Was this lady, restricted by a thousand petty scruples, as well as by her stiff, heavy gala robes, a genuine woman at all?
The thought of bygone, gala nights of opera fastened on him with a peculiar significance--suddenly they seemed symbolic of his lost youth.
The actual, blurred visage accorded ill with his trains of thought; it was out of place among the troops of gala youth.
These were gala days in New France; the whole colony had caught the spirit of the new imperialism.
The fair was Montreal's gala event in every year, for its success meant everything to local prosperity.
The illustration which we give on another page, of a gala night of the "P.
Madaleine, prettier than ever, clad in a gala dress and with bright ribbons in her golden hair, while her rosebud lips are half parted and her blue eyes dancing with joy and excitement, is pacing up and down the room impatiently.
They make gala of the business, and laugh and joke as they ride along.
The inn of Torsonce, beside theGala Water, was our resting-place for the night.
Crossing the Gala we ascended a hill on the road to Selkirk, and behold!
When the blossom on the cherry-trees had withered, the lilac was out, and the apple and pear-trees paraded their gala dress.
All the road between St. James's and Chelsea had a gala air to-night, for 'twas said the old king and the Duke of Cumberland would be at Ranelagh.
Suddenly, kneeling in respect, the bride was seized by several burly men in gala attire.
As soon as the occasion was over, the shoes were laid carefully aside for use upon another gala day.
Surely you can give me a moment of your busy gala day.
It was as though, for this man, too, the gala day, with its tinseled bravery and its confetti spirit, was of the past.
We all felt gala as the herd strung out on the trail.
We were all feeling quite gala anyhow, and this looked like a chance for some sport.
I never saw a man the next day returning, and was feeling quite gala on my good fortune.
And once, when the Regent had gone by in the Royal barge on his way to Richmond, he had come out in gala uniform, and dipped it in a Royal salute in the finest style.
Mrs. Poskett and Ruth had put on their best gowns; the Admiral wore his gala uniform with all his medals, and his three-cornered hat.
Her glance fell upon Landless's face, and there came to her a sudden realization that there were those in the world, to whom life was not one sweet, bright gala day.
But he would not listen, he was not going to pay any attention to her--not in his gala uniform, it would not have been proper.
This was not the way Faraway dressed for gala occasions, but in several respects the trader did not choose to follow the habits of the North.
In the North-West Mounted it was not necessary to make a gala day of it because a constable brought in his man.
Every one appeared at the public spectacles in full gala dress.
At the festivals, even the most insignificant man appeared, so far as his circumstances would permit, in gala dress.
Even when life subsequently became simplified, a cardinal, if he were a prince, still had a right to a gala train of four coaches drawn by black horses.
Everybody was in gala dress and gala humour, nobody more than the mistress of the house; and she had done everything in her power to make the Christmas dinner a gala meal.
She went upon the top of an omnibus to the City street where was her rendezvous, but in her gala suit, her gala hat, and the furs which had nearly broken Mrs. Amber, she felt immensely superior to such humble mode of travel.
The streets were thronged with countless thousands in the most brilliant gala dresses.
The king ordered his suite to be ready, in their gala dresses, to attend him on the morrow to the apartments of the princess.
Then followed the lay officials of the district; dragoons and carabineers and the local police-officials; the Governor in gala uniform, with his brother officers beside him.