounted this little scene to you, as you, Françoise, have told me.

  14. He could not recall the matter until I recounted the story, and then only in the vaguest way.

  15. They talked of nice little apartments and vacations in the summer and how much they would save out of his salary, and a thousand and one other things which would not interest you at all if I recounted them in detail.

  16. Florence hurriedly recounted this information to Jo Ann, ending indignantly, "I believe that man was either the mean boss or someone he'd sent to get Carlitos.

  17. Florence quickly recounted all that the mother had told her.

  18. Florence recounted all that Maria had told her and showed both her mother and Peggy the piece of paper with the address which they had seen on the envelope at the cave.

  19. St. Kevin, as recounted by Moore in his ballad, pushed Kathleen into the Lake when she would follow him.

  20. An eye-witness recounted at the time that still the spectators cheered, and again and again the boy saluted, till at length as they would not stop he evidently felt that something more was required, and saluted with both hands.

  21. In short, duke, you thought I would lend my hand to all these social pettinesses, these little vilenesses which you have just recounted with a candor that honors you.

  22. About 1830 there was a mania for animal magnetism in Paris; Lady Louisa Stuart recounted some of the marvels to Sir Walter Scott, who treated the reports with disdain.

  23. And when they came to the king they presented their prisoners, and recounted their adventures, and how they had vanquished their enemies.

  24. How Sir Launcelot came to king Arthur's court, and how there were recounted all his noble feats and acts.

  25. As they walked up the path she recounted rapidly the events of the past two days.

  26. The events which followed the close of that war (recounted in a former chapter) had indeed induced her to alter her determination, and again to espouse their cause.

  27. The cruel proceeding of Anaxibius and Aristarchus, who went so far as to sell four hundred of these soldiers into slavery, has been recounted a few pages above.

  28. Its important effects will be recounted in the coming chapter.

  29. Both Ephorus and Theopompus recounted the opposition to the introduction of gold and silver into Sparta, each mentioning the name of one of the ephors as taking the lead in it.

  30. The discontents against the war (recounted in chap.

  31. I have recounted in my sixty-fifth chapter, the sixteen months of bitter suffering undergone by Athens immediately after her surrender.

  32. Compare Diodorus, xvii, 69; and the prodigious tales of cruelty recounted in Herodot.

  33. Dr Brandram had recounted the incident at Miss Jill's party, and he in turn had confided to his tutor his meeting with Fastnet, and the feeble clue in which that conference had resulted.

  34. And as it afterward left the Filipinas, and was seen in Sunda and the Java channels, so disabled, it seemed impossible for it to navigate, and that it would surely be lost, as was recounted above when treating of this.

  35. Gaspar Gomez also affirmed that the Portuguese were facilitating the enterprise considerably, and recounted the interest and profit that would accrue to his Majesty.

  36. Their religious beliefs and practices are recounted by Morga, who naturally ascribes these to the influence of the devil.

  37. I have recounted this to your Grace, because of the statements in your letter, namely, that people considered them as lost, and so that so singular a case may be known there.

  38. Two women, one young and one elderly, the man's mother and his wife, no doubt, seemed to hang on his lips as he recounted perhaps some deed of valor.

  39. Dido then led her guests to the banquet hall, where they recounted their adventures by land and sea, while partaking of the viands and wines set before them.

  40. After they had quieted down sufficiently to care to hear details, Phil recounted his adventures in the hull of the ship, not even omitting the part where he had stumbled over the dead man's bones.

  41. Phil briefly recounted what he had found, and the narrow escape he had experienced.

  42. He recounted his great actions and his wrongs; and, after bidding his hearers remember, that they were about to decide not only on his honour but on their own, he retired from the House.

  43. We have recounted what appear to us the most important of those changes which the Revolution produced in our laws.

  44. The young Garcilasso listened greedily to the stories which recounted the magnificence and prowess of his royal ancestors, and though he made no use of them at the time, they sunk deep into his memory, to be treasured up for a future occasion.

  45. On this spot he received more explicit tidings of the Peruvian empire, heard proofs recounted of its civilization, and was shown drawings of the llama, which, to the European eye, seemed a species of the Arabian camel.

  46. I only speak what I have heard recounted by my father, the Prince, to my other father, Uel.

  47. Corti told her of the repast at the palace, and recounted the scene at parting.

  48. And taking a seat beside Arabella, according to her orders, she began, and in a low voice recounted all that had occurred.

  49. What I have already recounted about Praesidius and his daggers belongs to this period.

  50. Indeed, I have been forced to conceal the real causes of many of the events recounted in my former books.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recounted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.